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Posts posted by les41

  1. we have a tv and laptop with them

    had few problems with laptop so complained to collector when he came out

    nothing happened, this was all last year

    told them to collect both items as we wanted to return them as we were unhappy

    we never had any arrears and account was up to date

    we have had no contact with them at all since last year

    now this morning we recieve a letter from c.a.rs saying they have tried contacting us!

    we live at same house and have same phone no as from taking out tv and laptop

    this is first time we have heard anything for nearly a year even though we have contacted them in the past asking them to collect their items

    the letter says home visit and want silly money!

    the tv and laptop have been sitting unused since last year waiting for them to pick them up

    what i want to know is what should we do now please

    they failed to collect and no collector ever called again after we told them to collect items

    thanks in advance

  2. does any one know how to go about claiming for this please?

    i am not on benefits, run my own buisness and has slowly getting worse

    googled but all you get is companys who want to claim for you

    is there some thing at the dhhs i can ask for?

    never thought about asking my doctor, then again i only see him every couple of years if that(joys of running your own thing, never get the time)

    feel old as got to wear gloves now as my hands feel like they dropping off

    all advice appreciated



  3. i knew with in couple of weeks when it started taking me to wrong places or in circles, being christmas aswell i took my mates with good intentions of taking it back and getting another

    like i said, with running my own buisness i take the work as it comes in and was coming in thick and fast

    i just kept forgetting it was only being on cag tonight that i remembered about it and dug it out of the drawer

    not after a refund am after a better one

    i remember doing the same thing with a printer/scanner from another supermarket (got no luck)after a while had a problem and they changed it was impressed with their service and normaly buy my goods from that store, was because was in hurry that i bought this sat nav from where i did

    will try and see what they say if no joy then will have to buy a better one and donate this one to a scooter rider

  4. hows about doing both home and pub meets for funds

    those who cant make pub can get together with the others for virtual party/fundraiser

    and those who want a flesh fundraiser get to have a drink and a meet with other cags

    how much would a sticker cost with cag details and would stick it on my van, nationwide coverage to whole uk- scotland -wales, i will buy the sticker if you have a good sized one

    since joining cag i have learnt a lot, had great advice and been able to help friends with problems thanks to you brillient people

  5. or is there a sat nav, just for Big vans :)


    my last one had settings for lorry so didnt drag me down cycle tracks or through rivers

    have tried computer thingy but like anything else you have to pay for updates

    my own fault but with being in a hurry i picked first one up that came to hand

    was that stressed at time and busy didnt notice make or what it did

    its ideal for hikers and cyclists

  6. bought sat nav on 12/12/2008 as my other one died on me

    i rely on sat nav for my job so rushed into supermarket to buy first one i could grab

    have used it and find that it is totaly crap, unreliable, gets confused and struggles with postcodes

    with being busy and making most of it in this credit crunch (i run my own buisness) i have never getting around to take it back to see if could swap it for ANOTHER ONE AND ME PAY DIFFERENCE

    have been useing a mates due to my sat navs basic lack of knowing where its going so as said keep forgetting to sort it

    i still have reciept box and everything including carrier bag

    what are my chances of me trading it in for a better one?



  7. hi bedlington83

    i know she has been with edf for years and still has all her old bills

    my better half going to look through them all

    think a lot was estimates then got sorted so she ended up in credit

    she pays every 2 weeks a set amount and always is ahead

    dont know what tarrif, she has gave them readings and they said seems high

    will get info on readings etc and let you know



  8. thanks pelham9

    all the letter says is they will send some out week commencing mon, no mention of warrent, have told her they cant do anything without a warrent due to everything read here, she panics over anything bless

    like i have said, she has no debt, always payed and has letters in past saying she was in credit

    my better half rang them before i was told aboutit due to being at work and they said it does sound like an error some where!

    another meter reading needs to be sent and they will look into it then a letter arrives saying they will cut off

    she has never had problems with them in the past

    meter readings will be with them saturday then see what happens next

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