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The abused

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Posts posted by The abused

  1. sharmads

    I would start by requesting a subject acccess request which will cost you £10 and should go back at least 6 years, You can pick the template letter up from this site. I understand your sceptism as they are devious and crafty. By stating you never had PPI whilst with Barclays does not mean you did not have any while you were with egg. Another advantage with the SAR is it will tell you what charges have been applied to your account. The unfair ones you can claim back.



  2. Hi karenr

    I requested CCA via CITI 2 years ago. After 18 months

    I recieved my £1 (cheque from CITI) back with a letter apologising for not being able to find my original CCA

    and that it would be unlikely that action would be taken via the courts to recover any debts.

    in the meantime they would still be looking for it.


    Well I dont owe them anything anyway,

    I aint heard from them any more, but I am going after OPUS for £7500 for interest overpayment due to removal of promotional rate.


    I reckon you stand more chance of being struck by lightening,

    twice in succession down a coal mine on a foggy night than get a CCA from them.

    Believe me their left hand does not know what their right hand is doing.


    As regard offers of payment I had similar with barclays business.

    Made up entirely of charges circa £600.


    i recieved a letter from credit solutions saying that the matter was being looked after by them

    and that barclays were no longer in correspondence on this matter.

    No letter of assignment or sweet FA.


    I paid some as was stressed and a little green at that time.

    I recieved a letter 50% off if i settled early on a particular date.


    I phoned to pay via credit card and was told it was the full amount that had to be payed.


    No way, i have not and will not pay a penny and that was 20 months ago.


    Oh I get a letters about once a fortnight which come in handy to light the woodburner in winter

    and as the gentleman said earlier keep the Post oficce in business.


    So dont worry just ignore them!


    The abused

  3. Hello folks,

    long time since I have been on site. To summarize recent events I have paid OPUS the outstanding amount owing circa £7000 but now I dont have £200 interest to pay a month. I sent them a letter regarding the unfair removal of my promotional rate in 2008. I recieved a rather condescending reply explaining that it was because I had breached my agreement. I do not believe I had. I am drafting a reply now. I had made a late payment actually 2 in 6 months. Recently by mistake I discovered the Credit Card Accountability, Resonsibility and Disclosure Act 2009 (little ole USA) interesting reading. It can be summised after this act was put into force an explanation why CITI were not sending out copies of the original agreement. Further more it sets out limitations on what credit card companies cannot do.


    According to this act passed by congress, you would have to be 60 days late on your payment to warrant an interest rate hike on a promotional rate (this rather contradicts the OPUS reply to my letter which they claim missing or making a late payment is in breach of my agrrement) This act was as far as I am aware put together to protect consumers as certain penalties (normally financial) were applied to individuals who made a late or missed a payment. The old original agreement states along the line of if you seriously or repeatedly breach your terms and conditions. Now if I miss a payment once that is a one off, if I miss a payment again I have repeated it. if I then miis a third payment I have repeatedly breached. So from this is can easily be understood as to why to be fair to the consumer a 60day period is allowed, furthermore, even if you were guilty of this, if you maintain your payments after 6 months it is required that the original or promotional rate be reinstated.


    Now my biggest question of all. Why has this policy not been adopted over here? It seems believable that CITI were aware or there unfair penalties and rather settle them, they ignore your letter of complaint, spend nearly a year in supposedly looking for a copy of your original contract before returning your £1 and telling you they cannot find it whilst in the meantime unloading their shabby underhanded business onto somebody else.

    I am writing a polite letter to OPUS requesting my refund this weekend (letter before action), Failure to reimburse me will result in my taking legal action to recover it. I believe this policy they have is just as bad if not worse than PPI payments or Libor interest rate rigging. The dear ole USA fined Barclays bank for their underhanded practices perhaps we could hope if our spineless ministers were up to it of fining CITI and any other Credit Card company who have adopted these practices. Waqtch this space!



    The abused

  4. 4 cans

    yes look through and fine relevant templates, this site is a great source of help.


    With regards to ur VAT, you need sort this asap. Contact HMR&C and tell them of ur cash flow predicament and ask what they think is best for u to do. ask if you can pay in installments and ask for as much time as you can. At this stage if you have not been late with VAT before they will from experience help you. They are human and do understand the problems businesses are having. The worst they can say is they want paying now as is overdue and even then you will have a little grace as they will then go through IQor their debt collector. When that happens you will have 7 days they will then send a bailiff and if that aint enough take you to court for any shortfall and yes they really will bugger your credit rating. But me thinks they will help you. but believe me if you ignore them you will up to ur neck in it. If you have an accountant you can ask them to do it on your behalf. You may think I am going on a bit but I cannot stress the importance of this.


    On the bright side I think you will get through ok, ie ur cash flow. you will end up wiser and feel a lot better. I wish you well in ur business which I know in the present financial climate is difficult. Companies dont wanna pay up till the last moment. Its cashflow and everyone is suffering

  5. Hi 4cansastella

    I would not be too bothered about trying to maintain ur credit rating as banks aint lending anyway. I recently tried to open a current account with HSBC basically to put money in only. I was told i had too much unsecured debt this is despite me wanting to put over £90,000 into the account. So you need look after number 1 ie yourself. I would if I were you plead financial hardship and offer token payment of £1 a month to creditors. Let them know that you intend to pay more when ur financial position improves.


    U must address the issue non payment of VAT, I was in a similar situation to you a while ago. After being late for about 6 months for non payment of VAT I had to pay my VAT plus fines to a company called IQor. 7 days to pay or bailiifs. They can come in seize ur goods and take you to court for the rest. I suggest you contact HMR&C on this issue. if its the first time you have been late with payment then you will recieve a letter from them pretty soon I think.

    This will not be an immediate demand if its first breach of non payment. That will come later if you ignore it. Please sort this issue before worrying about finance hp or credit card.


    Ur Credit cards: you need the PPI back plus compounding interest. So request CCA and SAR. Barclays Bank I have been with for 30 years and they are out to squeeze as much out of anyone as they possibly can. Try an open ann account elsewhere but I think you may experience difficulty. I am similar age to yourself and used to believe its right to pay what we owe and try and protect our credit rating. I have paid over 42000 over past 3 and a half years paying off loans.

    I realise now I would have been far better off pleading financial hardship offering a few pounds a month and getting interest frozen. At the end of the day the money is better off in your pocket than a creditors who stuffs you with high interest rates, You must look after yourself as the creditors will not.


    Yes like yourself I am self employed with own company. Have u been trading long enough to apply for a business loan or even an overdraft facility? maybe worth a try.

  6. Words fail me as this is absolutely discusting.


    As individuals there does not appear much we can do apart from take legal action against these parasites. As a group we should achieve far more. So the question must arise what can we do as a group ?

    I have had a problem with CITI which the account is now OPUS owned by BOS and now OPUS are moving the agreement to "between myself and Progressive Credit Limited) It would appear that every time you submit a formal complaint they move you on. Why? They either fail to reply to your correspondence altogether or take months in replying totally dismissing ur complaint and closing the "file".

    I am however, not giving up and sooner or later judgement day will come.

    ps does anybody have a copy of CITI terms and conditions pre December 2008?

    Regards to all

  7. Thanks for the reply Enron.

    The letter is from OPUS It is not a notice of assignment. It merely states that my OPUS credit cxard agreement will be between me and Progressive Credit ltd, First floor, Tower view. Kings Hill West mailing Kent, ME19 4RL.


    it does go on to say that as I have not used my OPUS card in the last 6 months I will not be recieving a new card and my account will be closed on the 30th of September 2011. If I have a balance then I must continue to make at least the minimum monthly payment.


    It also states "The OPUS trademark is used by progressive Credit ltd under license from Credit card Asset Management Ltd."


    I will send my letter to OPUS as still have an ongoing dispute with them although from their last correspondence they or rather a miss Tina Cooper decided she could not find anything to support my grievance so closed the file.

  8. recieved a letter from opus today stating that with effect from 31st August they will be transferring the account ti Progressive Credit Limited. it says the new company is under license from Credit card Asset management ltd. As I have a dispute with OPUS does it now mean deal with Progressive Credit Ltd or OPUS or CCAM who owned both these companies? Advice please

  9. Just a couple of question comes to mind. Did you ever recieve any correspondence from CITI informing you that your account had been sold on ie to CCAM /OPUS. In addition did you recieve a new card from OPUS and sign for it. I still got mine unsigned and unused. Unless you paid by direct debit or statement slip paying into bank you would have had difficulty in making payment by due by date as OPUS could not be contacted by phone until just before my payment due date, When was your payment due date in November as from memory The OPUS tel number could not be used until the 7th November which I believe was a Sunday, You are in a similar situation as myself in that the way they have applied charges and adjusted (to their benefit) the interest rates are wholly unfair and I am sure if they went to court they would have to justify this.



  10. I have had problems with CITI and now opus, It took them nearly 3 months to reply. I hope you get a more speedy response than I did. Basically they told me they could find nothing that supported my arguement and closed the case. Me thinks you wont get much help via their complaints department either. I dont see how they can justify a rate hike to 48%. To me this is criminal, I thought mine was bad when they hiked it from 5.85 to now 41%. I am going down the FSO route and it is taking me ages in draughting a clear and concise letter. The reply (OPUS) I had from them not having or being able to produce a copy of my CCA was it was a different specialist matter and not within the consraints of my letter.


    Not sure how old your account is. Mine started in 1999 with Associates. and if yours is from around this time I think they will be in extremel difficulty processing you a CCA. I remember requesting a subject access request from citi over the phone to be told my account started in 1999. I had an Associates card when I moved into my present address and that was March november1997 so I dont think think the data they hold is all that accurate.


    I would say if you get financial difficulties write them a hardship letter and offer them a couple of pounds a month or, as I have done continue paying the higher rate until you have exhausted all reasonable means of settling and then have no option but to go to court, Make sure you keep all correspondence. CCAM/OPUS are not easy to deal with.There is another option and that is to pay them nothing as they cannot take you to court without a valid CCA. Thing is with that it will screw your credit rating.

  11. That aint good news but does not surprise me from OPUS. I have a thread on here and my complaint is the removal of a promotional interest rate. It is entered on a statement and a letter to me confiming a reinstated promotional rate. Their response after 12 weeks was they cannot find any evidence to indicate I ever hsd a promotional account. I have filled in the forms and am sending copies of the letters to yhe FSO. I am being very detailed and explaining the points but I dont think (certainly reading on here) that the FSO are of much use. Yes the courts might like to see you go through this route prior to legal action but the FSO are understaffed and can take ages to try to resolve complaints. I dont think they investigate properly and tend to side with the financial institutions. During the meantime they have unfairly gained your hard eaned money which they can then lend. At rates of 41% and I have heard as high as 48% on a componding basis that is a phenomenal return on money which aint rightfully theirs.If you go to court yes you can claim interest at 8% but unlike there interest you cannot compound. Thats if it gets to court. they are playing a game. CCAM are a US company and like the rest think they can do what they want.


    I am interested in the idea of going through watchdog. Keep me informed of this as I have and still am having dealings with OPUS. They will just refuse to play ball. Until some serious action is taken against them they are just going to continue on their current practices. Wishing you well with your endeavour

  12. Hi

    I myself would request a subject access request and a copy of the original redit card agreement and send a cheque for 11 ponnds payable to Halifax. The CCA should be sent to you within 14 days the SAR may take longer I believe 40 days. If no reply for SAR within 40 days you can report them to the information commissioners office.

    I would send the request to the normal address you would send payments to. By all means phone the customer services and ask the person (their name first and ask them the address to send to,

    As regards current accounts I believe they are still on hold.


    Regards and keep in touch

  13. A little like my response from OPUS, They just say the dispute is now closed. it would appear they are doing exactly with Cabot what citi did to OPUS. Its like a bloody merry go round. They have closed the dispute so therefore they see themselves fully compliant in selling the account to Cabot.

  14. Hi Imcr1

    If I can be of help.

    I trust you have sent off not only for a true copy off your credit card agreement but also a subject access request, this should include all of your previous statements going back 6 years as a minimum if you have had the account that long.


    I have not seen the exact correspondence between yourself and the Halifax


    However, I would generate a letter to Halifax.


    I would state along the lines of ;


    Dears Sirs

    I am writing to wiyh regards to my Halifax account ................

    After looking through my statements I find that you have removed my promotional rate of interest at ??% and replaced it with your standard variable rate of interest at ??%.

    I understand that you are governed and regulated by the financial services authority and therefore adhere to a code of practice in compliance with this authority.

    Would you therefore confirm that you do have a code of practise you work to.


    Can you please explain to me your removal of a promotional rate by a late payment/missing payment which was quickly rectified fully justifies the administration of a financially punitive interest rate hike. Indeed at one time charges of £25 were stated in your terms and conditions for overlimit and late payment fees. As charges are not to be financially punitive to the debtor they were as you must be aware deemed illegal and are reclaimable along with any compounding interest and in addition 8% non compouded interest on top should court action prove neccassary.

    When my account was opened there was no maximum rate of iterest that would be applied to my account only a standard variable rate of??%. In your terms and conditions you state that promotional rates (for the lifetime of the loan) may be removed if in any month the minimum payment is not made. Can you inform me whether the removal of a promotional rate is done automatically via software or the decision of an individual without any cosultation with the debtor before or after the rate is applied is in your opinion regarded as treating a debtor fairly.

    At present there is no set percentage of rate of interest that is deemed unfair and therefore illegal but can you explain to me why and if neccassary to a court of law how you justify applying an rate of ??% interest to my account with the present 0.5 BOE baserate.

    I respectively request that my interest rate be returned to its original promotional rate and any difference paid (including compounded interest) is credited to my account. I will advise you that this letter along with any further correspondence from me or the Halifax will be produced in a court of law should the need arise

    Yours sincerely


    I am not a legal advisor and my advice is only a guidance

    However I have been involved for many years in legislative work in the Nuclear industry and fully understand the importance of accurate and non missleading documentation and signed agreements (wording is of paramount importance)


    You can chop change and tailor the letter to suit yourself better'



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