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Posts posted by Charlie1!

  1. Thanks for the message detailed below! I did not realise that when I joined this site that my input would be monitored. I was under the impression that it was a platform for sensible adults to share advice and experiences. For your information, I have been a member for a few days and this was the first post I responded to. I am not a Cattles spy you halfwit! If I wanted big brother style suppression I would move to Moscow!


    "hello charlie1 "welcome" (as opposed to welcome .... cattles ,shopajoke etc ) to CAG

    it has been noted you to date have posted solely on the cattle group , we look forward to your future posts on non cattles topics

    (perhaps sheep)

    the answer to the question

    why all of a sudden the smooth over publicity for cattles from charlie1 .............. (eg the stating of the existence of a compliance officer at cattles -- thanks to you giving the details )"


    So, about those sheep! You know what to go do with them!

  2. Under Siege said:
    I work in the financial sector, and not a day goes by without hearing another Welcome finance horror story.


    Please however bad your situation seems or no matter how much pressure their dodgy salesman put on you -




    And every other finance company!


    bobbyh99 said:
    1. I am now not in any financial difficulty and haven't been since about 2004. Yes I have had a couple of WF loans and paid them on time every month.


    2. At the time, when I was applying for loans at WF (just as Dipply75 says in paragraph 4 of post ) I wasn't given any choice about PPI for instance, I wasn't told I didn't need it, in fact I was told that in order to get the loan it was advisable to get PPI! I sat in a little room with a very nice lady and again as Dipply says I was interviewed verbally and the answers were then input by this nice lady at her desk, away from where I was sitting.


    3. I wasn't asked at any time whether I could afford the loan, they didn't want any wage slips or proof of earnings.


    It wasn't until I started my fight to claim back charges from banks and credit cards back in 2006 that I realised (along with everyone else) that I had effectively been conned.


    I repeat they are nothing more than loan sharks, who prey on the needy. By the time sites like this and many many others have finished "ranting on" about the likes of WF, there will be so many complaints/claims in the system that hopefully WF will be no more. Now I know that means you will be out of a job, but Iam guessing that your experience in preying on the needy and reading from your company script you will quite easily get another job at one of the other "loan shark" companies, or then again maybe you won't, if thats the case, I'll look forward to your rants about your creditors in the near future when you are one of those needy people;)




    Hate to tell you this Bobby but as far as complaints to FSA go,Cattles PLC have a good record.

  3. Telephone their head office!

    Remember this is a secured loan so I would recommend maintaining payment!

    Ask what charges have been raised on the account and if they are unreasonable give them the opportunity to return them!

    Give them your concerns about their treatment of you quoting the Financial Service Authority's treating customers fairly principles (look on their website).

    Finally, dont let it get you down, they will not want to lose your account so I imagine that if the problem is no greater than you suggest, they will be only to willing to assist! But don't be tempted to borrow out of trouble!!!!!!

    Good luck and Merry Christmas!

  4. Ok Fergal, that is every finance company the world over! Its what they do, they are operating a business for profit for gods sake, A default is not something that is simply used! It is part of the credit process and is a legal requirement under FSA legislation. Also, credit companys dont give poor ratings, they report facts to the Credit Reference Agencies. It is a system intended to protect the consumer from over commitment. As with all credit providers, they have measures in place to assist customers with genuine difficulties but they will ask for reasonable evidence of change in circumstance which is, after all, their legal right considering you have entered into a legally binding contract with them!



  5. bobbyh99 said:
    I see you agreed to pay back over 2 years. Did you check the APR?:eek:

    Unfortunately, if you ever get into financial difficulty (and I hope you don't), then I am sure you will be back on this thread ranting with everyone else.


    What about the people that can't pay anymore. The one's which through no fault of their own are unable to pay anymore? The one's which were told they had to have PPI in order to get the loan! The one's in financial difficulty and desperate only to be sold another loan to pay off existing one's!


    I could rant on for ever about these sharks but as I am sure you have already read, there are plenty of people that have already done this!


    If you find yourself in financial difficulty, you speak to the lender first! Don't avoid them and dont start ranting about them being sharks! You are a grown adult, hopefully of sound enough mind to make sensible financial decisions! Take responsibility for your own actions people instead of trying to find someone to blame!


    baz300 said:
    welcome are a joke!


    i took out a loan from them in march this year and fell into difficuilty for making the payments


    i contacted them to explain the situation and was told someone would be in touch to help me manage my account


    no one got in touch so i had no option but to cancell the direct debit


    i then recieved phone calls from them about missing payments but were all recieved while i was at work! i asked them to call me back at a suitable time( told them when my breaks were and when i finished) i tried calling them but was told the person dealing with my account was busy and would call me back


    he then spoke to my mother on the phone telling her that i was in debt and was missing payments and that they will soon be visiting HER house to start repossesing goods!


    i finally spoke to a manager and agreed a new payment plan but they keep trying to increase the payments that they know i cant afford


    Just out of interest, how did your situation change so drastically? You appear to be working and living at your mums!


    Dipply75 said:
    Hi Baz300, welcome to CAG :D. Hope we can help you with these muppets.


    First thing is to put a big complaint about their breach of the Data Protection Act. Secondly, do you have any of their insurances with the loan?


    Without trying to be too nosey can you give some details, like:


    Did you choose to have the insurances and what ones do you have (PPI, healthcare etc) and what kind of difficulties were you having?


    We may be able to help with those too, claim on any insurances or if you were missold, maybe claim back the cost.


    Don't let the buggers get you down....we've all been there :)

    Or more simply, either pay your debt or play the game!

    1. It is unlikely that your DPA issue can be proven.

    2. Did you sign for the insurances? If so, why?

    3. They may be able to help with PPI claim but it will be at a cost!

    Fact is, someone is always trying to make a living out of us all!

  6. just thought i would read through this post as i have just posted my thread and i find that childish littel rant unbelivable and typical of the kind of people they employ, i find it strange though that if its that busy why a friend of ours has just been made redundant from there sales force and and they are currnently not putting vehicle finance into dealerships, obviously doing well... not. there day will come, what goes around comes around.

    They are FTSE250 so not doing to bad! Also, they pulled out of dealer credit to avoid the afore mntioned problems

  7. This company needs to be banned. My husband made the mistake of borrowing from them and he is still paying back the sum after 6 years. They are a complete nightmare to deal with and the rates are terrible. Suggest you borrow from the bank, someone reputable, and pay it off that way.

    Unfortunately, it is always a mistake after you sign on that line! The terms and conditions of the loan are defined in the agreement! Why do people not read them! Dont let finance sales people rush you into a deal! Ask questions and read the small print!

  8. Is this not typical of the "Where there is blame there is a claim" culture that is crippling our society! The more cynical amongst us may ask exactly how much you make out of other peoples misery your being in and out of court all day!!!

    Whatever happened to being responsible for our actions. People do not need "crooks" offering "Claim your money back" If genuine assistance is required go to the CCCS the will help for free!

    However, I would always suggest that you tackle the problem personally and directly rather than going to a "No Win No Fee, we will take our payment out of your settlement" fly by night!

  9. or a credit card at 0% transfer balance for 12 months. its a start and you can get somewhere! its better than paying these crooks the whacko interest! :mad:



    Thats assuming you do not miss a payment! Please understand what APR is before makin comments like this!:confused:

  10. Firstly, I would suggest that you simply speak with your branch manager, they will be able to best advise you.

    Whilst Shopacheck's rates may look high,remember, this is the APR which takes into consideration the full cost of your loan! You are paying for someone to personally call and collect a payment and they dont do that for free.

    Interest is front loaded so it is all added at the beginning so if you are late with a payment, you wont be hit with interest and charges.

    Using the term crooks is unfair, a good representative will explain everything fully and not over commit a client and will always look to assist a customer, indeed, many employees and agents have worked in the home collected credit industry for decades!

    One final point to note! Finance is not forced upon anyone and there is always a cooling off period after you sign on the line! Always be sure that you can afford the repayments!

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