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Posts posted by mac2lrk

  1. I bought a new build in 2007 with the tie in of a management company charge of approximately £100.00 each year. The management has changed hands several times.Following my divorce, I wished the deeds to refelct my maiden name, not my married name. Land Registry approached the management company for consent to do this. Why would they do this? My property is Freehold, and the management company basically mow the lawns around the apartments on the estate. Surely, as a Freehold property, Land Registry do not require consent.

  2. I missed an appointment with the hygenist at the dentists yesterday, ( I have flu and have lost my voice!) and completely forgot about it.

    Today, they have sent me a letter stating they are going to charge me £36.15 as a cancellation fee. I phoned them up today and with great difficulty in a whispered voice explained I wouldn't be paying this fee as they had never informed me of their cancellation fee schedule. The receptionist told me it was on the appointment card. I told them that I never recieved an appointment card as I made the appointment in the surgery and put the info in my phone. I have been told they are referring this to the partners!

    Can they refuse to see me in future? I am a paying customer not NHS, and feel their cancellation fees are unfair as I have not been informed of this, and also there was a genuine reason for not attending, and I have never missed an appointment before.

  3. My bank are in the process of trying to place a charge on my house for £35k !! There is insufficient equity and my wife (who is not on the mortgage) but has a claim on the property since it was bought with joint money).


    It is clear to me that trying to oppose any charge is futile; I tried it with a smaller charge about 6 months ago. I ticked all the boxes (no equity, wife and daughter with an interest in the house, unfair to other larger creditors, etc), however, the judge simply waved it all through!


    We have been to CAB for advice and they seem quite relaxed about it (unless we accidentally stumbled upon one who was not clued up!). They said that judges rarely go along with forced sales if people are prepared to pay something towards the debt each month and some are simply in it for the long run!


    I am bracing myself to negotiate with them!



    I had done loads of research and prepared a detailed document for both court cases, mentioning previous cases and like you, divorce, not living in the property etc, even prepped my ex!

    My ex couldn't attend the 1st hearing as he works abroad, but he sent supporting documentation, letters from his employer, and his work contract.

    At the 2nd hearing the Judge said to my husband, "if you had attended the previous hearing I wouldn't be putting the charge on the house", my husband told the judge that he had sent documentation explaining why he couldn't attend, the Judge replied "yes I know, I received the documents you sent!"

    My ex has been paying into a DMP for 2 years, an agreed amount with Tesco, and never missed a payment when Incasso/Tesco applied for the charge. The Judge wasn't interested in that either. The order was for the exact amount he had already been paying them via the DMP.

    A complete waste of time.

    Now divorce proceeding have made things are little sour between me and my ex, he works abroad, so there is a very real threat that he might not continue to pay and not be held accountable.

    I might be forced to sell as part of the Divorce hearing but the money for the charge will only come out of my husband's share of the equity, which I estimate will not cover the charge, or he could order my husband to pay the charge in full and sign the equity over to me . (wishful thinking)

    A messy situation and could have been avoided if the Judge hadn't sided with the big corporation.

  4. Hi


    I am in a similar position - s2bx has debt resulting in charge on house even though he has moved out and we are in divorce proceedings, cos his name is still on the mortgage.


    The Judge said this effectively makes it a secured loan on the house.

    They will be able to enforce sale but only if payments are missed. If you think yr ex may not pay it maybe worthwhile contating the company direct (they might not discuss it as its not your debt, but its worth a try). Also if there is any equity in the house, it will only come out of his portion - say there was a 50-50 split, then you will still have your share. Honestly though it is very rare for an enforced sale - so I have been told.


    I am trying to get my ex to pay off the debt or negotiate with Tesco to lift the charge. It's a horrid situation to be in.

    Good luck

  5. I could do with some help..

    My husband and I are divorcing. He has a CCJ and now a charging order against the property which is joint owned although he doesn't live there anymore. He was unable to attend the CCJ redetermination hearing as he is a merchant seaman and was away at sea. He sent the court a statement explaining this with documentation from his Captain. Incasso's claim was dismissed but the judge gave permission for them to apply for charging order.


    The charging order was approved basically because of the length of time it would take to pay back the CCJ ( 15 years). I also sent an objection to the court stating mercantile credit case as my husband has not defaulted on the CCJ.


    The judge also said that if my ex had appeared at the redetermination hearing, then he would not have given Incasso permission to apply for a charging order.


    Are these valid grounds to have this set aside?

  6. That's really helpful, thank you!


    The court gave me 2 options, either request an adjournment, but I don't have a fixed date when my husband is back in the UK , the other option given was for him to send in a statement.


    I need to know how to prepare the statement to send to court and what information he will need to present. I just don't want to miss anything or have it misinterpreted because I am not following a set criteria.


    I will have to compile it all, then email it to my husband, then he will have to sign it and email it back to me as he is working onboard a yacht.

  7. My husband has been sent a date for redetermination so i have called the court, they say because he is a merchant seaman he can submit an explanation why he is unable to attend, and this will be taken into consideration. They also said that a CO would not be given unless we failed to comply with the instruction of the judgement.

    Incasso wrote to him saying they were applying for a charging order 7 days after the CCJ was given.

    Also, he never received anything from Tesco Personal Finance advising that Incasso were assigned the debt, should I have received notification from them?

  8. Hi

    Sorry to but in with another question.

    I thought that a charging order would ONLY be considered by the court if a debtor had missed payments on a CCJ. The CCJ was on 6th July.

    The CCJ was to pay by monthly installments, and I haven't missed a payment. I have been informed by Incasso on behalf of TPF that they were proceeding with a charging order less than 2 weeks after the judgement was awarded. I have received a letter from Northampton court to say the case has been forwarded to my local court for re-determination.

    I am trying to fin out as much info on this as I can before the next stage, so any help or advice will be much appreciated.

  9. Hi

    thanks for your advice


    The CCJ was awarded on 6th July 2009, which allows us 30 days to make the first payment of £68.00, which we have not contested even though it is in increase from our DMP amount of £39.00. We haven't missed a payment and it has actually been paid for this month.


    It is my understanding that a court wouldn't consider a charging order unless we have missed a payment.


    On the CCJ, it shows Tesco as the claimant and then has Incasso's details below.


    Incasso sent my husband a letter advising they we handling the account.

  10. My husband has recently received a CCJ for a 13K loan with Tesco Personal Finance. We have been paying into a DMP with payplan and have with 5 other creditors for 10 months.


    Incasso who are acting on behalf of Tesco have advised they are applying for a charging order even though it hasn't been 30 days since the judgement and we haven't missed a payment. It even states on the courts website that a CCJ won't be considered unless we have missed a payment.


    We have received a letter stating that the case has been referred to a local court for 're-determination'


    My husband works abroad as a merchant seaman. Does anyone know if I need to arrange legal representation for him if he is unable to attend?


    Any advice would be much appreciated

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