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Posts posted by iddles10

  1. I'm at a critical stage of arranging an IVA: pre-creditors meeting.


    I'm beginning to realise that the company organising the IVA are running rough-shod over my financial affairs and I am at risk of losing my business if they upset too many of my creditors. The creditors are at the stage where they're about to file for bankruptcy, although they probably won't, as they'd get nothing, but some of the smaller creditors are that dull, they just might.


    If I go ahead and allow this company to hold the meeting and arrange the IVA, and they continue to behave irresponsibly with my situation (our situation - I have a business partner), can I replace them later?


    Thanks anyone.

  2. Hi, I just thought I'd leave a review of Killer Mobile software, if anyone is thinking of purchasing it for their mobile phone. One peice of their software, supposedly, blocks unwanted calls (BlackBaller). Their other main peice of software is supposed to automatically record all incoming calls (TotalRecall).


    Sadly, I have tried both of these programs and NEITHER of them worked. After continual contacts with their support team, the software does not block calls and does not automatically record anything. :( In all, the software only cost around £15, but it was £15 and a lot of time that was wasted and the Canadian company refuse to make refunds. :S I'm not sure if that is legal, so I'm looking into it.


    There are other, similar software names that I'm about to try. I'll post the results, should anyone be interested.

  3. This site is useless. You can easily waste hours reading unhelpful wafflings from people who clearly have no clue about how to help desperate people.


    These Halifax charges have been in place since last December and not one person has added anything useful here. FOS are completely useless, so I wouldn't even bother writing off to them. Also, advising people to send off useless templates to banks who clearly do not give a **** about your opinions is just a waste of their time and adds to their worries.


    While you all sit here blowing smoke up each other's ***** there are thousands of desperately poor people looking for help.


    Thanks for nothing you wasters. Where are the legal advisors or MPs and people who know what they're talking about!?


    And as for everyone else, there should be a clear rule for this site - if you don't have something helpful to say, don't say anything. Otherwise, the site managers could split the helpful comments from the whitterings. It would probably take 2 minutes to read things that now take 2 hours.

  4. I've just passed all my stuff to a solicitor. I don't have any more time to waste trawling through endless threads on here, only to get a smidgen of correct information or direction, amongst all the babbling and back-patting for tiny successes. These successes are doing nothing to change the behaviour of creditors and DCAs. It's only the legal action which is making these companies sit up and listen.


    These companies need to have their asses kicked, and I believe that only a solicitor can do that. Yes, I'm going to have to pay for it too, but this site does not help the majority of people. There is far less help here than people are prepared to admit, and no defenses against the illegal behaviour of these unscrupulous lenders.

  5. You can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service, but they are as much use as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.


    This is all I got back from Consumer Direct:


    I have reviewed your case and it appears that your enquiry falls outside the remit of advice offered by Consumer Direct. I have checked the Financial Services Authority Register and Paypal is not registered with the UK it is EEA registered. As such, you can contact the UK European Consumer Centre for further advice on 08456 04 05 03 or ecc@tsi.org.uk.

    Please note that in offering this advice, Consumer Direct Wales wishes to make it clear that it is based on the evidence to hand on the above date and is subject to revision or amendment in the light of further evidence. Only the courts can interpret statutory legislation with any authority.


    If you need any further advice then please contact us on 08454 040506 or alternatively we offer a Welsh line on 08454 040505

    Probably not much help either, but there you go.

  6. What's unrealistic about warning people at the point of sale that no protection exists if someone claims that they haven't received an item and you don't have proof of delivery?


    What's unrealistic in warning people that even if they do have proof of delivery, then unless there's a signature a refund will automatically be made, OR if someone collects an item then you must have proof that they collected it - at the point of making that agreement - ON EBAY? What's the big problem with eBay taking that action as part of their responsibility to the customers from whom they make HUGE profits? What's the big issue?


    They don't. And because they don't people are still being conned. And in your opinion Buzby, that's their own fault and they should stop griping, it seems.


    Also - "The truth hurts"? Are you sure you're a Platinum member? I don't think people come here to listen to handbag titty swipes. And they don't come here to listen to unsympathetic, 'serves-you-right-for-being-stupid' views from so-called experienced members who choose to brown-nose these greedy companies whilst they skank their customers. Consumers enter contracts at varying levels of ability and knowledge, so I think it's fair for eBay and PayPal to protect people as much as they can - not ignore real issues of theft.


    You've said nothing about this lady's rights under consumer law, although you seem to know PayPal rules a little.


    Anyone with any real, 'legal' input into this type of transaction?

  7. I was also stolen from whilst using PayPal and eBay. When I tried to post a thread warning others about the low level of protection offered by PayPal and eBay on their noticeboards they deleted my posts, saying that I was using the wrong 'code' (eg HTML, C++). In other words, they used a pitiful excuse to delete my criticism of their poor standards.

  8. There comes a time we have to take responsibility for our actions. We're already laughingly at the stage were packaging states on a bag of Roasted Salted Peanuts 'may contain nuts' - and my favourite on plastic bags, 'danger of suffocation'. None of these I believe are mandatory, but advisory - but where will it all end? Surely people have a responsibility to think things through from themselves and take responsibility for their actions without looking for someone to blame? If something misleads, then by all means get it resolved, but not simply because a small percentage of folk don't have the ability to work out the possible consequences of their (in)actions?


    Even assuming there is such copious advisce and warnings, the complaints continue, most recently when a PP dispute failed a seller because he claimed he followed PP advice and sent it 'tracked'. Yet, it is his misunderstanding that tracking equals a signature on delivery. It isn't. There was even a debate that the terms are interchangeable (they're not!). Whatever is sone, there will be those who find fault and wish to 'push the envelope' so their particular problem is addressed and they donlt lose out.


    It must just be human nature?


    That's so helpful Buzby - NOT!


    Next, you'll be blaming mugging victims for carrying too much money. You might as well just say it - "It's your own fault!"


    PayPal and eBay have proved themselves to be far less than responsible in protecting their users, both sellers and buyers. If they are willing to take a profit from these situations then, like the rest of us in this country, they have a responsibility to protect those that pay for their services.


    Just washing your hands with consumer rights is not the answer. Wouldn't it be more helpful to suggets that eBay and PayPal, and all the other online trading companies who turn HUGE profits from consumers, make it VERY clear to people where the risks lay whilst using their services? After all, in most cases, it would cost them very little to do so - to flash up warning signs at certain points. It's common knowledge that most people do not have the inclination to read the pages and pages and pages of their various user agreements.


    Most likely, then, either we become more and more distrusting and trust nobody, or we work toward finding ways to punish the criminals, not the trusting and honest in society.


    "because a small amount of people do not have the ability to think through the consequences of their actions"?


    So, we all should change our ways to accommodate the criminal behaviour of a small number of people in society and the websites that make it much easier for them to steal from others? We are already being forced to charge each other more money for postage because these 'lost packages' and thefts occur. That is so obviously a [problem] that eBay and PayPal are enjoying. Do you think that this has something to do with why they actively refuse to help the few who have been victims of obvious theft?


    They are equally criminals, in my opinion.

  9. PayPal are governed by whom, then?


    Some items I sent went 'missing', but the buyer was too threatening and keen to get an instant refund to convincing. I asked PayPal for time to see if the item would show up, but they instantly refunded the buyer. Those items could well still show up. They also didn't give two hoots for me to make any further enquiries of the post office, they wouldn't wait.


    Also, I sent money from my PayPal account to my bank account, and then used some 'echeques' through PayPal (via my bank account) to pay for some items. When I asked PayPal specifically if they would honour those payments, on time, they specifically said yes, then they didn't (obviously!). I got charged by my bank as PayPal tried to pay the echeques, whilst still holding my money in their account. PayPal refused to pay the bank charges.


    They really are a joke and offer no real protection if you're a seller. All your protection comes from your own insistance on recorded delivery and insurance. They need tighter regulation.


    And what is their relationship with eBay anyway?

  10. I don't know whether to cry, or cry. They've sent me this - a signed agreement. :rolleyes:






    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (:o(:::::::::::::::::::


    hehe. Any ideas anyone?


    It does look a bit sus with the conditions pasted on the back (a different size etc) It makes me wonder if they were there at the time of signing, or not. There is no signature date. There is no signature from their company. They got my date of birth slightly wrong when they typed it onto the form. Also, my registered bank is wrong, but the sort code is right. I have to say - it looks right. (:o.


    Am I the first ever person to have had a real one sent to them? :p


    I was thinking of asking them to transfer the actual document to a local branch for my inspection. ??

  11. The following direct link should work:




    The reason Bankfodder's link no longer works is that the announcement he linked to has now expired


    Fanx! :D Works good. Cool post too, shame it doesn't cover credit card agreements.


    Is there a post on here that is pushing for disputed accounts to be removed from CRAs? (Lack of CCA etc) I've heard one or two have had success, though.



  12. Sent letters to the following companies


    Black Horse - Now with solicitor (They have agreed not to charge me for the work as there are over 7 significant breaches on the agreement) sand will claim costs lol (They still phone lol)


    Aqua Card - Ask to stop calling 32 phone calls after receipt of letter including to my employer. (Shame that they note all incoming calls lol it in the work log)


    Barclaycard - no phone calls - Silly letter saying they have complied (not) check by solicitor.


    Vanquis - Lots of phone calls


    Now for the stars of the show weighing in with 47 calls and a telephone recording of a manger refusing to stop the calls until i make payment on the diputed account, yes he understands the concerns arounf CCA request and that i have provided written authority for the solicitor but he is required to ensure i make the payment. (on recording) I explained that pursuing the debt is not permitted as disputed and as they have failed to provide a copy of my agreement.


    The got told to stop delaying the bill as it is now being referred to collections and will affect my credit rating - hahahahahaha i asked if that was a threat, he stated that he didn't beleive i was recording calls and all i am doing is trying to delay payments, They are not prepared to accept the requests and will continue to phone. I asked for his manager (wa going to play it back) he refused saying he will when i have made a payment. I hung up lol and had to play it back just for fun!


    How should i now proceed lol this one i want a judge to hear.


    Hey, I read somewhere yesterday (on here) that you can be personally sued for breaking the law on behalf of your company. I would, personally, send the copy to the credit reference agencies and tell them to remove the entries. :D

  13. I understand what you're saying Flyboy - you don't get the satisfaction of messing them about a bit in return, and also, using these devices/software to avoid the calls completely denies you the opportunity to build a case for harassment, and lessens the numbers of complaints against these companies.


    Unfortunately, after getting so many calls in one day - I chickened out and installed the £3 bit of software on my mobile and now I'm agreeing with Diddy....


    ....ahhhhhhhhhhhh silencio!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  14. Thanks very much for your time Sunflower ol' toot! :grin: Much appreciated.


    I've sent them a Subject Access Request today, with a highlighted line stipulating a copy of anything that bears my signature. I did this mainly because all three of the creditors, to whom I've sent the previous CCA 1974 requests seem to be leading me a merry dance and just sending the same type of stuff - not the actual copy of a signed agreement. They are also ignoring my claims that the accounts are in Formal Dispute, and to stop demanding money and charging interest etc.


    They could be doing this for a few reasons, but I won't get my divining stick out just yet. I'm just reading up on attacking the CRA's into removing the file entries without an enforceable agreement in place. Some people seem to have managed it. :D Mainly using the Data Protection Act 1998. Although, without a copy of a signed agreement I have no chance. I might have to ask a court to formally request it. However I do that - not sure. I wonder if they'll end up paying all the costs if I can prove that I informally and formally requested it enough times!?

  15. Others have used the CPR route and indeed gone to court to get sight of (or not as the case may be) the actual document, that is i believe the only 100% sure fire way of forcing them to hand it over...Im no expert on this but if you browse this site youll find more knowledgable people who have gone down this route.


    A SAR request SHOULD provide you with it too, because it is supposed to include everything, companies vary what they send you though, ive had a few scraps of paper from some and a huge package from Egg that seems to contain everything ever !


    Although the question may be..why are you so desperate to see this document ?. If you believe it doesnt exist (or is not enforceable) then you can just stop paying and wait to see if they start court action (unlikely if the document is lost or unenforceable).




    I'm not trying to poach the thread here, so I'll just quickly answer the question:


    I need the copy of the signed agreement because it is vital for my case against the Credit Reference Agencies to remove my credit file entries. If they have it - I carry on paying (if it's a goodun), if they don't - then why don't they just tell me and not lead me on a merry dance! If anyone has a link to a thread to for a successful court action for site of an agreement, I'd appreciate it. Cheers also, Andy.

  16. HALIFAX! I HATE EM. They used to call up to 7 times a day, but it was all automated. The message just asks the recipient to call them.


    If you're going to spam call someone - at least do it in person if you're a big fat bank, innit! Cowards.


    But, I found software for my mobile and now I live in peeeeaaacccceeee. :D BlackBaller - killermobile.plom

  17. Hey there. All good advice.


    When I first became a landlord I spoke to our local Housing Help Centre. They are a local council funded intermediary, who are there for tenants and for landlords. It's sometimes good to be able to just pick up the phone, innit? Our local council run regular landlord meetings, where you can sit and listen to utter drivel for an hour, but also meet other landlords.


    Do you have these things locally? You can pick up some good leaflets from them, too.





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