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Posts posted by misselle

  1. So I got notified a few months back that MMF have bought over my CFO debt from 2011 when CFO went into administration. Out of the goodness of their hearts they told me they had taken off all of the fees and interest CFO had added and I now owed only the original balance. That of course didn't take into account the redress that was taken off of the CFO loan or the amount I'd paid towards the debt which when added up would have cleared it all had CFO not added on the stupid amount of fees. Anyway I haven't responded at all to MMF despite weekly emails. CFO had issued a default notice in January this year however they never did register a default with the credit reference agencies. Yesterday I discovered that MMF have themselves recently registered a default with a date of January 2017! That's almost 6 years after I had defaulted on the loan. Now I know they can't do this and its against the ICO guidance so I've written to MMF to complain and asking them to remove the default as if going by the 3 months of arrears it would be beyond 6 years or change the date to the 6 months arrears at which point it's due to drop off in a month or two. Reading up on them I don't expect to get anywhere with my complaint. This has obviously grossly extended the life of the default to their advantage and has trashed my credit file which I've spent 6 years clearing up just when I was looking to apply for a mortgage in a few months time. Once MMF come back and if they refuse my request is it the FOS I contact next or the ICO?

  2. I should add, it is possible we might have caused the bath to move when trying to get the panel off when it was flooded. We have a wooden panel which was screwed to the frame and we couldn't get the last screw off from the bottom due to the vanity unit being in the way so we were pushing and pulling and trying to lift the bath upwards to get the panel off, in the end we only succeeded in snapping off a chunk of the rim of the bath and couldn't get the panel off until we got a plumber in who move the sink/vanity unit

  3. That's exactly how the bath has been sealed, the bath was installed in the bathroom in 2011 and the sealant has been renewed every year by the a plumber as myself and my partner are awful at DIY and there were no issued with the bath moving, leaking or sealant until the massive escape of water due to shower screen door not being closed properly. The last time the bath had been sealed was 8 months before the incident, we kept the invoice from the plumber for it, there isn't any reasonable explanation as to why it's moved after the bathroom flooded but its moved so much from one wall, the wall which the water was running down that when we removed the sealant I could easily get 2 fingers in the gap.


    The bath has a wooden frame built around 3 sides of it, but apparently it isn't secured to the wall which only transpired after we had the leak and got a plumber out, they also didn't believe it had been a long standing leak as the floor boards under the bath are fine it's the bath frame at one end and joist which have been damaged by water

  4. So i'm having a bit of a dispute with our house insurance, long story short, my husband didn't close the shower screen properly and left the bathroom with shower running for a period of time, I walked into my kitchen to find it had all collected into a bubble and burst through a hole in the ceiling causing damage to the walls, floor and plaster.


    Insurance told us we could claim through our escape of water and had to give them two itemized insurance quotes. We massively struggled to get these quotes with several traders not turning up or wanting to charge a fee to produce them, we asked if the insurance company could send out someone to quote and fix - they said no, we asked for a list of their preferred suppliers and was told they didn't have one. Eventually they told us they would send a loss adjuster out with a view to offer a cash settlement.


    Whilst waiting for the loss adjuster we had another leak when using the shower and it became apparent that the bath was coming away from the wall when we were using it causing the seal to break and the water to escape down the side, this was confirmed when we got a plumber out through our boiler cover insurance. So we resealed the bath but again the bath would move so in order to prevent more damage whilst waiting for the loss adjuster we stopped using the shower and stuck to baths only. We're still having to do this months later.


    The loss adjuster came, had no details of our claim as his system had crashed, he spent 5 minutes in the kitchen looking at the hole went into the bathroom, didn't ask us to remove the bath panel or look under the bath. He took some photos and left. We were then offered a settlement of just over £600 out of which a £250 escape of water excess was to be deducted. None of the works included in his scheduled involved fixing the issue with the bath. So we queried it. They've taken our query as a complaint and issued us with a final response claiming the loss adjuster took photos of the toilet which he claims was the root of the leak and we were negligent in fixing it hence as it must have been leaking a lengthy period as evidence by rust on the pipes (our pipes are all plastic so zero rust and 100% never been a leak) so they are refusing to pay out for any bathroom works.


    We've subsequently had 3 different plumbers out to the house for quote all which have been in the region of around £1700 and all the works listed are the same, all state that no evidence of a leak to the toilet and that significant removal and refitting of the bathroom suite and wet-wall will be needed to remedy the bath issue and the joist which has been soaked along with the fixing of the ceiling and flooring. The insurance company won't entertain these quotes or letters of evidence nor will the entertain the photos i've taken myself of the damage in particular behind the toilet which clearly shows plastic pipes and no rust anywhere there or under the bath. They've refused to let us see the report written by the loss adjuster or the photos taken and refuse to comment on how he could accurately know the issue when he didn't even look under the bath. They wont enter into a dialogue with us and have told us as they issued their final response we have to take it to the ombudsman if im not happy.


    Does anyone have any experience of this or words of advice on how to approach it with the ombudsman? what more evidence should I need or be gathering in order to support my complaint? I'm quite sure the insurance company are taking the **** in their offer but i've never had to make an insurance claim before so i'm not sure if this is normal or if i'm expecting too much?

  5. It's just the adjudicator at the moment.


    In his response he's also said CFO claimed to have only telephoned me 4 times in 4 months which is rubbish but i can't probe otherwise as I've had several new phones since 2011, he's also said that he doesn't know how many letters were sent to me or their content as CFO haven't provided the information and asked me to supply them if I have them. Surely that should be down to CFO to provide that?


    I've asked if CFO have provided copies off all the texts and emails and their content as that was how they harassed me the most.


    I just can't get over the reply I sent in bank statements over 10 months showing every loan so how he can say I had none at the time of my loan from CFO is astonishing

  6. Hi sorry I haven't been able to come back to this, my complaint went into the FOS



    today had their response and to say im stunned is an understatement.

    They've ruled that CFO didn't harass me or, treat me unsympathetically or that it was irresponsible lending.


    They've said CFO didn't need to do credit checks and my wage and the low amount of loan was deemed to be affordable



    in addition the FOS has said I had no other payday loans at the time I applied to CFO

    which is untrue I had about 8 outstanding and i'd defaulted on most of them the previous month.


    I'm going back to them with a list of the loans that I had and when.



    I had already sent over all of my emails from CFO including them telling me to roll over the loan

    even after I explained I was in financial difficulty

  7. Their letter is a pdf and I can't figure out how to alter it from my laptop to take out my details,

    I'll keep trying if not i'll use the software on Monday in work to do it.


    Reading through their response again

    it contradicts itself in one paragraph

    it says it checked my credit with experian

    and then a few paragraphs down it says it didn't credit check as it wasn't required to at that time.

    So which is it?

    You checked experian or you didn't?


    Also they claim they were never made aware of my financial difficulties pre or post loan.

    That is a blatant lie I've saved all their emails when I was going back

    and forward before my due date telling them

    and begging them to agree to a repayment plan

    and their response was to tell me they don't do repayment plans

    and my option was pay in full or I could pay the interest and rollover the loan.



    On top of that CAB wrote to them on my behalf and they ignored it.



    So they were fully aware several times,

    I've also got copies of my complaint emails about their conduct towards me

    as a vulnerable customer all of which went ignored.


    I wish now I'd saved copies of all their texts

    as at the height I was getting several a day ontop of the phone calls.



    I had a lot of payday loans and by far these were the worst to deal with

    and their collection practices were beyond belief,



    admittedly though I never touched minicredit so it's hard to imagine anyone worse than CFO

  8. So as the title say can they refuse permission? Do I need their permission? It's regarding a loan I took out in 2011.


    At the time I had already been using payday loans since Oct 2011 several times a month with several different companies, rollovers, same day borrowing, several on the go from different companies and at the time I took out the loan I already had loans outstanding with 6 other payday loan companies and it far outstripped my income leading to a default on the all in April 2011.


    I contact CFO 2 weeks before repayment and they refused a repayment plan telling me that they didn't "do" repayment plans and I had to pay the full balance or default and refused to provide me with paying in details.


    I got details from here and started paying back small amounts but like others on here they hounded me with emails, texts and phone calls to the point I was scared to check my emails or turn on my phone.


    They sent Daniel Silverman after me and offered their Resolve Loan which I obviously didn't take although I do believe if I had that would have compounded the problem.


    The loan which started at £250 has ballooned despite payments of £93 initially, my payments then started being rejected by CFO and returned to my bank.


    I certainly think its irresponsible lending on their part and put in my complaint. I've had their final response back saying that as a goodwill gesture they will reduce my balance to just over £400 and that my complaint is out of time for the FOS and they don't give me permission to take my complaint to the FOS.


    I've obviously rejected their offer, I believe at the least the should reduce it to the original loan of £250 minus what i've paid plus compensation for the unsympathetic and frankly appalling way they treated me when I told them I was in financial difficulties also they should remove the default. In an ideal world i'd say wipe the balance but I don't see them or FOS agreeing to that so I need to be fair.


    I've kept a good paper trail of all emails from them except the Resolve texts and emails as I've got a new phone since then and must have deleted the resolve email


    Is this the end of the line for my complaint or can I go to FOS?

  9. That's very interesting Uncle, I hadn't thought about it like that.

    I do think it's odd they haven't chased me for the debt,



    I honestly didn't think I'd get this far down the line without any contact

    or a court threat so something is amiss.



    Not to make excuses but I should probably never have been allowed to borrow the amount

    I did at the time although it wasn't really this loan that got me into the mess I did,

    it was payday loans which I'm sorting out too.

  10. Morning all, I'm trying to get my debt sorted out now I'm in a better financial position so you might see a lot of me over the coming weeks.


    I have a query regarding an old HBOS loan that I took out in 2010 and defaulted in 2012, my last correspondence and payment to them was in March 2012 when I made an offer of repayment and asked for their payment details but they failed to respond and my last payment was at the end of 2011.


    I've heard nothing from them since then not a single word, the default is on my credit file but they've never been in contact asking for payment for threatening court or such. with being in Scotland I believe it would go SB in March 2017 so almost a year from now.


    How likely is it that they will leave it and it goes SB? Do I contact them now and try to make some form of repayment arrangement?


    If they do get in contact or start court proceedings is trying to make some sort of arrangement to repay likely to avoid court and a ccj? Its around £10,000 so not a small amount.


    Any words of wisdom?

  11. Thank you for the links,



    I meet several of the criteria for irresponsible lending for pretty much all of my Payday loans.



    Looks like tonight is going to be spent going through bank statements seeing how much I've received,

    when and how much I've paid back.

    I know it's in the region of Thousands.



    I've been so stupid and it just got out of control,

    thank fully I've never touched nor considered another payday loan since 2011.



    Worst mistake I ever made was getting into that cycle it almost caused me to lose my home



    As part of my complaint can I ask that any defaults be removed from my file?

  12. Thank you for the replies,

    yes the default is registered as having defaulted date of 2015 which is incorrect

    and obviously to my detriment.



    I'll try initially raising a dispute with callcredit first and see if they will change the dates,

    to be honest I'm shocked at how different the reports from callcredit and noddle are,

    some show defaults that the others don't.

    All from payday loans.



    I'm trying to get my finances in order at the moment

    with the consideration of making complaints about irresponsible lending,



    at the point I had 6 different loans from 6 different companies at the one time

    which lead to my financial downfall.



    I am wary of kicking the hornets nest though as I do have outstanding balances

    which again are due to become SB soon but



    if there's a chance I could get the defaults removed and at least interest written off

    then it might be worth my while.



    Are there chances of having the defaults removed and a possible outstanding balance wiped?

  13. For information I'm in Scotland.


    I have two Payday loans with Lending Stream which are about to become statute barred in a few months time.


    The problem I have is that I've been checking my credit scores

    and there is one default registered by LS on my noddle report which is all well and good

    and won't fall off until next year which is fine but


    I checked my Experian account today and discovered two defaults by LS

    but the date of the defaults are 2015.


    I've had no contact with LS since I defaulted in 2011

    in fact I heard nothing from them until 2014

    and have since then periodically received emails saying my accounts going to be passed to a debt collector

    or more recently the correspondence has ramped up with various settlement offers,


    I suspect this is due to it going statute barred soon.


    Now my query is what do I do about the default dates?


    If I contact LS now then that resets the clock on the SB

    but if I don't then effectively its going to have a negative impact on my credit rating for another 5 years

    meaning I won't stand a chance of getting a mortgage in the next two years as I had planned


    I've been in default since 2011

    so I've no idea where they plucked the 2015 date from

    but it's certainly the same loans as the default amount matches up


    So what do I do?

  14. I'm hoping someone might be able to help. I had two accounts with shop direct and back in mid 2011 ran into financial difficulties and ended up defaulting on both accounts. I was only ever making token payments to both accounts and account A was passed onto Lowell in 2011 however for some unknown reason shop direct still held account B and only passed account B onto Lowell in 2014.


    I know both accounts have PPI on them along with charges and I had intended to SAR shop direct to get my statements and claim back but I go sidetracked by life, however I've gotten myself together and want to tackle it now as I believe that these charges and PPI would wipe out a substantial amount of the debt and I've got enough save up that I could probably make a full and final settlement offer.


    I checked my noddle report and account A has a default registered by Lowell in late 2011. I have no problems with this.


    Account B however Lowell has registered the default date as late 2014. I queried this via Noddle and Lowell have of course said the dates correct. But it certainly isn't. I haven't made anything other than a token for this account since 2011 therefore I believe that the default date should be the same as account A.


    Am I able to challenge Lowell with this date and request they amend it? All my defaults are due to clear in just over two years time from my credit report at which point I had hoped to get a mortgage to move home but this incorrect date would almost certainly go against me as it wouldn't be removed until 2020.


    Do I SAR shop direct first and then ask Lowell to amend or do I do both simultaneously? If Lowell refuse do I have any other place to take my complaint to like a financial Ombudsman?


    Thanks in advance

  15. Hi all I was wondering if you could tell me when a default notice should be issued.I got into financial difficulties a few years ago 2011 after stupidly using payday loans. One of those loans was Txtloan. At the time I took the loan out I was desperate and I don’t believe any correct financial checks were carried out otherwise I would have been declined, they certainly would have known if they had checked that I had several payday loans and shouldn’t have loaned me the cash.At the time I’d taken a drop in wages and was using payday loans to pay my mortgage, stupid I know and eventually the crap hit the fan. TXTloan at the time refused to enter into a repayment plan with me and I defaulted in early 2011. I got an email in August 2011 saying they had transferred my loan to a debt collectors called Fredrickson but I heard nothing from them.In 2013 I started getting emails from Lucas credit about the same loan, no notice of assignment received just emails demanding a highly inflated amount of money, they stopped and then today I get a text message telling me I have been sent an important legal notice by email from someone called MYJAR. I’ve checked my email and it’s a fairly scary email saying they have contacted me several times (not true first time I’ve ever heard of this company and had any correspondence from them). It appears that they are planning to register a default notice against me for this debt from txtloan from 2011.The emails says:Dated: 17/07/2014This is a Default Notice served under section 87(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 in respect of the Running Account Credit Agreement reference number 115589 made between:• (1) TxtLoan Limited trading as MYJAR, PO Box 361, Ashford, TW15 9DZ ('the Company')• (2) Joe Blogs - AddressUnder clause 1.14 of the Running Account Credit Agreement you were required to repay the total sum of no later than 04/04/2011.As you have failed to make the repayment amount due on 04/04/2011 you are now in breach of the terms of the Running Account Credit Agreement.As you have failed to make this payment you have incurred late payment charges and the total amount of arrears is now 324.66.Action RequiredYou must now pay the total of the arrears 324.66 to the Company before 31/07/2014.IF YOU PAY THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE ARREARS BEFORE 31/07/2014 NO FURTHER ENFORCEMENT ACTION WILL BE TAKEN IN RESPECT OF THE BREACH.IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE ACTION REQUIRED BY THIS NOTICE BEFORE 31/07/2014, THEN THE FURTHER ACTION SET OUT BELOW MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU.Further ActionThe Company will serve notice in writing demanding payment of the outstanding balance. If nothing is received, the Company will bring proceedings against you for the outstanding balance.In your own interests you are strongly urged to contact the Company by telephone on 020 3006 2000 quoting the above customer number if you cannot pay the arrears in full.IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY IN PAYING ANY SUM OWING UNDER THE AGREEMENT OR TAKING ANY OTHER ACTION REQUIRED BY THIS NOTICE, YOU CAN APPLY TO THE COURT WHICH MAY MAKE AN ORDER ALLOWING YOU MORE TIME.You should be aware that if we take you to court and get a judgment against you requiring you to pay us the money you owe us under the agreement, you may have to pay us both the amount of the judgment and interest under the agreement on all the sums owed by you at the date of the judgment until you have paid these in full. This means that even if you pay off the whole amount of the judgment, you may still have a further sum to pay.IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT TO DO, YOU SHOULD GET HELP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. FOR EXAMPLE, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A SOLICITOR, YOUR LOCAL TRADING STANDARDS DEPARTMENT OR YOUR NEAREST CITIZENS' ADVICE BUREAU.This notice should include a copy of the current Financial Conduct Authority information sheet on default. This contains important information about your rights and where to go for support and advice. If it is not included, you should contact us to get one.Yours sincerely MYJAR Collections and RecoveriesIs there any advice that anyone can offer about this? Can they and should they be registering a default notice this long after the initial default? I’ve checked Noddle and it doesn’t look like there is a default registered on there by any of those companies, although there other defaults on there from other Payday lenders who I don’t believe have issued me with default notices and who also shouldn’t have given me the loans in the first place as they didn’t carry out proper checks.I’m not trying to get out of paying my debt, rather the opposite, I’ve been working hard to pay off my mortgage arrears and personal loans, and currently trying to claim back PPI from my credit cards to held towards their balance.Does anyone have advice?

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