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Posts posted by unluckyone

  1. Good morning, I really need some guidance and help on a matter that has been going on since March please.


    I work for a local council authority and back in March this year my manager tried to get me to significantly increase my evening overtime working hours without my consent and also without change to my contract even though this would have meant a substantial change to my working hours. When I realised that she was being underhanded, I said I wanted to speak to someone on the council to ensure what she was asking was correct. Needless to say this did not go down well and after many days or her threatening legal implications and much bullying to get me to do it, I declined once more. It was then she threatened to email the entire council (21 members) about me and tell them I had flatly refused to do as I was being told and to support her in her endeavours to 'manage' me and not to enter into any interaction with me again on the matter. She later sent the email. At this stage she also challenged me to file a formal grievance against her if I so wished.


    Having no personnel dept to go to I visited the CAB who advised that she was out of order and to file a formal grievance against her, she was not allowed to change me contractual hours etc without the consent of the council. This I did and what has enfolded can only be described as a farce! The grievance was held by 2 current councillors and found that my manager had not been bullying me and it must have all been in my mind and she was right to do what she did! I appealed the finding and some months later an independent panel found in her favour regarding the bullying as my colleagues refused to back me up. The panel did find that the way she had managed the situation was all wrong. They confirmed she had been wrong to send the email which undermined and embarassed me and the way the whole thing had been handled was disgraceful. The panel suggested the council must decide what the next step forward was but suggested some mediation could be offered to me and my line manager. A findings report was released for the council and she refused to let them see it.


    The original grievance was raised in March this year and during this time I have not been allowed to speak to a single soul at work about the matter. I have been completely isolated, without direction and it has really left me vulnerable. The final straw for me was when a new councillor came into the office 3 weeks ago demanding I go to mediation as the situation was now intolerable and embarrasing for the council. I said I wasn't sure I could attend as the situation had never been resolved (with the manager) after all she did she was never even given a slap on the wrists for her behaviour and now the whole thing has just been swept under the carpet. He demanded I go, if not, the council would have to take further action against me!


    I just can't cope with this any longer, it has been going on far too long as has caused me mental and physical stress, including heart palpitations. I went to see my doctor and she signed me off work for 2 weeks and then a further 1 month since my last visit with work related stress. (She did offer to sign me off back in May when I went to see her but I said I would wait and hope the situation would be resolved.) I have heard nothing from work at all in the last 3 weeks, but this morning received the attached letter quoting new deadlines and grievances etc etc. This is about to send me over the edge I swear, but what should I do, I'm off with stress and they send me more??? I don't know which was to turn. The letter is signed by a councillor on behalf of the staffing committee, but this newly formed committee (Sep 2014) is not a personnel/HR dept and I have no guidance at all. Do I really have to deal with this letter now, it seems like they are adding to my stress. I feel they have caused my current ill health due to their lack of duty and care towards me.


    I feel like walking out. I know that utimately I'll have to go as I no longer trust my manager or the council to stand up to her but in the meantime need some guidance, many thanks in advance to you all. I am happy to answer any questions you might have to clarify the situation.

  2. Well it does say it doesn't contain all the information & if you want more to get in touch with them.


    So they're goading me into sending a SAR ?? If I want more information, then I have to pay ten pounds. I presume that's what you meant by your post.

  3. Received a reply today from Lloyds, well Moorcroft actually.

    Not sure what to make of it so I'll post the link here...






    Its page 1 that interests me, I don't think they're giving me any information that helps at all. I haven't CCA'd Lloyds because its an overdraft, but they've sent this rubbish. Are they trying to make out that this is a statement? No agreement in sight though..

    Many thanks

  4. So basically I need to do a DSAR to welcome in order to get all the information from them. Should I specifically ask for the previous agreement? I've read on the forum that they won't normally send a closed agreement as it's not current. But I know that it should be included in the subject request as it contains data to do with me.


    What do you think??

  5. Hi DX, what they sent me was the agreement, number four on the photobucket, the one that says welcomeagreement in the url. Are you telling me that this means nothing? I'd love it if that's all they got. All I need is someone to tell me its unenforceable and why, then I can rest easy..

    Many thanks

  6. The £1 lewis payment was Howard Cohen creditting the account with the CCA request money! It has been reversed though to be fair.

    I just need someone to look at it as welscum loans seem to be different to everybody else's. i.e signed for at their office, so no cancellation period, fixed sum loan, consolidation of an existing loan etc etc

    The agreement seems to be a standard personal loan agreement that I've seen elsewhere on the site. I suppose the next step is to DSAR them and see what they give me, although I don't hold out much hope of getting the previous agreement that was made before this. I've read some of the other threads and they don't send everything that they should.

  7. Hi, CCA'd welcome via Howard Cohen, and received letter from welcome headed Subject Access Request. I haven't done a DSAR yet. Anyway, they've sent me the current agreement, No T&C's, but they've also sent me a statement. It was signed at their offices.

    I've read quite a bit on welscum, but can't find the answer.


    Is this agreement enforceable?










    Many thanks

  8. Update, Robbers way have passed the Lloyds overdraft account back to Lloyds. Robbers way have said my balance is now nil. Result, I'll just wait for Lloyds to contact me.

    Welscum are playing silly beggars, they replied to my CCA request saying "thanks for the subject access request"!! They sent me an agreement, which I am posting below. They also sent me a statement, again I am posting below. Account in dispute letter sent off via Howard Cohen.


    Link financial have have told me that it will take them more time to get the original agreement from Ford Credit.. account in dispute letter sent off 12+2 days after the CCA request.


    I'd like someone's expert input on the Welcome agreement and statement, I know what I think of them, but would appreciate the expert eye.

    welcome agreement.jpg

    welcome statement 1.jpg

    welcome statement 2.jpg

  9. Many thanks Cerberus, only problem might be that they are asking the OC for the agreement after I CCA'd them. Surely they'll find out about it from there? They've told me that it'll take them 30 days to get the agreement. Do I still send them an account in dispute letter as they haven't supplied the CCA in 12+2? Or do I just leave things as they are?

  10. just received a reply from Link, they say that they are going to need 30 days to get the CCA from Ford Credit.... Thing is, FCE have got a CCJ issued against me, I've seen it on my file. Link then bought that same debt and they have put a default on my account as well. Can Link put a default on my CR File for the same debt?? I'm sending them an account in dispute letter tonight. I didn't think they'd be allowed to beggar up my credit file like this, I've been punished for it once already with the CCJ.


    Any thoughts?

  11. Thanks Cerberus again, sent the letter with added text. Pgh7447, no court summons yet, should I expect one soon?

    I've read what lowlife they are elsewhere on the forum.

    We'll see what the latest letter throws up.


    Thanks again for your invaluable advice

  12. Many thanks Cerberus, So I can put the account in dispute with Howard Cohen even though they now say that they were only acting on instructions from Wel Fnce?

    If I understand correctly, because they have had dealings with the account, then they are obliged to pass the CCA request to the OC.

    They are saying that it is me that should be doing the CCA request direct to Wel Fnce, but they have an obligation under s.175.....


    Just want to be sure so that I don't fire off a needless letter.

  13. I've received a response to my CCA request, from Howard Cohen telling me that, although they were chasing me for a debt for Wel Fnce, as they are not the original creditor, they can't provide me with the agreement, and that I should contact Wel Fnce directly. They've also sent me a £1.00 cheque, NOT the original postal order.

    Question is, can they ignore the CCA request like this, and is there some kind of catch in banking their cheque when they haven't send the original PO back...

    Can I now place this account in dispute?


    Many thanks

  14. I'd just like to add, and I hope someone more experienced than me could perhaps post to confirm.

    Print your name at the bottom of the subject access request, DO NOT sign your name, (they have been known to "lift" the signature abd make it appear on the agreements).

    Also, you could add a line after the £10 maximum payment for the request that the £10 is not to be used for any other purpose. So they can't "add it to your account as a payment".

    I hope this helps.

  15. Can anyone help??


    The Ford Credit CCJ didn't have the prescibed terms I don't think, also it wasn't sent recorded delivery and I never received a summons.


    Link Financial keep harrassing me on my mobile, I have told them to go away.


    One of my defaults has my name wrong, what should I do?

    It is clearly not me on the default as my middle name is different to the one on the credit file. Could I refuse to pay that debt?


    I really need some good advice on this, anyone??

  16. many thanks for the reply, it seems that the Ford credit CCJ may have been issued incorrectly then, so, do I do a subject access request to find out all the info they have. If I do that, will it tell me the basis of their taking out the CCJ??

    Should I CCA everyone on my file? To get all the agreements, just to see if they're legit??

    I still can't find any threads on the incorrect naming of an account, can anyone help??

    One of my accounts has the wrong middle initial, is this significant?


    Many thanks for reading, I am in a bit of a muddle with all this.

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