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Posts posted by LongHairedLily

  1. Evening everyone,


    I am going to call Tesco in the morning however, I am puzzled.


    I came to a payment arrangement with OPOS mid December for repayment of a CC debt totally 2,500.00.

    I set the payment for 03/01/2023.


    I checked he bank to find payment not taken.

    I went online to make payment manually with their online account portal to find the account closed. 

    I called OPOS and they just said Tesco has asked for the debt to be returned.


    I am really confused. I had already spoke with Tesco the few days before mid December and said  I am willing to pay and wanting to pay please do not give em a CCJ as this would impact my job.


    They are aware of an accident i suffered earlier in the year and personal bereavement  which to be honest has really hit me hard, 2022 was the year from hell.


    I am more clued up on what to say, would anyone have faintest idea why they would do this, when an agreement had been agreed.


    As you can see OPOS were acting and did not buy the debt.

  2. Hi All,


    Hoping you can help me get an idea what is going on or some perspective.


    I have been with my company five years, and in my department 3.5. I have worked so hard and my last appraisal I was above all KPI targets and received a lovely pay increase 8%. My Manager moved a couple of months ago and we got a new Manager (they were promoted from another department we interact with on a daily basis). We started out great and he talked about promotion, asked for ideas, I felt chuffed and valued, now suddenly he does not nothing but scrutinises my work, makes my work more visible than other colleagues, asks me to be assigning my name on all pieces, whereas other don't have to. In teams chat there's no please or thank you and yet he does say it to other colleagues. I am so stressed out. I feel that the only option is to leave or move department, why should I felt so happy. I feel that I am being held to a much higher standard than my peers.

  3. Ethel Street. Not sure what he is looking for, none of the staff are able to read his mind.

    Emmzzi: I actually haven't been in since Monday due back in Saturday as in previous post he's cut my hours...I wouldn't describe myself as not assertive, I never shy from awkward conversations.

    Ericsbrother: I agree, to be honest I would rather fight for the role and win it fair and square than anything else.

  4. Thanks Renegadeimp..When the role became available the Manager had mentioned to my Supervisor he had someone in mind i.e the lady from the other store. She said to him, but you have someone already under your nose who is ideal, to which he relied who? Not sure if he is not in tune with his own staff or focussed on this other person.

  5. Morning All,

    Not so much an issue, more asking for clarification. I work for a retailer plc (2.5 years) and recently a member of staff left leaving a vacancy on my department. I am already experienced and have been using ex colleagues system to keep the role afloat whilst we find a new member of staff. I have applied for the role, as I am already au fait with the role and assisted the ex colleague since I started. I applied before the deadline, I know of another colleague from another store has applied (she has no experience on the department I work), however the role has now been advertised externally yesterday, they didn't do this with recent roles where only two applied internally. My Supervisor said I am ideal and would back me all the way. I am just confused, as I am experienced, I have qualification in the background that assists in the role and a passion for the product. Totally lost on this...

  6. Evening


    Could you put me straight on the issue of holidays.


    My background I work part time for a large home ware

    store, 3 days per week 16 hours, Monday/Thurs and Sat.


    My issue I need to resolve is: If I am taking some of my working days off as holiday, for instance my last time off was -working monday holiday thur back in Saturday..Was my boss within his right to ask me to work the weds of that week? To me that would mean I am not really getting a break?


    What is the point of taking a days holiday if I have to go in the wed so not got a few days off.? I may as well have switched my shift from thurs to wed.


    Background is they have cut my hours to 16 from 20/24 due to new minimum wage. I aslo lost my Father 3 weeks ago and have not taken compassionate leave, as we are short staffed and would feel guilty. I also was shouted at by a manager with another member of staff the manager used profanity on me, this I am seething about.

  7. Hi Blondbubbles


    I informed HMRC online giving my unique code they give you once I was registered self employed. I cannot for the life tell you where that form for notifying them goes, all I got was an automated generated email confirmation from a server with a code on it saying it will be passed on and if I owe national insurance they will notify me. I suppose I just assumed HMRC per-say all spoke to one another.


    On the subject of Tax Credit updates, it specifically asks for PAYE and payroll detail to hand before calling them, I have never heard of this before! I changed jobs in 2013 an they never asked for my employers PAYE then. The ringing up is a nightmare all the gate keeping questions etc. I am working 16 hours and the self emplyed was based on 16 hours.

  8. Hi Ladies and Gents


    Yesterday I started a new part time job and ceased with my Self Employed status. I filled out the HMRC for and received confirmation last night they had received it with a confirmation number. Now I tried to get through to HMRC today, after going through the gate keeping questions it requires me to have PAYE reference and payroll number. I don't have a payroll number yet till next week. Can I still give them all the other details they require omitting the payroll number giving them next week. I just wondered if the ceasation of Self Employed would stop my Working Tax element for next weeks payment on a Thursday. Is one section quick enough to inform the other. I am hoping my working tax will not stop or I will not be able to pay my rent on the second of November.

  9. Hi


    Before I speak to my local council tomorrow I wondered if you could help me with a question. I received a housing benefit review letter with two form. As a sole trader I have to fill in my expenditure form-no problem. The other form is an A/B/C form. Part of the form is asking me to send in 5 weeks pay slips or 1 month payslip. I don't have either as I am self employed and don't have pay slips. Thanks

  10. Hi Caggers


    For anyone who is self employed and claiming WTC they will be subject to scrutiny and have to prove they are effective and working. They also have to earn each week the equivalent to min wage at 24 hours. If not will be stripped of the WTC. I have heard rumourned we will be forced back on to JSA to look for better paid work. Even with UC the rule would have given us 12 months grace to make the business work to that level of profit, no such thing with this new ruling.

  11. Hi Ladies and Gents


    I decided to act upon a letter from Lloyds regarding a PPI claim.


    They sent me a letter in March and one on May advising me they consider I have a claim for PPI compensation.


    I sent the forms back on the 10th of June and


    within a week I received an acknowledgement of receipt of claim along with the literature about complaints etc.


    How long do Lloyds normally take to make a decision about claim applications?


    All previous threads relate to last year and before so nothing of any recent experiences.



  12. Hi Ladies and Gents


    Not sure if anyone has any further information on the UC roll out happening in June across the North West. Could anyone tell me how it is implemented and who is affected first?

    I don't claim JSA as self employed but do claim WTC/CTC, HB and CTC help as a single Parent. As an existing claimant will I be back of the queue.? Thanks!

  13. Sometime ago I requested clarification regarding the removal of courtesy telephones for claimants within the JCP'S. My local MP addressed this question to IDS, now some months later I received a copy of the letter sent to my MP clarifying the situation.


    This is the response below.


    Dear John


    Thank you for your letter of 11 November 2013 on behalf of one of your constituents regarding the withdrawal of Customer Access Phones from the Jobcentres. I apologise for the delay in replying.


    There is an intention to commence the removal of the phones from the (my home town JCP) from April 2014. Research has shown that the main use for the phones is for benefit enquiries, usually concerning when a claimant is due to receive their payment.


    The purpose of the Digital Jobcentre project is to introduce further Web Access Devices that claimants can use for both benefit enquiries and job searches.


    In addition to this, there is also an assisted service available in all Jobcentres where vulnerable claimants who need to use a telephone can do so at a specific desk.


    I hope my reply will reassure your constituent that when the Customer Phones are removed the replacement devices will ensure the service we provide our claimants is enhanced and not compromised.



    The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP


    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions


    This letter has been copied word for word from the letter, with my local JCP removed for privacy of my location.

  14. Hi Jady


    I think maybe I have read it right on HMRC that the paper deadline for this month and the end of Jan 2014 filings are for tax return 2012/2013 April 2012 to April 2013. As I only set up this Sept 2013, I may not be required. As for Tax Credits I will ring to them to clarify what they require.


    I'm going to ring HMRC Self Assessment just to be on the safe side.



  15. Hi Ladies and Gents


    I registered as a Sole Trader with HMRC on the 5th of September. Last week was able to register for Self Assessment.


    The question is when do I complete Self Assessment, I saw paper returns had to be in at the end of this month and online returnees given a couple or so months longer.


    As a newbie do I have to do my Self Assessment end of this month or the date for online returns.

    I will only be less than two months old if I need to do a paper return! Not much to put down.

  16. Hi,


    I signed off on the 5th September, it takes one week for your final JSA payment to hit the bank. I got my final payment on the 12th in the bank. As for WTC it took one week for them to send my new award and my payments should be going in to my bank tomorrow the same date my CTC goes in. Have to say hands up all interested parties, WTC, HB and HMRC (for my self employment) have been superb, very efficient. Sometimes when they act fast they should be applauded. Mind you the paperwork I have been sent today 3 pieces form the same council re HB is needing explaining. Any questions give me a shout! Lily

  17. It was put in a unsuitable manner with the backing of a new manager who was backing her up yet he was nowhere to be seen. If someone is joining in to give advice then they should be privy to witnessing it. Don't get me wrong, if I had been full of beans and bouncing off the walls so be it I would take it on the chin. However I am at present full of cold, banging head and still feeling ropey, so believe me I am very subdued.

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