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count orlok

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Posts posted by count orlok

  1. It's not a case of not intending to pay.


    It's a case of not able to;

    although I must admit I find it abhorrent that one is expected to pay for an education,

    especially when it is considered that those in the government had their higher education funded by grants.


    I took my degree to better myself.

    Although at the time I also had a naïve hope that taking a degree may give me a chance of getting back to work despite being physically unable to.


    A4e and several heart attacks later put that idea out of my mind, and made me settle for a life of filling out deferment forms and writing letters to DCAs.


    As you say, anyone that does get paid does so via standing order. The actions of the utility companies taught me this.

  2. I've been deferring mine for years, for this government to sell them off cheap to their buddies.


    Just got the forms to send back.


    They have said I must give them DD details to get deferment,

    and I must send the forms to them at least 8 weeks before the deferment runs out.


    Well there is no way I am giving my DD details to a DCA especially Arrow Global.


    As for the 8 weeks bit; are they taking the ****?


    The form wasn't even sent until April,


    there is not 8 weeks between my getting the form and when my deferment finishes.


    I know if I had finished the course a couple of years earlier the debt would have been written off when I was 50,


    I pretty sure it will be when I am 60 but can't find a copy of the old agreement.


    I'll have a look though if I can find 20 odd year old paperwork.

  3. Will those of us who have not paid them off start getting letters from Bryan and Fred.


    Also when these loans where owned by the government they could not be got rid of by going BR or with a DRO. Now they are owned by a DCA it should be possible to get rid.


    I always defer mine, under the old rules I think they would be written off if not paid by the time I was 65 (would have been 50 had I finished Uni by age 40). As the terms are supposed to remain the same I guess they still will be.


    I'm so glad they no longer have my DD details or phone number.

  4. I've just had a thought. The reasoning behind making UC monthly could be twofold. They say it is to prepare people for the world of work, it could also be a snide kick in the teeth letting people know what sort of money they would get if there were any jobs



    Not quite sure how giving a person a weeks money and expecting them to make it last a month prepares them for work, but i could imagine a months benefits would be about equal to a weeks pay when in work.

  5. Housing Associations depend on payment of rent to get funding to build new houses and get money for large capital expenses. Because (at the moment) rent receipts are guaranteed they get favourable interest rates. When UC come in their income will be at risk and they will lose finance and what they do get will cost more. I believe the figures will result in a 8% drop in the housing supply!

  6. There are some people they seem to help - those with familial hypercholesterolemia, and men who have already had heart attacks, though the latter group may be helped more by the anti inflammatory effects of the statins rather than from any cholesterol lowering effect.


    Thats good. I seem to fit the group they help perfectly. I eat very healthy home cooked food, but due to lack of exersize because of several heart attacks and other problems I am a few stone over weight. I'd have to take the cut in benefits though rather than risk a gym.

  7. Hello there.


    To pick out one part of your post, although I do sympathise with what you say, NI has never been an insurance scheme. For as long as I remember, this year's contributions have paid this year's claims/pensions, etc. It's just been another form of tax.




    That may be true but it was sold to the british people as a social security system (well at least it did up untill the 1980s/Thatcher). One which we all paid into happily because we knew if we where sick or unable to work we would be looked after. If we wanted a low tax system, where we looked after our own health and welfare we would have moved to the US.

  8. Indeed the only way to lose fat is for energy in to be less than energy out. Of course going to the gym can help that but at the other end it can increase weight as muscle is denser than fat.


    As for the logic of having a car on DLA if you think about it there is no sense. The car will be made by a foreign owned company so the profit made will be paid to a foreign company etc. If you follow the logic we can create wealth by making everyone unemployed or sick.

    I truly hope no one believes that


    Not all DLA cars are foreign, I think you'll find the majority are British built. Even so there is a massive industry involved in servicing the cars selling them etc. An industry that will be very badly damaged by PIP and the lose of 1000s of Motability customers.


    Taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich is not the way to boost the economy, it does the opposite. The rich do not spend their extra money they already have more than enough Super cars/yachts. The only way to boost the economy is to give money to the poor they spend most of their money. Just what is needed for the country.


    Also the poor are obese because cheap food is unhealthy (it needn't be but it is). We are a couple on pension credits and eat healthy food; a weeks food costs us more than a couple on working age benefits get to cover everything.

  9. This little spoof did give me a chuckle. I just hope it doesn't give the vermin in power any ideas!! :!:




    POOR people are to be operated remotely like an unmanned drone, the government has announced.


    From April all benefit claimants will be fitted with a headset so they can be controlled by a middle class person who is trained to know what is best for everyone.


    I looked at that article and it is typical Tory rubbish they are clearly wrong, saying for example “You can’t stay fat if your brain is being controlled by someone who went to university"; I am poor and fat but I also went to university [sic].

  10. Nothing about my lifetime award would make me vote Tory.


    Trouble is a lot of those on lifetime awards will think they've let them keep it and vote the Nasty Party back in. Even those that keep their Motability cars are not going to have the choice they do now.


    It will go back to how it was when it started; if you want anything more than a basic 2 door car with rubber mats you'll have to make a heavy down payment. Back then I had to make a down payment on a 4 door Metro, it would have costs £100s to have it with metallic paint, and a basic (rubber mats, wind down windows, 2 doors) VW Polo carried a £1500 premium.


    PIP will decimate the UK car industry and ruin the Motability scheme.

  11. Perhaps they're hoping all those with indefinite and lifetime awards of DLA will vote Tory cause they still have their benefit. Or they think that we think if we all vote for them again they'll let us keep it. After all Nu Labour were making noises about DLA and looking into reassessing Life awards (after all it was on their watch that for life changed to indefinite).

  12. This has nothing to do with saving money. Taking the cars away from a couple of hundred thousend scroungers will cost a lot more than letting them keep them. This wording explains the reasons.


    The facts are the losses to the car industry will be catastrophic; there will be lost jobs in sales, sevicing, and manufacture. There will be massive damage done to the car market with dumping of 1000s of nearly ne vehicles (taken from people who fail the new ATOS tests), etc.


    Along with all the car industry worker claiming dole there will be a plothora of disabled who can no longer work due to the lose of their allowance who will also add to the dole.


    But hey, think of all those happy voters who'll feel warm because us scrouging **** no longer get new BMWs for free [sic].

  13. I am on ESA and my wife's carer (through DLA). If I get called in for an assessment I am going to terminate my claim for ESA rather than go through the pain and humiliation of the WCA. I'm not sure what will happen when UC come in but for now we'll get shortfall made up with pension credits.

  14. When you first get HRM they send you an exemption certificate (as far as i cam remember, unless it was just details on how to get one), and as quoted above you must change the tax class of your car from PLG to disabled.


    If you have a Motability car it is all automatic. Not sure if you can still choose to pay the tax on your Motability car (free if a hybrid I believe), and use your exemption cert on your V8 Rangerover or Aston martin Vantage.

  15. They'll probably try and talk you out of going for Carers allowance.


    When I first got my brown envelope and they phoned i said I didn't want to go on ESA but carers allowance, but the guy said fill the ESA50 out first and see what happens. I got migrated to ESA and have an underlying entitlement to Carers Allowance.


    I'll probably do the same next time, but if I don't get put straight into the support group I'll go for CA. I'm not prepared to go through the humiliation and pain of a WCA or the WRAG. Now that those in that group are being forced to work I'm not prepared to risk my life and become another one of the statistics.

  16. I'm in the support group at the moment and manage my pain by medication and not doing certain things.


    When I have been in pain in the past the only way i can handle it is to kick off big time and hit out/smash things up (everything but turn green).


    I put this in my ESA50 and If I was ever put in the WRAG and mandated to do work I would have to let the provider know about this. I guess I would have to give them a letter absolving me of responsibility for any ensuing damage. I'm sure other people "go off on one" as part of their illnesses, and I wonder how the likes of Poundland and Tescos would react to having a few displays smashed up?

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