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Posts posted by inkslinger

  1. No we haven't had the tickets. We went to Manchester hoping the company would be able to help us by speaking to the venue. We emailed them and set off hoping something could be done. They have flatly refused to do this. I thought an order number and ID would be sufficient if they rang and confirmed. It was my wife's birthday present. She's sitting here in tears. :-(

  2. Hi there,


    looking for a little advice here please as I'm really unsure of where I stand on this legally.


    The short story is I ordered two tickets for myself and my wife for her birthday through a company called gigsandtours.com

    which was the only ticket company handling them.


    I ordered them on the day they went on sale, 14th April 2014.


    I also booked our hotel very near the venue.


    I had a confirmation email and a reference to say I had paid and the order was accepted.


    On the 29th of April I received an email stating the venue had changed,


    I cancelled the first hotel and booked another again very close to the venue.


    The week before the date of the concert we still didn't have our tickets


    I checked the web site and it stated that the tickets would be sent out the week before the concert date.


    This was a bit of a problem as I was away on business and I wouldn't be able to confirm they had been delivered until the day before the gig.


    However they did have a tracking service so I checked everyday.


    On the 11th the site said the tickets would be going to post that day,


    I expected the delivery to be the 12th or the 13th.


    I returned home on the 13th and they hadn't been delivered.


    I emailed the company and explained I hadn't received my tickets and could they help.


    I received a reply saying can't do anything that I should have told them 48hours before the concert date.


    I emailed them back explaining this was impossible due to being away.


    I asked to collect on the door or for e tickets.


    I was told neither was possible, and that I should buy new tickets but I couldn't have my money back for the tickets I hadn't received.


    I really don't think this is fair at all.


    Anyone have any advice to the consumer laws in regard to this and to whom I could complain to.


    The venue is sold out and though we have travelled to Manchester we won't be able to attend.


    My wife is devastated and I'm very annoyed.


    Thank you.


    Mr Ink.

  3. Having been around the block once or twice,

    I've dealt with what follows in my usual way,


    having obtained a rather grand education from the folks on the forum.


    However id like a little advice as to what I can do if it continues.


    A brief over view:


    Two months ago received a letter demanding payment of £500+ from regal on behalf of Northumbrian water.


    I ignored as I knew I owed nothing.


    Two more letters followed in big writing, and more threatening.


    I ignored until the third letter marked legal notice or some other rubbish.


    At this point I wrote to them explaining they were demanding payment for a bill that they had failed to prove had merit.


    I asked for the bill, dates it was relevant to, and the address levied upon.


    I then received a please phone us letter and nothing else.


    Wrote back stating nothing had changed, no phone contact, not paying until you provide proof.

    I rang Northumbrian water who confirmed I owed not a penny.


    New letter today.


    Copy of a bill for Northumbrian water for a property I hadn't lived at since January 2008.


    Unfortunately this bill was for the period may 2009 until may 2010.

    Clearly not my bill then.

    Wrote back with a screenshot of my voting register showing when I departed the property and where I went,

    and a copy of the letter sent to Northumbrian water advising them of my move.


    I have been paying Northumbrian water at my new address since the move date.


    My question is


    if regal come back again demanding more paperwork or proof

    would I be within my rights to charge them for my time spent so far and postage costs etc,

    and as I would have to go through boxes of paperwork for more can I charge an administration fee for my time etc?


    I do like to have a good pop back at a dca whenever possible.




    Mr Ink.

  4. Iv asked equifax for clarification on this. My credit record in now clean. No defaults at all, they came off my report after six years. However, I sold my house 5 years ago and my mortgage ended. This is still on my credit file. The AP is seven years old and therefore older than the defaults yet equifax say they can display the full history of the account for up to 7 years after the account is closed.


    It's showing history back now well over ten old and it would seem that two months AP are going to continue to show on my report for a further two years. Is this correct?


    Seems madness to me. Should I be asking to have this info over 6 years removed?


    Thank you.

  5. Hi Brig,


    Excuse me but thats a very loose answer. The search done this year would have been carried out on a SB'd debt. So the question, can they continue to search in spite of the fact the debt is SB'd and does this impact me?


    It would appear the answer is yes. If you informed them it was SB'd and then they made a search it may be a different case, but reading between the lines even if its SB'd they still have a right to try to recover it - including outstanding debt searches, until told otherwise. Is this the crux of it Brig?


    Id like to know once they have been informed its SB'd, if they have a duty to remove the search or can leave it on file for two years? The rules do seem a wee bit blurry to me Im afraid. :|

  6. Loosely yes but as an application for credit has been made

    at some point then T1 searches are permitted, as said the

    regulators have no problem with this.


    I think this procedure is no longer fit for purpose. It seems weighted very much in the DCA's favour and IMO is open to abuse. Id like to open a thread on it I think and gets some views and discussion on it.

  7. When seraches are frequent and or numerous as in the

    example I gave earlier MH have been taken to task over

    unusually large numdber of searches and have made

    ''gestures of good will ''when challenged.

    The mutiple searches often occur when a company

    has aquired a number of accounts for one individual

    and mapy be handled by more than one person.

    Two searches cannot be be considered untoward.


    Thank you Brig, an informative and swift answer. My apologies to the OP for thread jacking. I hope he found it helpful too.




    Mr Ink.

  8. These are some more of the ''urban myths'' of debt collection, the DPA etc.,


    A DCA has every right other than court action to chase an SB debt, until informed in writting by the debtor that the debt is SB and they will not be paying.. but even this is only ''Guidance'' .



    Also the lack of ''paperwork'' or'' faulty'' paperwork does not remove the underlying fact that a debt exists, recons etc., have changed that scenario.

    As said two searches is neither unfair or unreasonable.


    Like it or not they do have the right to search at some point someone signed or ticked the online box

    agreeing to the sharing of data to 3rd parties.


    Again you are far better informed than myself Brig. At what point does it constitute being unacceptable? they search again every two years for 15 years? Essentially denying you credit for that period? If one search every two years is acceptable then is there anything to stop them continuing to do this for as long as they like? Hope you dont see this as argument, I'm mearly trying to pick your brains as to where the lines are drawn.

  9. Just to add the ICO and FOS say that these searches should be available to prospective lenders so that an appropriate

    decision can be made on lending.


    While I bow to your superior knowledge on this front Brig IMO Muck Hall are bottom feeders and are notorious for chasing debts that they have no right to chase, SB'd for instance. Id therefore think that if they a) decide they cannot chase it or its simply not worth it to them, or that they are informed its SB'd or they have no paperwork to make a valid claim, then surely these searches should be removed?


    And even if they do remove them whats to stop them doing it all over again in two months time? It worries me an awful lot that its become a tool where if they think they continue to do it, you will simply pay them to get you to leave you alone. Surely this was not what the searches fields were intended for. Again just my opinion. :|

  10. Just reading through some posts, is there any debt a DCA wont chase ? I owe my

    milkman £ 2.37p from nine years ago. I expect a threat o gram from Moorcrap

    at any day now!


    I'm sure they will offer you a very generous 50% discount. My advise is offer them a penny a week and start drinking black coffee! :razz:

  11. Im not sure if that answer was for me or the OP brig,

    but in my case they know where I live,

    Iv SAR'd them on two separate occasions regarding another matter.


    Iv got 3 years worth of letters from them.

    They are well aware of where I live.

    I don't owe anything and I highly suspect this is a touch of revenge for being a pain in the backside over other matters.


    Nine days has gone by and they haven't wrote to me at all.


    Iv emailed the data controller 3 times, complained to equifax and experian.


    I'm determined not to have this on my record.


    I dont need any credit but I object to this approach, I think its an abuse of power.

  12. discounts = no debt


    as for the searches they should not be harming you and go after a few months anyhow.




    On what do you base this on dx? In my experience DCA's generally wont remove table1/Outstanding debt searches without kicking up a major fuss and complaining. In fact in some cases it took me several goes to get these off, and CapQuest have started it all over again after years of being in contact with them and despite not owing them a penny!

  13. How long is it acceptable to give them to remove a search? Iv contacted the data controller at Capquest twice now, its been 9 days since the search appeared and I haven't had a single reply from them. Iv reported it to the ICO and asked equifax and Experian to remove the entry. Iv informed the data controller that I think hes had enough time to respond and that the next time I will write by mail and charge them £25 per letter.

  14. Been a while since I have had to deal with these idiots. Looking for a little advice as to how to approach things.


    Quick over view. Current address for 3 years, always on the elecoral roll, have had dealings with these cowboys three years ago so they are well aware Im at this address. Clean credit file, nothing outstanding, everythings been paid off, or has become sb'd. Lastdefaults etc on my record fell off over two years ago.


    Out of the blue a search appears by Capquest under table1 for outstanding debt. Iv seen the sneaky tatics these people use first hand and Im wise to them. Iv kept every letter, Sar, phone record the lot for the last four years so there can be no pulling the wool over my eyes as they maybe did when I was more niave.


    So whats the best course of action here? I dont have a clue what its about or why but I think it may be a little punishment over a rap they took to the knuckles a few years back.


    Im happy to go straight for the jugular on this one. Any advice would be appreciated.


    Mr Ink.

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