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Posts posted by fenny99

  1. whopp whoop welcome finance at last BANKRUPT whoop whoop.

    I do feel for all those people who have lost jobs within the company but there as much to blame .

    Re-financing loans cods wallop .That is what they made me do 8 years ago when I got into difficulty , I watched as they doubled my debt , paid off my ppe only for me to sign another one . Any discount for cancelling early ..NO...

    Anyway me realizing I was being knocked , returned the favour . I have 2 ccjs from welcome 4 years old totalling 7000 for a car that cost 2100 . I paid the repayments for at least 1.5 years only a two years loan deal . UNBEILEVABLE ........

    I am glad they have gone through but what a way of getting of of all the ppe claims againt them . They have basically stolen millions of desperate and gullible people .

    What will happen now to all outstanding debts like mine that have been ignored for 5-6- years . I think my ccj has two years to run then its cancelled . Will they still be looking will paper work get lost


  2. well come on bring me down .. I say its been 5 yrs since ive had any contact with welcom comming up to 6 this year , i hope they havent ccj,ed me but do I give a **** NO!!

    I have absolutly nothing I have been living in thailand for 1 year , and Unfortunatly I am returning to the uk just befor the 6 years mark . Lets just hope there not at the airport waiting .he he ...

    What can they do take me to court again uhh then I will move abroad again..... easy ....

    They are conning robbing twats preying on people who have adverse credit anyway , they should be illegal . quite illegal

    Whats the worst that can happen , I get 6-12 months for fraud , made to pay it back , and then the interest will be frozen and I will give 4 pound a month , 4eva .

    Cant get blood out of a stone


    6 - 12 months and maybe you can take care of me , eh.. satalite tv, gym , free dentist , health care . everything a prison can offer . dosent sound too bad does it ..

    people like me keep people like you in work

    JAMIETHEMAC :rolleyes:;)

  3. Ive done A runner from welcome owing approx 8000 before charges . will they ccj me of just register a default . will I have to pay this money back eventually or should I continue to hide . Also I filled in on the application (where it says two people that know you ) I filled in and signed two friends names without there permission . Will this be fraud . they are not guarentees just peole to contact if i do a runner which I have . lol

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