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Posts posted by Old-CodJA

  1. It is a little while since I have responded to matters of this nature on here, but I have been asked to take a look at this to see if there is anything that can be done to expedite a successful outcome for the OP in resolving this

    One thing that strikes me immediately from a quick read through of the thread is that there is some very real misunderstandings in some of the suggestions made by some people who I realise are well meaning posters.

    Until my retirement, my working life was as Prosecution Manager for multiple TOCs, these matters are not BTP cases, but I do realise that many who do not actually work in this field will not know that fact. It is often this confusion that makes it much more difficult to resolve matters promptly

    Furthermore, talk of seeking compensation from the TOCs is extremely premature and the first thing that needs to be done is to recognise that offenders will have spoken to, usually a brief interview conducted in accordance with the Police & Criminal Evidence Act (1984)

    if the criminal offence of fare evasion is suspected by a trained inspector, or they may have been reported for a failure to produce a valid ticket to a Guard or Conductor resulting in an allegation of breach of Byelaw. These are two different offences, charged under different legislations and may be dealt with by the Courts in differing ways

    I will read through the thread in more detail and respond again when I've assessed whether or not there is any more meaningful help that I can offer straight away

    In the meantime, to the OP, please make sure that the Court are asked to re-open the conviction in your name, that a date is set for re-hearing and that you contact the train operating company concerned, NOT the BTP.

    It is the TOC who will have brought the prosecution, BTP generally ONLY get involved in fares matters where there is another charge such as public order offences or major theft involving large sums.

    To the OP, please feel free to PM me if you wish to provide more details that might help me to find you a quicker resolution IF that is possible at this stage.



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  2. Firstly, you need to await the letter that the TOC is likely to send you, because then you will know the unique reference allocated to this report and will be certain that your response will get to the right person

    I have to refer to this quote from your original message:

    "all set...my husband told me to take his ticket.

    At first I said no but because I was rushing I just took the travel ticket in the end."

    This suggests that you were well aware that you should not use your Husband's travelcard and that it was wrong to do so.

    Please don't rush into trying to force the TOC to deal with this immediately, wait to see what their letter alleges and then deal with what you know, rather than trying to guess what they believe.

    Prepare some accurate notes of what happened to help your clear memory for response when you get the letter and need to respond.

    It MAY be possible to negotiate an administrative settlement once your letter arrives, but it is too early to attempt to do so before you know exactly what has been reported. A further good reason not to rush is that occasionally, inspectors may lose their notes and if that happens, it is exceedingly difficult for them to bring a prosecution

    Please don't worry, what has happened cannot be undone, but once you receive the letter, come back and let us knw what has been alleged by the TOC and perhaps we can help you to mitigate the effect of your actions.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Will they compare the note from the inspector with my story?

    I didn’t tell him anything but only facts, ie it is my husband ticket and i used it in the morning and intended to use in the evening by entering the platform using the ticket. I knew i did wrong and didn’t see the point of telling him excuses. I didn’t see what the inspector wrote



    Yes, the inspector's account will be assessed against your account.


    If as you say you admitted having used your husband's season ticket in the morning and did intend to use it again that evening at the time you were questioned, the allegation and your admission will match, because the notes will reflect both what you did and what you said


    I suggest this has parallel with the occasion of delivering a verdict at the Appeal Court when Lord Denning once said 'a man will be judged on his words and actions'.


    The description that you have given suggests sufficient evidence for a prosecutor to consider two charges, both offences contrary to Section 5(3)(a) of the Regulation of Railways Act [1889].


    Talk of using the National Railway Byelaws in this case is largely irrelevant


    That said,


    i) Did travel without having previously paid her fare and did use a season ticket issued for the sole use of another identified person with intent to avoid her fare

    ii) Did attempt to travel without having previously paid her fare and did attempt to use a season ticket issued for the sole use of another identified person with intent to avoid her fare


    In practice, they may decide only to raise one Summons


    As Ford says, try not to worry at present, wait and see what the letter you receive says and respond truthfully, but when replying, do not expand beyond the facts alleged in that letter


    These letters can take several weeks to arrive at times as all TOCs prosecutors offices are very busy.


    For now, enjoy Christmas and try to put this out of mind until you need to respond to correspondence.

  4. no you always get a tell us your side of the story letter first.




    Yes, dx100uk is right, the first thing you will get normally is a 'verification letter'.


    If an offence is evidenced they can move straight to Summons, but it is never really in anyone's interest to do so.


    You'll get a letter seeking your version of events and although this is serious, it is not completely beyond the realms of possibility that you may be able to avoid a Court appearance.

  5. The case in this thread has clear parallels with the Appeal Court case of Arthur Browning (1946). Convicted of attempting to avoid payment of his fare by using his spouse's season ticket contrary to Section 5(3)(a) of The Regulation of Railways Act [1889].


    Appealed, and appeal rejected.


    The Appeal Court decided that whilst the rail company may not have lost any money, the traveller had not paid THEIR fare

  6. There are no guarantees, but a concisely worded letter of apology may be sufficient to allow the company to dispose of the matter by administrative settlement


    It is really important not to waffle in your letter. Long rambling and pleading letters can lose the support of the reader. It is important to apologise, but remember that the reader may have a huge pile of similar correspondence to go through every day and the ones that are most likely to succeed are the ones that show clear remorse for their behaviour and apologise. Never seek to put any of the blame on others, that's a certain way of losing support of the reader.


    Start by offering an unequivocal apology for your actions, you can briefly mention the sleep deprivation as a result of the new baby and worries about your future, but it is also important to recognise that what you say can also be open to interpretation. Sleep deprivation is good in terms of illustrating the circumstances on the day.


    Financial worries may indicate a completely different mindset and if this is laboured in the letter the prosecution staff may question whether a swift financial settlement is achievable.


    Offer an apology for your actions and for the inconvenience caused and give a firm undertaking never to travel without a valid ticket in future. Explain that your employment requires a high level of integrity and a conviction for the criminal offence of 'avoidance of a fare' is likely to affect that future.


    Offer to make immediate payment of the unpaid fare and any reasonably incurred costs that your actions have caused the TOC.


    Please remember that this is only likely to work if you have never been previously reported for travelling without a valid tickets


    Don't quote a settlement figure in your letter, leave the TOC to do that in their reply. If your letter fails to secure agreement to allow a settlement then come back and let us know.


    I have retained the bulk of your text, but removed all the areas that would appear to a prosecutor to be 'unnecessary padding'. It could be reduced further, but see what you think of this:



    I apologise profusely for my actions in this case. I pride myself on my integrity and honesty and I feel shameful for my moment of very poor judgement. As the sole income earner for the family (my wife is on maternity leave), a criminal record would be devastating for us as my employment relies upon a clean criminal record.


    I had a particularly forgetful week at the time this occurred. I was very sleep deprived after the recent birth of our first child with attendant stress.


    On the 28th I was running late for interview and left the house in a rush. I consequently forgot to pick up a blank carnet ticket as I left. I rushed to and through the station in an attempt to make the train I needed to make my interview on time. I grabbed a ticket from my wallet assuming it was a new blank ticket which I would populate as I rushed for the train.


    Onboard I realised to my horror the mistake I had made of unintentionally using an old ticket, which I had failed to check. I couldn't find my blank carnet ticket. In my complete stupidity and panic, I changed the date of a previously dated ticket to the date of travel.


    I made a very bad choice that's haunted me since. I tried to explain to the Revenue Protection Inspector that it wasn't premeditated and admitted my mistake and I apologised. I have never done this before, I am just so sorry for my actions and the inconvenience caused to all involved.


    I am happy to make immediate payment of the unpaid fare and any incurred costs that my actions have caused. I am also happy to purchase an annual pass immediately so I will not make a mistake like this again.


    I have also recently finished a year long voluntary mentoring programme with the charity, Chance UK where I worked with children with behavioural difficulties. A criminal record would prevent me from mentoring ever again, which would make me very sad indeed as its my passion in life.


    I would appreciate your consideration and I sincerely hope that you can show some leniency in this matter.

  7. It is clear that you recognise this is a serious matter so far as the TOC are concerned, whatever the motivation behind your action, the evidence makes clear that you did 'alter the date on a previously used ticket with intent to avoid the correct fare due.'


    As dx100uk says, you may be able to convince the TOC prosecutors office to allow you to settle this without Court action.


    There are no guarantees, but a concisely worded letter of apology may be sufficient to allow the company to dispose of the matter by administrative settlement


    It is really important not to waffle in your letter. Long rambling and pleading letters can lose the support of the reader. It is important to apologise, but remember that the reader may have a huge pile of similar correspondence to go through every day and the ones that are most likely to succeed are the ones that show clear remorse for their behaviour and apologise. Never seek to put any of the blame on others, that's a certain way of losing support of the reader.


    Start by offering an unequivocal apology for your actions, you can briefly mention the sleep deprivation as a result of the new baby and worries about your future, but it is also important to recognise that what you say can also be open to interpretation. Sleep deprivation is good in terms of illustrating the circumstances on the day.


    Financial worries may indicate a completely different mindset and if this is laboured in the letter the prosecution staff may question whether a swift financial settlement is achievable.


    Offer an apology for your actions and for the inconvenience caused and give a firm undertaking never to travel without a valid ticket in future. Explain that your employment requires a high level of integrity and a conviction for the criminal offence of 'avoidance of a fare' is likely to affect that future.


    Offer to make immediate payment of the unpaid fare and any reasonably incurred costs that your actions have caused the TOC.


    Please remember that this is only likely to work if you have never been previously reported for travelling without a valid tickets


    Don't quote a settlement figure in your letter, leave the TOC to do that in their reply. If your letter fails to secure agreement to allow a settlement then come back and let us know.

    • Haha 1
  8. There are no passenger services on Arriva Trains Wales that are driver only operated. Department for Transport agreement with the franchise holder confirm that the TOC has a Conductor Guard on all services.


    Arriva Trains Wales Revenue Enforcement Policy


    The ethos of Arriva Trains Wales is to collect the correct revenue that we are contractually due from all our passengers. We recognise however there is a small minority of passengers who will deliberately attempt to evade payment. This document sets out the process of how we will deal with these passengers and the steps we would put in place to help and protect passengers who are unaware of their responsibilities getting captured by the process.


    The underlying principal of this process is to protect passengers who make an innocent mistake from those who are deliberate ticketless passengers. In the first instance the customer will be asked for payment with a reasonable administration charge. The process is intended to identify those who are constant offenders or those that have carried out acts of fraud. For those passengers who have attempted to defraud we have no option but to carry out court proceedings.


    These processes will be in line with the ATOC Code of Practice ‘arrangements for travel ticket irregularities’ and the Passenger Focus publication ‘ticket to ride’.


    Process Overview


    All Passengers must have the correct ticket for the journey they are taking and it is their responsibility to have one, they must how ever be given an opportunity to purchase tickets before entering this process.


    These opportunities are:


    Before boarding any Train


    • Booking office

    • Ticket Vending Machine (TVM)


    If no facilities were available before boarding


    • On train


    If there has not been an opportunity to purchase a ticket then the passenger should be sold the correct one. In the event of a passenger choosing not to purchase a ticket they will be interviewed. After a passenger, has been interviewed for travelling without a valid ticket, before any further action is taken the customer will be written to and given 21days to confirm the details of the information provided at the time. They will be offered the opportunity to provide clarification or any mitigating circumstances.


    If the customer has not responded within 21 days then further action will be taken.


    Once a full response has been received the case will be reviewed. All cases will be assessed on their own merit. There are three possible outcomes from any case


    • Ceasing of Proceedings

    • Administrative Settlement

    • Prosecution


    Customers can make genuine mistakes. If this is the first time a customer has been identified within this process they should not normally be taken to prosecution and may be offered an administrative settlement. The exception to this is if there is an attempted fraud or other aggravating circumstance.


    Prosecution will be the last course of action. There are some areas where prosecution is unavoidable.



    • Giving false personal details

    • Knowingly claiming a short journey

    • Repeat offender e.g. Travelling without a ticket on more than one occasion


    Recording of Passengers Interviewed:


    Detailed records of the customers that have been interviewed will be held in accordance with data protection laws.


    Customers Contact


    Transport Investigations Ltd will handle all correspondence with customers with regards to this policy.

  9. Honeybee is absolutely right, keep your letter only to the details that the train operating company are concerned with


    Whilst it may seem uncharitable to some, your management of your affairs are your concern.


    The company are not concerned with this, what they have is evidence that you attempted to use someone else's pass to travel on that day.


    You say that you picked up the wrong card in error, do you have one of your own?


    Make sure you send evidence that you held a VALID pass of your own if you did have one, then apologise and ask if they will consider letting this be dealt with by a warning


    If not, they have a strong case, but you may again wish to offer a sincere apology, promise never to travel without a valid ticket again and offer to pay the fares due and any reasonably incurred costs to deal with this without further action


    The company do not have to agree, but it is your best option if you are to avoid a more costly outcome

  10. The other thing I've noticed is on the ticket it says I travelled on the Liverpool Street - Chesunt line

    when it was the Liverpool Street - Chingford line - could I get off based on a technicality here? .


    Exceedingly unlikely.


    All that is necessary is for the prosecutor to identify the 'typing error' and ask to amend the application to read 'Chingford' instead of 'Cheshunt'


    All Court staff are fully conversant with the modernisation of admin processes and with 'drop-down' menus pre-filling forms as they are created these days it is very easy to see how such an error occurs. Typing in 'CH...' will have pre-filled the first alphabetical location in the drop-down list unless spotted and corrected.

    • Haha 1
  11. Yes, definitely wait until you get your letter, but the point that I have highlighted below is the area that you will most likely have difficulty with


    On 17 May my monthly pass expired (there is balance) which I forgot to renew


    on 18th morning I took my husband's card (his is on monthly pass)


    This makes perfectly clear to any member of revenue or prosecutions dept. staff reading it that your pass had run out on 17th and that you took your husbands discounted season and used it on 18th to avoid paying your fare that morning


    The payment of fares, whether on Oyster, or any other form of travel ticket is timed so payment on to your Oyster can be tracked.


    Wait until you get your letter and see what they allege

  12. Hi,


    I gave my details (name and address) to a revenue officer as I did not have a ticket

    . This happened last Thursday on 6th of April. After this incident, I realize that I will not be able to receive the letter as I am going to move out and go to a new address. Usually the letter arrives in 3-4 weeks and I am going to move out in 3 days.

    I called the prosecution department (IRCAS) and finally I had a call back from them yesterday Monday 10th April. I explained my situation and they asked me what address I said at first time. I said my current address and they cannot find me at their system. She advised me to send an email to them by describing what happened, what address I gave and what is my new address.


    Does it sounds to you that for some reason they failed to have my incident to their files?



    What intrigues me is that if you were reported by a Revenue Protection Inspector, which Train Operating Company were you travelling with and how did you come to call IRCAS ?


    IRCAS do not undertake prosecutions for all TOCs


    This is an important question and will have a bearing on the outcome for you

  13. normally it is a flat rate fine under the penalty fares rules so this points to a station that is not covered by that law. Shame, otherwise you just send a cheque for the £20 plus the ticket price and that is that.



    This is very dangerous advice for other travellers who may be tempted to travel from stations without paying their fare within Penalty Fares areas as well as areas where Penalty Fares cannot be charged.


    There is never an obligation of an inspector to levy a penalty charge or offer a Penalty Fare Notice where the evidence suggests that a traveller intended to avoid a fare, or intended to pay the fare only if challenged. (Appeal Court judgment, Corbyn 1978.)


    Section 5.3 of the Regulation of Railways Act (1889) is the primary legislation in this instance, but the OP has made clear that they could also be charged with the strict liability matter of failing to comply with National Railway Byelaw 18.1 (2005).


    A Penalty Fare Notice is a civil remedy for a genuine mistake.


    Deliberately travelling without paying is intentional fare evasion. A Penalty Fare is not an appropriate remedy in those cases.


    Reply to the letter truthfully, apologise for your actions and undertake not to repeat the offence.


    Ask if the company will accept your offer to pay the fare due and the reasonable administration costs incurred by the company in dealing with your actions as an alternative to issuing a Summons for the evidence to be tested by a Magistrates Court.


    They do not have to agree, but if you are entirely truthful and have not come to notice in similar circumstances in the past, you stand a good chance of avoiding conviction.

  14. However the wording on their website is different :


    "Lost or stolen Season tickets or Photocards

    - If you lose your Season Ticket or it is stolen, report this immediately to the ticket office where you bought it. You should also report this to the police. If you or we cannot recover the lost or stolen ticket, we will then consider an application for a duplicate ticket, if the original was issued for a period of one month or more. We do not issue duplicates in respect of lost or stolen 7 Day Season Tickets. We may ask you or others for information. There is an administration charge when we issue a duplicate Season Ticket.

    - A duplicate season ticket can be issued if:

    you tell staff at an office of the Train Company from which it was bought as soon as you reasonably can and, if required, you give a reasonable explanation for the loss;


    you agree to return immediately the lost Season Ticket if you find it, to an office of the Train Company from which it was bought; the lost Season Ticket is valid for one month or longer

    - If you subsequently lose or mislay your duplicate Season Ticket or it is stolen, then further duplicate Season Tickets will be issued on the same basis as your first duplicate Season Ticket. However, you may be asked to attend a meeting with the Train Company concerned to explain the circumstances in which your duplicate Season Ticket(s) was lost. Train Companies have agreed a Code of Practice for such meetings, a copy of which can be found on the National Rail and Train Company websites.

    - We will refund (with no administration charge) the cost of tickets you buy while you are waiting for the duplicate ticket to be issued, if you hand these tickets in.

    - If you lose your photocard or it is stolen, we can issue a new one, for which a further passport-type photograph is required. If we need to reissue your Season Ticket, an administration charge will be made."




    You should call the SWT Customer Relations office on 0345 600 0650 and explain how you believe that you came to lose the ticket just as you have done here. Explain what your actions were in the 30 minutes immediately after you alighted.


    You may be asked to attend for interview as described above, but in exceptional circumstances and if they are satisfied that this is a genuine event, then I would expect SWT to apply the terms above and as advertised on their current website.


    Do not be tempted to make an excuse, help SWT to help you by "hot-listing" the lost season so that if it comes to light being used by someone else then they can take robust action.


    The sooner you make a truthful report the sooner you are likely to get this sorted.


    Good luck

    • Haha 1
  15. I don't recall the time of the train as this incident took place almost two weeks ago, so I cannot include that. I am sure that they will be able to work out which case this is from my name and address though.




    I intended on including my name and address, but they weren't included in my previous post for reasons I assumed were fairly obvious. I do not see how it is possible to confirm evidence of emigration.


    How's this revised draft?:


    My name

    My former address




    Dear Sir/Madam,


    I am writing to inform you that I am moving to NAME OF COUNTRY I AM MOVING TO and, by the time you receive this letter, I will no longer be a resident of the UK. Therefore any post sent to my former address will not be received. Unfortunately I do not have an address in NAME OF COUNTRY I AM MOVING TO yet, so I am unable to provide you with this information.


    I was stopped on board a train from NAME OF STATION OF DEPARTURE to NAME OF NEXT STATION on the 10th of March for travelling with an incorrect ticket. If you wish to pursue this case, then I am informing you that it will not be possible for me to provide any form of response, no matter how far you decide to escalate this case.


    Furthermore, I did not mean to board the incorrect train, neither was I the only passenger who did so.


    The reason I boarded the incorrect train is due to the station layout at NAME OF STATION OF DEPARTURE. I was not aware that the platform I was supposed to use was hidden around the corner. I simply followed the signs to the platform. Upon seeing a train on the platform I assumed was mine, I boarded the train. As my train was scheduled to leave in a few minutes, I was in a rush and did not have the time to familiarise myself with the irregular platform layout.


    I had no intent to travel without paying as I had already paid for a ticket for the journey I intended to take to NAME OF STATION I PURCHASED A RETURN TICKET FROM. I merely boarded the incorrect train by accident.


    Yours sincerely,






    I can see nothing that alters my earlier view

  16. I'm sorry to say that unless you include confirmable details regarding your full name, former address details, new intended location and the details of the alleged offence, that is unlikely to prevent a determined prosecutor from proceeding.


    There is nothing there that will confirm evidence of emigration and it might even be seen to suggest an attempt to avoid a liability.


    If the company were to proceed in your absence and if you were actually registered at the address at the time of the offence, with the Court having received no response to a summons you they might get a conviction in absence and depending on what was charged, IF you came back to the UK it might catch up with you.


    Now I'm not saying this would happen, but it is a possibility

  17. As others have said, your wife is best advised to wait for the letter from TfL prosecutions office before she does anything.


    She will then know what charges are being considered and she will be able to formulate an accurate reply to the allegation


    The very best thing that she can do is to be truthful, without waffling and without resorting to what many prosecutors will read as 'emotional blackmail' in over emphasising personal difficulties.


    When your wife receives the letter, redact all personal details and let us know what it says, then we can give case specific suggestions of how to respond

  18. Hello there.


    I agree with UB, I think it's worth contesting this. GWR should be able to ascertain that there was no way of buying a ticket for cash at the station and that the guard's machine was broken.




    Honeybee is absolutely right.


    GWR will know from the monitoring of ticket machines at both ticket offices and on-train whether facilities were available to you or not, so assuming that everything is exactly as you say, there should be no problem at all in resolving this promptly


    Good luck

  19. To clarify the matter of 'intent', the ruling in Browning acknowledged that he had presented the invalid ticket intending to avoid paying HIS fare


    The same applies in this case, the allegation would be that the OP paid only a child fare with intent to avoid paying the actual fare due


    In Oscar Chess (1957), former Master of The Rolls Lord Denning and others made clear that the judiciary is not to be a mind reader, but that a person will be judged on their words and actions


    The OP admits buying only a child ticket and was 'caught' knowing that an adult fare was due. That satisfies an allegation of 'intent'

  20. I studied Criminal law and Public law as joint course with the Open University. If Parliament which has sovereignty in England and Wales makes a criminal law statute with the term 'intent' then the prosecution has to prove intent otherwise it would be a strict liability offence, ie intent not required (no mens rea) The This Railways 1889 Act is clearly an intent offence, so the prosecution has to prove intent: mens rea, in addition to the actus reus (act).



    NB I am just saying the Op should consider the options and make an informed decision, yes I understand criminal law so I will provide a legal albeit not a qualified view.



    Firstly, there is no 'Railways Act 1889'. The Railways Acts date from the 1990s and subsequent amendments.


    The correct title for this legislation is The Regulation of Railways Act (1889) and the Section 5(3)(a) charge will be correct in this instance.


    For the relevant guidance in relation to the charge and determination of intent from an Appeal Court precedent you need to look no further than Browning & Floyd (1946)


    Browning held a ticket that was not valid for his use despite it being valid on the route travelled.


    The Appeal Court ruled that although the railway may not have lost any money, Browning had not previously paid HIS fare.


    The same applies in this case,


    The OP is not a child and therefore, having previously paid only a child fare when an adult fare is due, the OP has not previously paid THEIR fare


    Prosecution is not restricted to Police & CPS


    Having successfully prosecuted countless similar cases in the past I can confirm that it is entirely a matter for the TOC.


    They can either proceed to prosecution, or exercise discretion and allow an alternative disposal via an administrative settlement.

  21. What Train Operating Company (TOC) this occurred on is probably much more important than the actual line of route because although some lines are 'shared routes' and the actual legislation is the same for all the TOCs, unfortunately some are more likely to prosecute first time offences than others.


    Knowing which TOC will also make clear whether the service was DOO or whether a conductor / guard would have been on the train.


    You've been given good advice by Honeybee13 and I suggest that you wait to see what any letter actually alleges before trying to formulate any reply.

  22. But extra layers is what is being provided, because the DfT (government) believe that is what consumers want/need.


    The current Penalty Fare arrangements and appeal body is staying, but simply an ADDITIONAL second tier appeal body, (which must be even more independent), sits above the first tier appeal arrangement, (which exists now).


    So where exactly do you think the funding for the 2nd tier will come from? The government? The rail companies? Or, the passengers?


    In the end, it won't really matter, as Penalty Fares will simply be bypassed and replaced by criminal prosecution instead, (which is far more costly for both government and passenger).



    A rumour (recently heard) suggests it seems likely that the DfT may want to put it under control of TF, but make the TOCs pay for it in some way


    If so, you're right, many will simply abandon Penalty Fares and go straight to prosecution

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