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Posts posted by lasertung

  1. Lasertung, thank you for your post, we are in posession of the OFT document having obtained this on the day of release. We are in the process of ensuring all Managers receive a copy.





    Well Ali, It wis fower months ago that you got the OFT report, yet nithin has changed in the wye your people treat punters. Only twa wicks bye I wis witness to another case whaur a punter wis bumped on fit should hae been a warranty claim, bit in the interests of safety the punter pied up jist tae mak the motor tempory safe but certainly no richt. Efterhind i met up wi this punter and left ma contact number, sayin that if they hid an unexplained accident I wid staund up in coort an testify that the fault had been registered but no action taken by the clark dealership involved even although the car wis still under six months fae purchase. Jist be reminded Ali that the great Arnold Clark comes as much under SOGA rules as the wee chancer whoe sells a haundful o cars by the road side.

  2. Hi Guys. I will try and answer some of the points you have raised in your replies. The young lady did not say if car was new or she had only owned it for 4 months and i didn't ask. What i did ask her was if there was any steering pull to the left during her ownership and she replied no. clark quoted £180 for two new tyres and the track was not checked when new tyres fitted. At the time i told her that a worn TRE or slack/worn hub or worn/bent steering component could cause one tyre to wear more rapidly than the other, but she would normally have felt something through the steering wheel. She claimed that no such symptoms were ever noticed.

    I think the point here must be clarks responce to the problem which is very similar to a post by scaniaman where he had the same trouble getting clarkies to do work under warranty. In his case the manufacturer would only pay clark for 1 hour or so on investegative work, and clark would not work unless someone paid them. So much for customer satisfaction. Its unlikely i will get any further info from the girl as i did not ask her phone number incase she thought i had an ulterior motive. ME? LOL

  3. Don't know if i can post about someone else on here, but this story needs telling.

    Took my car to clarkies today for a service (joke, but i aint lafin). Whilst waiting i met a lovely 23yr old burd who had brought her Pug in because it had chewed up the front n/s tyre in only 4 months of ownership. We discussed the problem and i told her of the main faults which manifest themselves in one worn tyre. She went and asked service reception to have her steering tracked and was told that she would have to pay for this as it was not covered by warranty. Tell me two things please:- first, what causes one badly worn front tyre? second, how the Helen B Merry can you find out the cause of this fault without checking the tracking?

    This young Lady was becomming a triffle upset, but had had to wait so long that she accepted clarkies offer of two new front tyres for £50. as she didn't want to be running dangerously or illegal. I warned her to keep a close eye on these new tyres, as if the problem was not fixed, she would be back in another 4 months or sooner depending on quality of new tyre.

    What is the point of a warranty if it doesn't cover whatever work is required to find and eliminate the root cause of the problem?

    IMO, this site is great but people only come here when bad things happen. It can't prevent people from becomming victims of such devious devils. This is proved by the number of people in clarkies today that were sat with salesmen writting away at their desks.

    When will we learn.

  4. Fit like tattiehowker. I read that story as weel. Maybe the foulk up here in Eberdeen should have contacted Raw Deal too. They hiv jist posted on the Citroen Owners website saying how they were ripped off by Clarkies here in the toon. They pit their car in to have a cruise control fitted and were charged our £80 only to be told they had ran oot of time and couldnae get the thing to work.

    Read the post fur yourself and get the details. The last line poses the question we all would like an answer to.

  5. Refer to post "Arnold Clarke----me_n_my_kids.

    Kwik Fit is owned by another "SIR". There is also another Scottish "Sir" who has interests in the motor trade and sport, This guy's staff sell the same vehicle to two different people! Then there's "Sir" Jackie Stewart of racing fame---well we all read the story about him and RBS.

    So, it would appear that there is little value indeed to the title "Sir" in Scotland---probably much farther afield too!!!

  6. Vh are not the only ones "at it". Other manufacturers give a warranty to get people to buy their cars, then when faults develope, they just don't want to know.

    What about the large numbers of Renault Scenic window winder motors that go faulty, yet Renault does nothing to rectify this ongoing fault.

    Renault and Citroen to name but two, tell customers who raise complaints that there is nothing wrong with your car. Mazda is as bad if not worse.

    The OFT won't help individuals, and to get anything done in this country a body has to try and get the media involved, as in Watchdog.

    A Bl---y disgrace.

  7. arnold clark informs me that all depot managers have copy of the new OFT papers on used car dealers!! Sorry to say Hampy, that unless you are tenacious with them, you are up a gum tree.

    You can try and email their customer services manager a Mr. Alisdair Craig, and lodge your complaint. E-Mail address is on other AC posts on this page. I think it is alisdair.craig@arnoldclark.co.uk.

  8. Phoned Saga today to arrange insurance for a dealers demonstrator. (don't trust dealer) They said they could not do this as I was not the owner / registered keeper and had no financial interest in the motor. I let the Saga clone ramble on a bit, then said my own car may be kept by the dealer for repair. AHH, then it will be a courtsey car you get from the dealer sir, in that case we can insure the loaned car for you. Now, apart from the ever increasing mis use of the english language, can anyone tell me the difference between a demonstrator and a coutresy car? I own neither, nor do i have a financial interest in either.

    Many large dealers have cars registered in their own name, which are loaned to customers either as a courtesy, or if they think you are genuinely interested in buying that model, a car to conduct a prolonged test drive. Surely, a loan is a loan irrespective of the circumstances.

    So much for being honest and up front. I shall know better next time.:mad:

    Been with SAGA for years, but shall shop around at renewal time.

  9. Fit i was really trying to get at Heliosuk wis what will ACAL's reaction be to these new or regurgitated regs.

    Will they negotiate with OFT to get the rules watered down?

    Will they move the middle finger in an upwards direction at the OFT, and say we are so big that these rules don't apply to us?

    Or as I suspect, will the brains (wide boys?) in ACAL work very hard to find loopholes in the regs. that they will milk to their ain advantage?

    Time will tell.

  10. Hi Martin. Happy to report that Park Beds are to deliver a completely different type of mattress tomorrow. Hope this one does the job and end this distastefull saga.

    Just discussing with SWMBO today, that I'm getting thoroughly fed up with having to behave like a Banshee nowadays, just to get firms to honour what should be normal customer requests. Could it be that many in business today simply forget exactly who is filling their wage packet?

  11. Several folks on this site have complain about defects on cars bought from Clark. The gist o the moans are that Clarks canny or winnae sort the faults.

    Ma China is in this group, and got a letter frae Clark. On the foot o the letter it showed that a firm called GTG training is owned by Clarks.


    Google GTG training and WET yourself.


    If Clarks mechanics canny sort these cars, it disnae say much for the training firm, dis it.

    The chap thats hivin all the bother wae MAZDA cars posted that he went to Watchdog the day. He also took a divit o letters from other CAG members to show Watchdog all the problems that folk are havin with these blasted DPF's and FAP's on many cars nowadays, which are costin an arm and a leg tae service. It pointed out thit the unsuspectin public are buying these motors without kenning what the long term costs are.


    If Mr. Craig happens to read this, I can thoroughly recommend some bedtime readin for him and awe the heid bummers in Arnold Clark's.

    It's a new document fae the OFT stating awe the rules and regulations for car dealers. Aye big and sma. They should study this document and put the contents intae practice, paying particular attention to section 7, 7.1

    Section 6 of the CPR's is also worth a good read.

    Wid readin this pit them aff their sleep?:rolleyes:

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