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Posts posted by *Thumper

  1. I don't doubt, seatbelts, saves live, in some, if not a lot of circumstances.

    Should we have ration books, to be able to go into McDonalds?

    Should smoking, have an outright ban?

    So why should we have a seat belt law?



    If we need protecting from ourselves, for the benefit of our health

    then lets have some consistency....... that's all I'm saying



    (And I'll leave the personal attacks, to the site team... setting a poor example)

  2. Letter below, sent to Parking Eye, today!

    I could have gone on, and on....... but decided not to waste my time.

    Dear Sirs,

    With reference to, your two letters sent, dated, 26/01/14 & 21/02/14. You state I owe you monies, for overstaying, at a car park. I’m confused, as you’ve ask for monies to be paid, offering a ‘discount’ if paid by certain dates, on two separate occasions. Due to the nature, of your demanding money, for no reason. I can only conclude that these are speculative invoices.

    I understand, that although, this invoice is speculative. To get resolution, I need to appeal. So take this letter, and the enclosed, receipts. As proof of purchases, from the land owners commercial business’s. As my appeal.

    I also insist you issue me, with a POPLA code, so that if you carry on with this invoice claim. I can take full advantage of the independent appeals service.

    If you do not desist, sending your spurious invoice claims. I will have no hesitation, to defend, and seek damages, in my local county court.

    It is not beyond, the wit of man (and the courts) to see that £100, for allegedly 32 minutes of parking. Is not really any consequential loss, of balance, or validity? And If you so wish to pursue, this speculative invoice claim. I will be happy, to defend, in a local court of my choosing. As is my right.

    To re-iterate. Please issue a POPLA code. If you wish to continue, with your claim.

    Yours Sincerely

  3. Here's a copy of the letter drafted, sent, and posted via their website.



    The vehicle is allocated to:

    Mr T.**********




    CV10 ***



    **** ******** Ltd won't be held responsible, for any speeding fines,

    Parking tickets, or spurious invoices(parking charge notices)

    obtained by staff driving company vehicles. As it's their responsibility, by law.

    Please address all correspondence, to the person named above.




    No further correspondence will be entered into.

    Any further attempts to contact **** *********Ltd for invoice payment. Will result in a request,

    for administration charges, and cost's, to be taken into account,

    by any court you wish to use, to settle the claim.

  4. Had a PCN from Parking Eye for 10/01/14 ......2.5 hours



    Issue is, they have sent demand to employer (company car)

    I spent an hour explaining to MD, and extolling the virtues, of CAG. But he wants me to deal with it.



    Should I send PE a note, to forward correspondence to me? So I can ignore them?

    Or tell em, as a company we can't hand over driver details.... Data Protection etc

    I have the ability to use company headers.

    I notice, advise is changing a little, on the ignore front.

  5. None of this seems right !!


    Ask the CSA to review his payments(should be done every 2 years)..... they should ask for a P60

    This will cover any bonus's the PWOC may have earned.(they do this regularly, as part of their remit)


    It is not up to you, to prove what he earns..... it is upto the CSA to do this for you.

    If he fails to supply, the info requested, they can request/order from employer


    easy !!!

  6. You should have declared the 16 month old, when the baby was born

    your payments will reduce, considerably


    Have you informed the benefits office, about the child working fulltime.


    I thought we now lived in a country run by Daily Mail readers,

    and looked down on benefits fraudsters ;)

  7. What a bugger !!!!!!


    You've checked the calculater, and don't like what you see

    So all you can do is make an offer, to her

    bear in mind, she's probably seen the calculater aswell.


    As for the previous payments, when she didn't have custody

    If you have no written agreement, a visit to a brief, is in order

    to ascertain if she's taken money from you, under false pretences

  8. Seems like a lot of hassle, to save £10 per week!!

    I think your ex is winding you up, and your going for it.

    The hassle, time and aggro, to signing on/off, and getting sanctioned, will not be worth the effort.

    (ask anyone on JSA, who gets sanctioned, about the anguish caused


    Any income, wether through Jobseekers allowance, or bona fide earnings

    will be calculated and payments must be paid. With the clock always ticking from the date of the 1st claim by you.


    If he's holding back, then he will only end up with a large debt.


    As for inheritance/savings, they are not income, so don't count

    And if you belive he has income from other sources, that he's not declaring

    That's down to the Tax/Vat man, to discover


    How would this help your child?


    If he's claiming JSA, and his deduction from this is intermittent

    Trust me ................. he's not having it easy, and is putting on a brave face,

    and winding you up!!!!

  9. Who do the CSA, consider to be the parent with care ??

    You may find, it's mum .. with Nan, actually looking after her.


    Either way, 15% of your salary (less Nights with you, and /or other children in your household.... reductions etc etc) still apply.

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