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Posts posted by dj0nes

  1. Hey Guys

    Brief summary: Finance took out in 2016 on £10,000 car - paying back £14,500 on a 'hire purchase agreement' with Marsh Finance.
    I have paid over 1/3rd
    Last payment made December 2017
    Defaulted on May 2018
    Since then I have had NO communication from then asking for payment or return of vehicle or any county court documents etc.

    The car itself I actually crashed in Feb 2018, and stupidly I didn't declare a previous speeding conviction so my insurance paid out to the third party but not to me (Yes totally my own fault I know)
    The car is worth about £7k at the moment (without the damage) and I can have it repaired for about £1k - the car is currently in my garage without tax or mot.

    I am wondering what to do next, it's very odd that they haven't contacted me about the car, I didn't even receive an annual statement from them which I thought by law they had to send?

    My dilemma is do I fix the car up and start using it again or shall I contact them first and let them know what's happened? (They don't know it's been involved in an accident).

    I have buried my head in the sand on this one purely down to financial reasons, so it's all my own doing I am not looking for any sympathy just some guidance on what to do, my financial situation has greatly improved now to the extent where I can afford to fix the car and continue the monthly payments plus chipping away at the arrears but I don't want to contact them and have them then immediately start legal action to recover car as at the moment it's almost like they've forgotten about it.

  2. Hi Both,


    Thank you so much for your replies.


    Andy, I totally hear what you are saying and I don't profess to have any experience or education around the county courts hence why I come here so please don't let this sound like I'm questioning you at all I'm just curious to know but my uneducated concern is should it be my responsibility to even entertain what they have to say before they've even proved the debt is legit?


    I recall having a Lloyds account back in 2009 (ish) but I don't recall there being any monies owed on it.


    I'm probably being really naive here but surely before court papers are even thought out being served Mr Claimant should have his house in order it's like me filing a claim against some random picked out the yellow pages saying Joe Bloggs owes me £1500.


    Where is the defendant protection in all of this or do Carter just hope to win by defendants not acknowledging the claim in the set time limits?


    Sorry for the rant I just fail to grasp it and on the flip side this probably could be solved by me trying to speak to Lloyds etc. I just feel shouldn't the onus be on the claimant?




    Plus looking at this from a different but still sceptical point of view say for example I ticked yes I can participate, in turn also confirming in writing that I do indeed have enough evidence. If it then it goes through mediation and ultimately reaches the court for a hearing and I say sorry Judge I still don't have the necessary proof requested, surely the court could then just refer me to the mediation form I ticked declaring I've enough information to make a decision about the clam?



  3. Hi All,


    The plot thickens I've just received an email from the courts asking me to confirm four questions to see if my case is suitable for mediation, one of the questions it asks me to say yes to is below..



    I can confirm that I have enough information about the claim to allow me to enter into negotiations and that I do not require any further evidence from the other party before the appointment



    Through no fault of my own I cannot say yes to this and now because of that I can no longer participate in mediation putting me at a disadvantage.


    Is there any rules on this as surely even if Lowell or whoever produces this paperwork which I've been told exists it puts me at a disadvantage as because of their incompetence or delaying tactics I missed out on the chance of mediation.



  4. Thank you Andy,

    One thing I'm not entirely sure on is if Carter does manage to get hold of the original paperwork for the account (Apparently it is not being handled by Lowell now it is handled by Fredriksons despite Lowell being named the claimant on the court papers) is there a chance they can just produce that to the court and my defense is for lack of better words nullified and they win by default or would they still have to follow the process through the track and local court hearing?


    Thanks for your help.

  5. Hi All,


    I've had Lowell and Carter lodge a claim for £1,450 against me for an unpaid overdraft on behalf of Lloyds TSB in November.


    I acknowledged the claim online and later then submitted a defense to the tune of I do not recognise I owe this debt and that I am unable to defend myself unless proof of the debt is disclosed and that it is the claimants obligation to provided the defendant proof.


    The defense was accepted by the court and a DX was sent out to which I returned and opted yes to meditation and to allocate to my local county court.


    In the meantime I emailed Lowell and Carter about the fact they still have not provided any evidence that this debt even exists and that I am unwilling to enter any discussions or meditation until this is produced.


    A couple of days ago they e-mailed me back with this




    Thank you for your email.


    We are seeking our client’s further instructions regarding your request for evidence however it is our understanding that it is the policy of the Original Creditor to provide its customers with agreements at the point of contract and statements throughout the duration of the account; consequently, you have previously been provided with validation of the debt and you are referred to your own records for the same.


    We trust this clarifies matters.


    Yours sincerely




    This got my back up obviously as from my interpretation of this e-mail is it is up to me to seek this out myself so I e-mailed them back the below copying in the court e-mail with my claim number




    Thank you for your response,


    I would like to remind you that it is not the original creditor trying to obtain a judgement against me through the small claims court. Are you telling me Is it your policy to take on instructions from your clients for commencement of legal proceedings without sight of any proof that the alleged debt is actually owed then?


    If I have been supplied with validation of the debt (To which I do not recall) Then I am sure that you will be able to speak to your client who sent this originally and reproduce this without a problem then proving to me and the court that this debt in fact exists as despite numerous requests I have yet to see it, and forgive me being the dubious person I am I fail to take your word for it that I have been 'provided with this before'.


    This is not the remit of either myself or the alleged original creditor (Lloyds) this is the responsibility of Lowell/Bryan Carter to prove beyond all doubt that this debt exists if you think I will be bullied into thinking any other way you are very mistaken. I await your response.


    I also trust this clarifies matters too.




    I maybe should have been a bit more professional but they just seem to think it's okay to bully people into paying debts they potentially do not owe.

    Has anyone seen this before, do they have any proof on this debt? Surely they'd have this to hand if they did?



  6. Hi, it's up to you, but if you sign the consent order and then you miss a payment they will repossess straight away. However it means you get to keep the car.....


    Very good point, however the only other good alternative for me is for me to win a time order in court but as they're unwilling to reinstate the agreement surely a consent order would be the only way forward there too? Or could the court order the agreement continue, I'm thinking probably not?

  7. Movement! They have e-mailed me back saying they would be willing to accept the £1000 and after payment would then pass me through to the legal team to setup a consent order.


    Should I go for this, is there a danger I could pay the £1000 and then they turn around and say well actually no we are not going to set up a consent order or can't and then continue with repossession?

  8. Okay great plan! I rung them to offer payment but they said it's being handled by the asset management team and wouldn't take the call any further so I have responded to them on e-mail once again offering a payment right now of £1000 and a further payment of £761 on the 23rd of this month so I shall hopefully receive a response on that shortly which will all be in writing.


    If they refuse which I am expecting them to do and I then submit a time order do they then have to halt the repossession process on the receipt of proof or are they still within their rights to carry on?


    I intend on keeping the car on private property anyway so if they did reposes from their then they are doing me a favor!

  9. Hi Ell-Enn, I hope you are well just a little update I received a response from them as I also e-mailed a copy of the letter to them too.


    Basically long story short is they are not changing their stance it's £1550 by today or they are instructing their goons to try and reposes.


    I've offered them the £1000 and the remainder including this months installment in a just under a couple of weeks but obviously that's not good enough - but I tried!


    What should my next move be should I just keep the car on private property and communicate no further until they are finally forced to lodge a court appeal or shall I tell them my intentions and make it clear I do not intend on giving up the car and will fight this at the court hearing?



  10. Thank you so much Ell-enn that's brilliant,

    I will get it sent out first thing tomorrow morning via next day special delivery

    so it will arrive on Sunday with signed proof.


    I think what I am offering is reasonable, yes I've been in financial difficulties and I'll hold my hands up not lived up to my side of the agreement

    in terms of repayments but I am putting my money where my mouth is by offering £1000 straight up

    then the remainder cleared within two and a bit weeks,



    if they repossess the car yes they can auction it off and they will still recoup money from it but no way will it be as quick as what I am proposing here.


    I really appreciate you're help.


    I think the best idea is send this off and rent some garage space off a friend until this is resolved

    as that way when their agents do call they won't be able to recover it,

    as I've heard they fit trackers in their cars so leaving it away from my house on public road isn't an option I don't think.


    Good point regarding the one third situation after paying £1000

    - I would need to do the sums and really have a breakdown of what I've already paid

    as I reckon a lot of the repayments I've done recently is just covering their fines

    as they prioritise them over the repayments so I've heard from research.

  11. Thanks both


    @dx- I don't think I can 'voluntarily' terminate now purely because they've already served me termination notice so essentially there is no agreement to terminate.


    @ell-enn- I would appreciate immensely any help on what I can send them, I really can afford the repayments and correct the account but I need more time than the two days they have given me, I literally have just got back into employment and starting to get myself straight, I can raise £1000 straight away but they're not interested in anything less than the full £1550 - a lot of which will be their charges no doubt.


    If I did apply for a time order at the court and provided them proof of this could they still reposes in the meantime? The car is literally a sitting duck as I don't have a driveway or garage.

  12. Hi All,

    I have a big problem with my car finance company.


    I have had the agreement since about May 2013 and



    since about May this year I have had problems keeping up the repayments because I lost my job and



    the agreement as of last Friday, has been terminated

    I received my letter saying that I need to return the car.


    I haven’t paid over a third so I know they can repossess when they like.


    They've actually been quite good in the past and understanding so

    I can't really fault them as it was of my own making that I am in this mess.


    Saying that, they are however adamant that they will not reinstate the agreement going forward now and that I am to return the car.


    The only option I have is to pay the full arrears by Friday £1550 and

    they will allow me to keep possession of the vehicle but said it still won’t be a full reinstated agreement

    it will be something setup with their legal team and will be on a rolling monthly repayment

    and if I miss one the car will instantly be called on for repossession.


    My circumstances have changed in the last month or so and

    I am now earning good money again and the usual monthly installment comes to a tenth of my take home salary,

    I can easily keep up the repayments going forward but it’s obviously too late in their eyes which is fair enough.


    Is there anything I can do,

    I have offered to pay £1000 straight up today and the remanding £550 plus the month’s installment on my payday at the end of the month

    but they are unwilling to do that.


    Can I still apply to the court for a time order even though I’ve not paid under a third?


    Really stressing me out as I am finally straight in terms of income

    but they have given me till Friday to raise the money or it will be passed to recovery agents then.


    Thanks all

  13. Hey folks, I currently have a shocking credit score (High 300s) for some bad judgement calls I made in my teens. I have just turned 21 and looking to rectify my wrong doings now however no credit card companies will touch me (Rightly so) I've even defaulted on Vanquish so I can't use them either.


    I was looking at prepaid cards the ones that promote credit rebuilding as they report back to the credit agencies, I was wondering 1. Will these really work 2. Would it be beneficial to take more than one out (Will two double the effect etc..)? I understand there is a monthly cost but if the benefits are there to be had I can easily justify taking out two or three of these to help repair my report.



  14. Hey guys, I just wanted to say I am in exactly the same situation!

    Same companies, express - close premium and their shoddy debt collection close credit.


    My insurance was cancelled 9 months in as I missed a payment for the month due to losing my job - my monthly insurance is £255 so it's not pocket money! Express/close premium would not even let me pay the rest of the premium upfront when I offered they seemed happy I defaulted almost.


    I have now received a notice for payment of £450 from close credit and no ncb for that 9 months i've driven accident free, surely thhey cannot get a way with this. i dont even remember electronically signing an agreement, i definately didn't return one by post.

  15. Hi guys,


    Okay so I am 22 and I am in debt.

    All of these debts relate back to a few years ago when basically going out to clubs and bars and getting off my face on drink and in some instances more was basically my life. To fund this lifestyle wages alone did not cover it so payday loans were acquired.


    In 2007 arguably two of my biggest ever mistakes happened.. 1. I purchased a £6k car on HP 2. I crashed this drink driving running from the police.

    In return I lost my job, was banned from driving for two years, issued with a community order and had my car reposed.


    The repossessed car was sold and in it's condition reached around £3.5k at auction so although I no longer had the car I still had a debt with them, this has now turned into a CCJ.


    I stupidly didn't respond to the CCJ letter that was initially sent by the court the company was then awarded a CCJ against me for £4500 and I was ordered to pay costs of £350 a month.


    I also have other debts amounting to around £9000 in all I estimate.


    The first payment on this CCJ is due in a day or so and there is no way I can afford £350 p/m, if I cannot pay this I know the company will go back to the court with they now issuing a charging order and let my employers know?


    I really am not sure what to do next I want to clear myself complete of debts I have made lots of silly mistakes. I earn about £1300 a month now £450 goes on rent, £110 goes on a loan for another car and £140 goes on insurance so £700 is gone before anything.


    What options do I have on the CCJ if I cannot afford the monthly payments that the court have asked me to pay? Is there anything I can do to stop my employers finding out? I am on the verge of a promotion which will see my take home pay increase to about £1500 p/m and I really don't want to risk this.

  16. Hi,

    Last month Lending steam, who I owe money to due to a defaulted loan due to loss of employment, decided to help themselves to £400 from my current account.


    This was taken on a previously cancelled card which I informed the bank I’d lost about 4 months prior to this incident who then issued me a replacement.

    They were also able to take this money leaving me £400 overdrawn despite me not having ANY form of overdraft on my account at all.

    I phoned Lloyds and informed them of the situation and that I didn’t authorize this, but basically they were unwilling to help me stating that as Lending stream are a financial provider they can basically do what they want as to my account I asked to speak to a manager which I was told they were all busy.

    I then informed the ‘helper’ from Lloyds that I would not be paying this as I didn’t authorize it, they have now slapped another £200 worth of charges onto my account and continue to phone me daily.

    Where do I stand on this, can Lending stream really use a stolen card to access my account?

    I found Lloyds very unhelpful in general and that everytime I ring I always get put through to helpers with very bad English who are clearly reading from a prewritten script.

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