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Posts posted by Broke

  1. This topic was closed on 11 March 2019.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  2. My landlord has recently had a damp proof course done on the property after Environmental Health stepped in & made an order on the house. During the course of the work 3 walls had their paper ripped off & were half replastered. Who is responsible for redecorating ? On the tenancy it stares that I must leave the house decorated in the same neutral decor as when I started the tenancy but there's nothing regarding repairs etc made by the landlord.

    Also my bond is not protected & when I challenged the LL he became abusive & threatened me with eviction. I know he can't do this as it wouldn't stand up in court due to bond being unprotected but I'm at a loss as how to make him use a deposit scheme. After digging around on the Internet I've found that he's been done for fraud & don't trust him at all.

    Any help would be appreciated please, Broke

  3. i love your tactics.


    damage is damage. accidents do happen but instead of you asking to show the store/engineers photo's of the steps or offering them to come around to the house to view the location of accident. you use attitude to call them liars and use bully tactics to say that they are accusing the buyer of defrauding the company.


    serious vendetta you have.


    i guess your not the polite customer are you. guess you never have a peaceful conversation.

    your advice is simple to argue and threaten and accuse your way to results.

    may i suggest you just be honest with youself and put this as your mission statement.


    "argue and threaten, to get your way"


    personally you may not realise that if you argue and threaten staff accusing them of things. they can ban you from the store. i would try a softer approach otherwise if everyone tried your harsh approach this website will be "how-to-be-banned-from-every-shop-in-town.com"


    advice is open. more then one avenue. more then one option. more then one result.


    Ermm... excuse me!

    I am a very nice and polite consumer who always treats people with the respect they deserve! How dare you sugest otherwise!:mad:

    What you are really saying then is that because PC World decided TO CALL ME A LIAR & refuse me the cover that i had paid £9.99 a month for 18 months then thats ok i should just say " ok mate,thanks for taking my money and ripping me off"

    You seem to forget that PCW were the ones who treated me like crap not the other way around.They simply pulled their socks up when they realised i was serious about getting what was mine rightfully anyway!

    For your information i did send photographic evidence and invite them to come around so don't jump to conclusions.

  4. My Neice (17) arranged for broadband to be connected at my Mohter In Laws house.

    She explained the pecifications of the new Dell pc they had bought and also mentioned that it was using Visa as the operating system.

    When the moden arrived it wasn't Vista compatable so she phoned them up and had to pay £5 for a new driver disk.

    When it arrived i installed it but it still wouldnt work.I phoned the tech lineat the cost of £1.50 per min and was told te line hadn't gone live despite the fact that it should have done so 2 weeks earlier.

    I was really annoyed so requested that they cancel the line and asked for the mack code.

    They argued that we had a contract but i explained that they hadn't actually provided the service that we were paying for so they had actually broken the terms of the contract.

    She has since gone with BT.

    Now she is getting letters and phone calls threatening her with court action if she doesnt pay the contract.

    I have just spoken to someone from Toucan and actually pointed out that they took the contract on after being instructed to by a child of 17 and went round the houses again explaining what had happened.

    The chap on the end of the phone has nopw arranged for a TL to call me not my MIL within 48hrs.

    Does anyone have any advice plase?

    My MIL is getting phoned every morning at 8.10am by very rude staff who end up putting the phone down on her.

    Many thanks,


  5. Thankyou all so very much!

    Your information is much appreciated indeed.


    Does anyone know what i should put in my appeal letter or have a rough outline please?


    I have taken 3 photos that show the exterior steps which the laptop fell down

    The engineers report just says that the laptop had a massive impact on the right hand side but doesnt say exactly why they believe it was caused by malicious damage and not accidental


    Many thanks,


  6. Last month my laptop fell down our back stone steps:(

    Basically i tripped on the PVC door lip and grabbed the railings to save myself from falling down 13 yorkshire stone steps thus letting go of the laptop.

    I took it to pcworld to have it fixed under my PC performance plan.

    2 weeks later i phoned them again as i hadn't heard anything and was told that the machine was almost ready it was just waiting for a new part.

    1 week later i had a call from the store to say it wasn't going to be repaired as they didn't believe the damage was accidental!

    I have collected the laptop and have the right to appeal but does anyone know what i should put?

    I have taken photos of the back steps and my friend said she would give a witness statement as she was the one who "caught" me as i fell.

    I really need the laptop sorting out as the screen is smashed and all the case is damaged on the right hand side.

    Many thanks,


  7. Thanks everyone for your kind words!

    The money isn't in the bank yet~ 5 working days so it should be there by this Friday.

    Think i may need to change my name to FLUSH when the funds come in! :D

    Keep pushing and you will come out on top!

    I honestly thought i'd be the one who ended up in court without anything so if my story inpires you~~act on it!It's time we all got back exactly what we are due without all of this messing about!

    Sue x

    P.S I would just like to say thanks to everyone who has answered my *dumb* questions and helped~God i'm sounding like i have won an Oscar !!

  8. ****I have WON****

    Just recieved a letter this morning saying that without an admission of liability they will settle out of court for the amount of:£1858.40:o :o :o

    It will be in my bank in the next 5 working days!

    I won't be informing the courts until i have the money safely in my account though!!!!!!!!!


    I am on cloud nine !!!!!!!!!!:)

    This does work!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    As soon as the money is available i will be making my donation to ensure this site stays up and running!:)


  9. Well no news........

    The papers were sent on the 2nd,deemed served on the 4th and then nothing!

    I phoned the court yetserday but they have had no response from the Halifax.

    I'm a wee bit dissapointed as i honestly thought they were bucking their ideas up and pushing these court/refunds through:confused:

    Oh well i hope i have some news soon.



    P.S> I sent my claim in by actually going into the court and not online.Will i recieve a letter when the Halifax do get back to them or do i need to keep calling? Thanks x

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