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Posts posted by Mungypup

  1. Awww MungyPup! How lovely your little guy is!


    I will confess that my Joey N02 was quite partial to getting it on with himself in the mirror - he liked to hold onto the bell while he had fun :!:


    You know MungyPup - Joey N02 was given to me for Christmas when I was 11 - when I left home at 16, I left him behind as he was my Dads mate, when he died my Dad was heartbroken :-(


    Sadly they are both on Rainbow perch now :-(, but we loved them to bits. I'm glad you said that about the mirror, it made me giggle. At least it wasn't just our budgie who had slightly pervy habbits! :lol:

  2. Hey MungyPup, hope you're well?



    I'm very well thank you DW. :hug:


    Our birds gave us many laughs, but I think one of the funniest things that they ever did was when we bought them both a 'fake' budgie. They were not interested until the first one passed away. They were both boys, but we saw another side to our boy after he lost his friend (to old age). It was a battery operated plastic budgie, which chirped when he chirped or touched it. He spent most of his time bullying it, used to love giving it a good slap, but there were days where he was friendly with 'her' too. Very friendly :!:..... He used to put his leg over and try and mount it, but because it was smooth plastic, he would just slide off. It was very funny, but i felt so sorry for him at the same time.


    Ann Summers 001.jpg

  3. We used to have 2, but the last one went to Rainbow Perch a few years ago. They brightened my day, both had very distinct personalities and were a pleasure to have. I do miss them :-(. One of our neighbours has a budgie, although you don't hear it often.


    Ours had a huge cage that was built by my OH as I could not buy any that were a size that I was happy with, and the cage was open during the day giving them free reign of downstairs. They were very good at going back in all by themselves, they used to come out, do a few 'laps' and then go straight back inside. And my, they used to go mental for millet! They would throw millet tantrums demanding their fave treat. They didn't get it all the time as it was treated as a treat, but boy did they put their feet down and demand it sometimes :-)



    They have just lobbed a neighbours lit pumpkin from outside of their house, over my daughters car :mad2:

    Wax and pumpkin remains all over the car .............. amazingly it didn't set fire to it :mad2:


    I hate this time of year, I just turn the lights out, sit with the candles on, telly on low and don't answer the door or even look on Halloween. When it gets near bonfire night I allways start to get nervy. We had a firework put through our letterbox years ago and I've never quite got over it. Even though no damage was caused (it didn't set fire to anything thank god, there was just tonnes of smoke everywhere) I was in the house on my own that night and found it very frightening. I'm allways worried that it's going to happen again. I used to push very heavy things up to the letterbox to stop anything being able to be pushed through but now we have a new door and the letterbox is no longer on the floor, it's the first year since that I won't be able to do that.


    Hearing yobs at wikstead park cut off the feet of two amazon parots, they were left to bleed to death and found still alive, but had to be put down.

    So terrible and sad :(


    Disgusting. I'll never understand how anybody could be so cruel. Poor poor animals, I cannot imagine the pain and fear they must have felt. **** like that don't seserve to live amongst us!!!

  5. I was swearing yesterday when I had steriod injections in the front of my neck. I hate needles and have issues with anything sharp going near my neck. They were bar far the worst injections I've ever had. She warned me she was going to go deep with some and she wasn't kidding! The poor nurse whose hand I held must have needed them for her hand after lol. No wonder I had to ask her to hold my hand, she seemed rather unwilling. That should have been a sign! Paws crossed they help.

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