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Posts posted by younganfree

  1. The problem seems to have been sorted, thanks to Graeme (Scottish Power Rep).


    The original bills were sent to the wrong address (I think probably the new address of the old tenant, hence why the first bill was paid), but I have them now so can actually pay.

    Also, the involvement of the DCA has been stopped.


    Thanks for all you helpful suggestions, really appreciate it.


    Do you mind if I ask how you know the ''invovement of the DCA has been stopped''?


    I ask because SP claim a late payment of my final bill ''crossed'' with their contacting a firm called BCWgroup [debt collectors]. SP have told me that BCW were informed about this mix-up and that I should hear no more about it.


    But I can't help worrying - I only have SP's word for this. Anecdotal evidence is that once these people get their teeth into you they won't let go! I don't want to wake up a few months down the line and find BCW still after me, with increased costs even though the bill has been paid.

  2. Hi all - I wonder if you can help me.


    About 4 months ago I went £20 overdrawn on my A&L account (£150 overdraft limit).


    Having not been at home during this period I came back to find that the £170 balance has been increased to £386 as a result of penalty charges levied on the account.


    Do you think I would be better off paying the balance in full and then reclaiming the money via SAR / County Court letters or is there another way to talk to the bank about getting the penalties removed and getting my account up and running again?


    Thanks in advance,

    I'm trying to think what I would do myself if I were in this position and came up with the following suggestions:


    Phone them and explain nicely that I've just returned home after however many months away at college/working away/or whatever to find that I'd unknowingly left my account overdrawn by 20 quid and unfortunately, not having had access to my account details in that time, have unknowingly accrued lots of charges on the account. THEN ask them [again nicely] if there was any way they could let me off with some of those charges, as it was purely an oversight on my part that caused it to happen and it has come as quite a nasty surprise.


    They may say push off, or you may get lucky and they may make a courtesy repayment of one or two of the charges. Whatever the outcome, don't get shirty with them, you don't want to get into a slanging match; after all, you'd only be trying on the 'off-chance'.


    Then, if I could afford it, I'd pay off the o/d so that the charges stopped.

    But I wouldn't hang about on this cos those charges have a life of their own and can multiply like it's going out of fashion!


    Chance of getting your money back by going through the claiming system is only likely at the moment if you are suffering from financial hardship.


    As I say, this is only what I'd try myself. Hope it gives you some food for thought.


    Good luck. :cool:

  3. If this was happening to me, I'd probably run it by the Citizen's Advice Bureau just to see where I stand.


    Wouldn't like a black mark against me or debt collection out to squeeze me if it wasn't my fault.


    I'd probably also have a look at my experian report - cost £2 last time I looked - to check there was nothing on there already because of the o/d account.


    Good luck dude!


    They now charge me for putting in less than £500 a month. I have the option of changing to a different account with them but don't know if it will then affect my rights if I want to claim back something later on - assuming that becomes possible. I am hoping that it will still be possible to reclaim bank charges for people in financial hardship.




    I think that switching your account with them should not affect any claim you might make in the future, as it would be 'account specific' - in other words you would be claiming the charges they've made to you on this account, and then if necessary any charges they make on the new account.


    As long as you keep all your statements with the charges and account number/s you should be ok. And probably better off if you aren't receiving extra charges for not funding the account by £500 on a monthly basis.


    Anyone else suggest differently?

  5. Hi everyone.


    I was a cagger several years ago and knew all the ins and outs of claiming at that time, but I 'lapsed' when the hold was put in place by the courts.


    I have about half a dozen charges over a 2 year period beginning OCT 03, so if I'm going to start a claim it'll have to be now - 6 year deadline an all that!


    Thing is - after a look round, it seems A&L are still closing accounts if you dare to put in a claim. Is this correct or have I got the wrong end of the stick?


    I don't think I want the hassle if they're going to shut me down, which was the reason I didn't claim a few years back if I'm honest.


    Any suggestions guys, or should I just wait for the outcome of the test case? If it's positive they reckon we'll all be in line for refunds anyway.

  6. Hi, missbeliever, I can only offer my own opinion on what I'd do if I were in your position, you must make your own decision on what is right for you.

    In your circumstances, if I didn't need the account I'd pay off the outstanding charges and close it ASAP so that I didn't accrue any more charges.

    Open or closed shouldn't make any difference to claims in the future.

    Unless you are suffering hardship (your post doesn't make any hint that you are), it may be just as easy at the moment to wait to see what becomes of the big "Court Case" that is underway.

    I repeat this is only MHO though. :cool:

  7. I personally think it would be rather amusing to walk into my local branch with a £1 coin in my grubby little mit and ask the cashier to "Deposit this in my account, please".


    Can you imagine the looks on people's faces?


    And at the supposed cost of transactions which banks keep banging on about, they'd probably be out of pocket every time you did this. And if it had to be on a weekly basis... Yes, I think I'd take great pleasure from it!:cool:

  8. You may want to seriously consider paying in money to cover the overdraught to stop it spiralling even further out of control, then closing the account as you no longer seem to need/want it.


    Remember that the longer the account remains o/d the more charges they're going to slap on! The sooner you take action on it, therefore, the better.

  9. Hi max2001. You'd be advised to edit your post above as the CAG frowns on use of language that could be considered libelous - it could get them into trouble.

    Don't worry, we all have our own way of thinking of the banks, so there is no need to be graphic, just a few ***'s will convey your feelings just as well. 8)

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