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Posts posted by birchy3175

  1. hi was wondering if you could help, i got a tv from bayv 2 years ago and they have had it back 4 times in a couple of months for repair. They then told me i wasn't getting it back as they can not repair it, they were sending me a reconditioned xenius tv, i had a top of the range sanyo, after some discussion they said i can have a new xenius tv, when they delivered it, it was nowhere as good as my sanyo and research shows they are not a reliable tv. I called to say i didn't want it i wanted a tv as good as the sanyo. The manager would not come and speak to me at home and have just been informed they will give me a reconditioned sanyo when they eventually get 1 and i still have to make another years payment on my original tv. When i joined bayv i was told i was covered old for new if it was unrepairable. What should i do

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