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Posts posted by 90DC

  1. My partner and I spent the day out yesterday with the kids, walking by the river, feeding ducks, you know, general day off kind of stuff.


    We had been to a couple of places and had spent around 4 hours out, got back to the car for the second time (After switching locations etc) and i was about to put the pushchair in the boot and noticed the back number plate had gone, i looked around the front and the front one had gone too.


    So of course i rang the Police, obtained an incident number and crime number, despite the fact that nobody came to see us, and that was that. (I explained the whole story about being out etc)


    I've just looked on the internet to see what happens if somebody gets a Parking Notice or Speeding Ticket and have found nothing. (The Police told me it would now be on the PNC and if a crime happens that involves that registration plate, it would be cross referenced and my Partner (Whos car it is) would not be 'done' for it as it be.


    But i am a little worried, and what should i do, say the registration plate is used to evade a speed camera, or down London in the Congestion area etc? She's only been passed less than two years, has three points already for a silly traffic light skip, and if she gets another three points she is technically disqualified.


    Please help me, i'd like to know what to do, apparantly 60,000 registration plates were stolen in 2008, which is almost a 50% rise over three years.

  2. It seems to be all sorted now, i rang them up again this morning and after about half an hour on the phone, the bloke from enquiries emailed the BDC and asked them to issue a girocheque tomorrow morning.


    The processing contacted me at about 4:15 and he says it should all be processed and stupidly told me i have 90% chance of recieving a phone call tomorrow and a giro will be issued.


    Still, there is 10% chance i wont get this, i will update tomorrow evening. Thanks for all the help and advice. :)

  3. Thanks for the reply there, i didn't and wouldn't have taken any reply in the wrong way, so long as it was advisory. I will go into the JobCentre on Monday, with my partner and her ID, i will ask a member of staff to fax this through (And tell them exactly what department, my JobCentre is over a county border so as far as i know, if sent, it went to one BDC rather than the other one.)


    I really do hope it is sorted out in time, i gave them my partner's ID when i went for the initial appointment back in November, i will take into account what you say about the money and bills mounting up (Which they are anyway, badly) But this will probably not help speed it up, nothing i seem to say makes anybody there act in a compassionate matter, i have not got the number for the BDC i am dealing with, so do you reckon it is advisory i get hold of this number and contact them directly, as it is disappointing that people would leave families in financial difficulties over the Christmas period. I've had a lot of things run through my mind over the past couple of weeks, and i have said, and decided not to say some things, but what i have said to the JC staff, wouldn't get me banned, they'd need to have good reason that i was being unreasonable as it is just an act of desperation.


    I will keep you informed on what goes on when i go in on Monday, but i don't think it will be too promising and i think my first problem is that my claim wont be sorted till after the Christmas period, then the second problem will be they will mess me around with the money, as if this is the case, the backdated payment will be around £600. And i don't see them paying this out.

  4. Just made that note, also made one to Yahoo. It wont stop these people though. There ought to be a system whereby people posting adverts for goods wanted on these websites cannot be contacted by Nigerians.


    Like the website coming up "This content is blocked for users from your country." Surely this can be done somehow, because when i try to watch videos on YouTube sometimes, it comes up with something similar to that (But that's because of Copyright)


    Ahh well, technology is only as good as it is, i am sure in a couple of years time something will come up.

  5. Conversation with Bristow And Sutor this afternoon (After council took my debt back, they called me)


    BS: Hello, could i speak to Mr XXX

    Me: Who's speaking?

    BS: I'm calling from Bristow Sutor

    Me: Ohh you lot, what do you want?

    BS: We have been informed by Amber Valley Council that they have taken your council tax debt back

    Me: Yes...(Pause)...And?

    BS: There is an outstanding debt to us of £84.

    Me: And...?


    BS: You are required to pay back this amount...(Pause) By law.

    Me: Am I?

    BS: Yes, how will you be paying the money?

    Me: Erm...(Pause) I won't be.

    BS: I will repeat what i have just said (Pause)

    Me: Go on then.

    BS: You owe us money, can i ask how you wish to repay this?

    Me: As i said, i don't wish to repay anything to you.

    BS: (Muffled, didn't catch this)

    Me: I am just flicking through the DirectGov website, i can't see anything here that says i must pay back money. (I wasn't)

    BS: A rep made three visits to your property, you were charged a levy and a walking possession charge was also applied.

    Me: And... I don't have to pay this, i've cancelled the standing order, and if you carry on, you will have the courts to answer to.

    BS: Sir, i understand what you are saying, but this must be paid back.

    Me: I don't understand what you are saying, you are trying to f***ing rob me.

    BS: If you use that kind of language i will have to terminate this call.

    Me: And what will that resolve eh? Now if i want to swear because i don't agree with the b*llocks you are coming out with, i will.

    BS: I must tell you that if the money isn't paid back, you will recieve a court order.

    Me: Go on then.

    BS: I will allow you 14 days as that is the legal amount of time you have to make an offer.

    Me: I have an offer for you, i will pay you one pence, every month, for the rest of my life, out of good will.

    BS: Clients are usually allowed six months to clear debts.

    Me: And what is that in pounds and pence?

    BS: I will just work it out. (Long Pause) As you have been repaying weekly, i have worked it out weekly, it came at around £3.50 a week, do you wish to repay £10 a week as you have been doing? Or i can offer to lower this to £5 a week.

    Me: I want to pay... (Pause) Nothing.

    BS: I must remind you of the...

    Me: Of the what? Bull****. Now, don't f***ing mess me around, i know that once the council take the debt back, there is absolutely f**k all you can do now. So carry on...

    BS: Mr XXX that claim is untrue. I am now going to terminate this call (Pause)

    Me: Go on then...

    BS: I will

    Me: (Hung up, couldn't be bothered with the lies anymore)


    I knew what was what, they didn't call back, they probably wont send me any mail or anything, it was all bullcrap. I can't believe it, and this is honestly true, i got most of the conversation recorded, going to take it to the council, where else shall i stick it?

  6. I started a new claim for JSA on 20th November, they said it will all be set up within two weeks (10-14 days they said). It has now been four weeks, i have signed on aswell.


    My problem is, i have no money for the kids presents this year, i hate having to rely on the state, and if given a choice, i wouldn't. They infuriate me.


    Well they needed my partners ID, so i took it into the JobCentre and they apparently faxed it to the department (Well it must've gone to the wrong department, because they haven't recieved this yet.) I have been on the phone to them every day this week and twice last week, calling 0845 numbers when you have no money is hard, so i've had to bear it and use the phone from the JobCentre.


    I went in at 4:55 today (5 minutes before closing). Phoned benefit enquiries and was told what i had been told about nine times already. "It is being processed but we are chasing the information." The customer service bloke in the JobCentre was getting impatient with me, and as it was him that mis-sent my information, i had a go at him, he clearly wasn't happy, i'd made him five minutes late out of work, well i don't care, i am really upset, have no money for presents and haven't been guaranteed that it will be sorted by Christmas, and because of my situation, this also means no Turkey, no presents for the kids, and i wont be able to repay the payments on the debts i owe because of this.


    I applied for a crisis loan three days ago, originally asked for £300, but the most they could offer me was £43.00, i was disgusted, this wouldn't cover anything, it is miniscule, i am now £400 down on my benefit, i just want to curl into a ball and cry. I feel i have let down my children and everything, i am going to fight more on Monday, but if it isn't sorted by then, i wont recieve any money till some time after they close for Christmas, it is sickening, i cannot afford to live like this.


    Please, if anybody knows how i can go about this to avoid having the dole ruin my Sons first Christmas and my other kid, who has got over excited about Christmas, will be upset and i will feel i have let them both down. I hate the social, it is not my way of living, but when it's a last resort, just about everyone turns to it.


    I want to know what to do? Please, please help, i am at a loss and it is really depressing and causing me upset.


    Thanks for anybody that will help me on my way.

  7. The JobCentre Customer Service bloke trying to kick me out at 2 minutes to five whilst i was on the phone to benefit enquiries. It is not my fault that i lost my job recently, it is not my fault i started this claim on 20th November and it is still not set up, it is not my fault the JobCentre staff messed me around, it is not my fault i will now not have any money to buy my two kids presents this Christmas, it is not my fault at all. And all that idiot could think about was get out on time. When i used to work in a shop, we couldn't just ask people to leave, we had to wait around for the straddlers to leave before closing up. And when i asked him where it says he is allowed to kick me out, he said "Our opening hours are 9 to five". Well he clearly couldn't do anything because i held him up till five past five. And the idiot was not happy at that. For God's sake, it's not my fault.

  8. Thank you Nintendo Pu, you answered that question for me, the companies will have the responsibility of chasing the debt.


    I can see where people are coming from in saying they don't agree with this, but that's the point, there's alot we all don't agree with, and what i don't agree with here is the fact that people who cannot pay debt, are passed onto debt collectors and bailiffs who extort alot of money out of them.


    I would say that there are more people right now who can't pay rather than wont pay, and why fling everybody into one very large boat and make dirty money from them, people in serious financial difficulty are passed onto bailiffs who then take all of their belongings. Some of these people aren't as clued up as you and i, and are extorted, i should know, the bailiffs tried feeding me crap, but i went to the council with the evidence and they took my Council Tax debt back, eventually, after giving them every little bit of information.


    I am just trying to help out vulnerable people, because this problem leads to worse problems before it gets any better, £100s later.

  9. Hi all thanks for the replies here, problem is now solved anyway. Just came home, logged onto my email, and the idiot has sent an email saying basically if i were interested to use Western Transfer to send one months rent and this security thing, without even asking if i want to view the property.


    It's alright, i am all clued up where it comes to this, the West African will not con me out of £1300. They must think us Brits are daft. I'm actually surprised they have internet access.


    Thanks again for the replies, i am always cautious and always questioning offers i recieve.

  10. I recently posted an advert on Gumtree asking if anybody had a property to let. I've had a few replies, but the best looking one has the bills included in the rent, everything (Council tax, water, gas, internet etc)


    I would be claiming housing benefit and it would be £200 short of this per month, i am only asking because i have never come across this before.


    The landlord also wants a "Security Deposit". Now i have heard of a rent deposit and first months rent, but not this.


    What shall i ask this landlord? And, can anybody advise me here?


    Many thanks.

  11. Hi all,


    Please click to read through the petition and sign your name accordingly, pass on the link to people who may also be interested. Enough names and the PM will take notice. This only takes two or three minutes.



    Petition to: Ban companies from employing bailiffs and Debt collection agencies to recover debts and them to assume responsibility of the debt themselves. | Number10.gov.uk

  12. Hi all, on behalf of all of you i have created a petition on the 10 Downing Street website to ban bailiffs from collecting debt and extorting money from people who are clearly suffering from debt issues.


    Petition to: Ban companies from employing bailiffs and Debt collection agencies to recover debts and them to assume responsibility of the debt themselves. | Number10.gov.uk


    Here is a breakdown of what i have put, i will post this on similar websites too because i believe it is a corrupt business and shouldn't be allowed in such a well developed country as ours.


    We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Ban companies

    from employing bailiffs and Debt collection agencies to recover

    debts and them to assume responsibility of the debt themselves.


    Many people have been in a situation where either they have had

    bailiff letters, bailiffs have visited, or they have had their

    property seized by bailiffs.


    The proposal is to make companies themselves recover the debts

    and cut out the bailiffs who often use dodgy tactics on people

    who are clearly vulnerable. Companies/Lenders will be allowed

    to send mail and make a maximum of two visits to an address,

    they should speak on level terms with the consumer, they will

    be allowed to charge a fee (Based on the cost of these actions

    around £2 for a letter, £5 recorded mail, and 20pence per mile

    for a car drive, they can employ their own debt collectors, but

    not make huge sums of money on debt) This situation is

    particularly fragile due to the recession currently going on.


    The aim of this legislation would be to protect the people of

    Britain, to ensure that they aren't put into the hands of

    bailiffs, which in turn causes more debt problems, as some turn

    to high interest loans as they cannot afford to pay the debt.



    Please add your signature for support of this petition accordingly.

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