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Posts posted by wellinever

  1. I just find it [EDIT] unbelievable a shop welcomes its customers with leaflets threatening to fine them.


    you unwittingly become the "customer" of the PPC, and for what? for someone else to make a buck by intimidating people into paying

  2. the text that should have been there was never printed, there is only a small amount of the actual sticker still on there but nothing is printed over the top of the sticker at all.


    ill give the appeal a shot either way, and yeah i did think that if someone had gone to CAB in the first place then the circumstances are going to be beyond that of your normal, clear cut PCN

  3. Thanks for the reply Jamberson, i am aware that double yellows run 24hrs a day i just didnt think traffic wardens did. i assumed that beyond a traffic wardens "normal hours" (whatever they may be) that it would be the police ticketing the car for some kind of more serious offence like obstructing roads in a more serious way.


    it just strikes me as odd to why a CEO would issue the ticket when it is incomplete. surely the details on the ticket such as the time date and CEO number are as important as the details of the car?


    with regards to the appeal holding up as you say there is nothing to lose by giving it a shot, has anyone on here succesfully challenged a contravention code 01?

    iv heard that if you can get it to the appeal stage then it almost always goes your way as the council dont often take the time to compile evidence etc, this came from some one i know that works for CAB but im still not sure on the validity.



  4. Hi guys, new to the forum just after a bit of help with a PCN.


    Not the first i have recieved but the first one that i feel should be challanged.


    Straight up, i was parked on double yellows but i was ticketed at 12:40 am today! :-x :-x :-x :-x

    Is there some sort of reasonable hours thing i can contest on?

    Also when i retreved the ticket this morning, upon opening it i see what appears to be a sticker that has been half pulled off. it covers some details of the ticket specifically the CEO number, half of the "we had reason to beleive that a contravention" stuff, half of the contravention itself, the date, time and the location.


    some of this info (time, date and contravention) is repeated on the payment slip at the bottom but surely traffic wardens should not be issuing tickets that are incomplete?


    i know that i was in the wrong by parking there in the first place, not that i had much choice, there are almost half-a-dozen large work vans parked in my small stretch of road alone and i did spend half an hour looking for a space.

    but anyway, do any of you think i could contest on the grounds that the ticket is incomplete??



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