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Posts posted by lolly1977

  1. HELP!!!


    Hi all,


    I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction as I have no real idea what I need to do in regards to a situation I have been in with SPML/Capstone.


    I bought my house and remortgaged with SPML in 2005, unfortunately due to problems wiuth Tax credits I fell into arrears and ended up with a suspended repossession order over my property, this however forced my hand and I decided I did not want to live like that with the constant threats hanging over me and sold my property in Dec 2006. I know I have paid an abundence of charges which I have no idea what they were for but they drive you to insanity and you just want to get rid of them so you pay. Anyway getting to the point. I have attempted through "Claim 2 Gain" to claim back PPI which Capstone have not been responding to. I have no paperwork from my mortgage and they have failed to provide any, this have meant that "Claim 2 Gain" have now decided without proof FOS will not look at my case as I have no evidence of any dealings with Capstone/SPML.


    I am a single parent and have been all through this process and have now decided I have the energy and will to get back what I should have got when I originally had the mortgage. Can anyone help me in moving this forward, PLEASE.


    These cowboys are nothing but bullies and nothing is explained to anyone properly. I remember never dealing with anyone face to face but everything was over the phone, just how bullies prefer to operate!!!!

  2. Phil,


    I had a loan secured on my property, the loan was taken in 2005, however due to financial problems I had to sell the property it was secured on with Welcomes permission but they never chenged the loan agreement, haven't signed a new one payments haven't changed, absolutely nothing has changed except I no longer own a property and the loan is no longer secured on anything.


    The only thing that allowed me to do this was they got a lump sum payment when I sold the house, and just to confirm there was negative equity in the property and I am still paying a lower amount which has been agreed but they are harrassing for original payments.


    Don't let the fact that it is secured stop you from doing anything!!!

  3. Lolly1977,

    I would start a complaint with welcome and if you don't get anywhere then go to the ombudsman. If they agreed to reduce payments then they should not default your credit rating as long as you pay what they agreed to.


    Did they tell you reducing payments could affect your credit rating?


    What fustrates me is that welcome will continue to manipulate the figures to look in a strong position than they are. What about a letter to Delloitte's or Freshfields asking them to explain why welcome continually change the amount of months to 37 from 36?



    Thanks Eboy,


    No they didn't tell me it would affect my credit rating, the thing is can they harrass me into paying the full amount when they have agreed a reduced amount?



  4. Andie,


    with regards to what you mentioned about malicious damage to your credit file how does that work, I currently have a letter from welcome agreeing a decrease in my payments, however for every month I have paid a lower amount they have defaulted my credit file, in total 6 times.


    Would that class, also just to clarify the decrease is only £69 a month less than he agreed amount. I tried to post a link to my thread earlier but wasn't able so PostGGJ has done it for me if you wouldn't mind checking it out.



  5. Hi all,


    Have read numerous threads and posts regarding Welcome Finance and am utterly disgusted that so many ppl have been so porrly treated.


    I have a problem with welcome with I am currently trying to rectify to no avail.


    I originally took out an unsecured loan with Welcome and subsequently it then ended up being a secured loan in the sum of £***** with repayments of £262 per month. No problem, however then I had financial problems and had to sell the property the loan was secured upon with Welcome's consent. I am not sure if I have PPi on the loan but do know that on the first loan I did and the subsequent loan paid off the 1st, so assuming they follow suit etc. Anyway I sent SAR on 10th June, received acknowledgement on 2th June asking for £10 for documents which I sent on 30th June however, not received by welcome as yet.


    The problem I have is I am unsure if the agreement is unenforceable due to it no longer being secured on any property. Another probelm I have is recently I have had to reduce my payments to a lower amount and have again got their witten approval however they have defaulted my credit file 6 times and are hounding me weekly for my payments to revert to original payments. Can anyone advise how I stand and what my best course of action is please.


    Many thanks is anticipation



  6. lolly1977,

    Tell them to stop hassling you. With that letter they agreed to your payment so they can't change it. If it was me I would also tell them they are lucky getting that much and that you will be trying to agree a lesser next week.



    Thanks EBOY,


    the most annoying thing is I am honouring my end of the bargain. This loan was originally a secured loan on my house, sold that house in 2006 and have struggled with payments yet they hsven't even changed paperwork from secured loan to unsecured as it is no longer secured on any property cos I don't own any.


    Frustrating isn't the word



  7. Hi all,


    Been reading these posts and can't believe how many ppl have been done by wfs. Obviously I am one of them. Just wondered after reading all of these how I stand.


    Have sent off my SAR letter bout 2 wks ago, not been making full payments on my loan with welcome (have a letter from them stating £*** every month is acceptable) however they have defaulted my credit file 6 times and are hounding me for payments. they are wanting me to go back to original payments and I seriously can't afford it as possible redundancy looming.


    Can anyone advise best course of action. Not received anything back from them except requesting the £10 payment for documentation which I have paid on 30/6. How long do I wait before doing anything else.


    Please help, thanks

  8. Thanks Postggi,


    Yes, they gave me time to consider, I picked the cheque up from Nottingham as it was just before xmas and I did sign new loan agreement, however, since I have now sold the property the loan was secured against I have not signed new paperwork (sold the house Dec 2006 and have been paying the loan (sometimes not full amount but not much less, always agreed with branch first) I have recently spoken to a company who say possibly the agreement my not be enforcable because it is no longer a secured loan and they should have done new paperwork. Confusing isn't it.

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