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Posts posted by clemma

  1. Lowell removed my email address after I told them to send all correspondence to my home address. They have now sent the same letters through the post so they 100% have my address. 

    Now do I just ignore and let them waste their money sending me letters? The newest debt defaulted in 2015 maybe early 2016, but most were 2011-2013. None of them appear on my credit file

  2. They've got my address - it's on the "letters" they've sent by way of email. However, I may reply to each one tomorrow telling them to stop emailing me and to send me all correspondence via mail. They can incur some postage costs whilst I continue to ignore. Of course, if they do try anything I'll be straight on them - I'll quote back their very own words about statute barred debts which is one their website. 

    Thank you. 

  3. Just a heads up.

    Lowell seem to be on a bulk buying mission and are swooping up some rather old debts.

    I've had FIVE emails today, all of which are in relation to statute barred debts.

    Three of them have been statute barred since 2018, the other two from 2019.

    None of them are for any substantial kind of money and none of them appear on my credit file.

    The emails are just polite requests for payments to clear the balances. 

    I'm not going to bother replying to them. That's far too much work for my liking. 

  4. I gave advice on the Facebook site explaining this was an issue with Game and their liability regarding the delivery. As it was neither placed in to their possession nor left in an agreed safe place, Game are liable. I advised they write or email game quoting the legislation (as already mentioned earlier in this thread). As far as I know, nothing came of it and Game are refusing to take any further action. 


    As far as I can tell


    - DPD were advised to leave the parcel at a neighbours house 4 doors down as the alternative safe place. 

    - DPD did not do this and left the parcel on the doorstep. 

    - Item was not there and has, by all appearances, been stolen. 

    - Lots of phone calls with Game who refused to accept liability. 

    - Advised to send them a letter/email outling their obligations under the Consumer Goods Act and highlighting how they had failed these obligations. 

    - Demand a refund or replacement giving a reasonable time frame. 

    - This was, by the response on Facebook, done. Game still refuse liability. 


    Since then, all is quiet. 


    If this were me I wouldn't be letting this lie. Court action seems like the next step but...they've disappeared. 

  5. 1 hour ago, king12345 said:

    So the estate agent have done their bits.

    Does the TA says who to contact for repairs?

    If it is the estate agent, you should get calling every hour for an update and if they're one of the major agents, contact the head office with the same frequency. 

    With regards to smoke alarms, i'm not familiar with latest regs, but some properties up to a few years ago wouldn't need one.

    If you have a flat, definitely they need to be installed. 

    Check it.

    For repairs I have to email the letting agent just to let them know what needs doing and that's it. They have no further involvement. I've then got to contact the handyman directly and let him know and it is he that speaks to the landlord to get permission. I call or text him nearly everyday tbh. It's not a national company, just a local business. As for smoke alarms, they need to be fitted on every floor - a fireman told me when they came to my old house to see if I had smoke alarms (which I did) as they were fitting them for free. It possibly isn't retrospective though so older tenancies may not require them 


    It's all a bit of a mess around and I'm thoroughly fed up. I know what's what now though so I'm just going to sit on it until we want to leave and then give him a chance to settle it without court. Unlikely, but we shall see. I'll probably be back in a few months to get some advice.


    Thank you 😀

  6. I haven't got an energy certificate either. Nor did I get that guide to renting leaflet/booklet. 


    I know he can't serve one now but wasn't sure he could afterwards as "revenge" and just wanted to check. I think I'm going to wait it out until we leave next year then hit him with the claim. At that point he can't protect the deposit to get out of court action 🤷‍♀️ Thank you.


    Usually I wouldn't contemplate this at all, but so far he is showing himself to be a landlord that won't do repairs never mind a gas safety check. And I'm annoyed.

  7. Hi all.


    Ok, so I know the law surrounding deposits so I'm 100% sure my landlord is in the wrong.


    We paid a deposit of £400 on the 28th June 2019. We have had no notification  of the deposit being protected and a quick check of the main three shows it's not with them (not sure if there are others I can check). We paid the deposit to the letting agent but, in the tenancy agreement, it states that the deposit is handed to the landlord who has been informed that he must protect it. Now, I'm not about to go diving in demanding compensation or start court action yet. At the moment, the fact we didn't get the prescribed terms within 30 days is enough to stop a Section 21 eviction should he wish to get us out for whatever reason.


    Bit of backstory I suppose. The landlord failed to make good repairs before we moved in. There was rubbish from the previous tenant and no cleaning had been done either. The repairs are still all outstanding - this includes a broken hob, broken internal doors, broken kitchen units amongst other things. He has also failed to ensure there is a CP12 gas safety certificate and there are no smoke alarms and, despite me telling the letting agent repeatedly, this is also still outstanding (another reason a Section 21 can't be done). It's a managed property so I can't contact the landlord direct. I'm going to say he's a bit of a rogue landlord - our neighbour has the same issues (same landlord, same letting agent) so I'm pre-planning.


    Anyway, best get to my point. If, and when, we decide to take this further (I'm waiting to see if he becomes a model landlord first...) and we end up having to take this to court - if the judge awards to us could the landlord then use a Section 21 as "revenge eviction" or, does the fact he didn't protect the deposit preclude him from this? To be honest, it's something I may not do until we want to move (not that we have a break clause in the tenancy so are stuck until June 2020 🙄) as I'm as sure as I can be that he won't pay it back. His issue is - I'm not an idiot and I know what his responsibilities are. I'm just trying to weigh up all the options.


    Thanks for reading 😀

  8. Thank you. Am relieved.


    They chose to wipe up to September 2013 (which is only 5 years) and I'm not entirely sure why. But I have the letter now so I don't mind at all. Maybe they just thought it wasn't worth the hassle?


    Some of it would have been SB for sure as they started chasing the 2011 bill in April 2012 and, apparently, defaulted me in July 2012 (I haven't got a default from them though. I just checked).


    And I've just realised the default would have dropped off by now. But I've never noticed one on there anyway.

  9. How much is the bill? Southern Water do do court a great deal aand will use a HCEO as a usual MO.


    I've just seen this, sorry. It's for £700 and odd quid. It wouldn't get as far as bailiffs as I will pay what I owe. Rather do it before a CCJ is granted tbh. Just got to wait for all the info from sw and go from there. Thanks for the heads up though :)

  10. I've just spoke to Southern Water who weren't overly helpful (expected).


    They told me that the debt was transferred to UK Search Limited on the 18th September.

    Within days they issued a LBA.


    I had no prior contact from them or Southern Water, least not for a very, very long time. Is that right?


    Should they not have sent something before an LBA or can they go straight to court action?


    I mean I had nothing from Southern Water for years.

    Never had anything from UKSL at all.

  11. Southern Water. It's not been sold on as they are still acting on behalf of. As it's an LBA I need to get my arse in to gear.


    Should I first and foremost contact them and throw it in to dispute?

    Then ask for SAR under GDPR? Never had to do this before...


    Actually it's Shulmans writing on behalf of UK Search who are working on behalf of Southern Water.

  12. Nah. UK Search Limited.

    I don't dispute I owe it but they're trying to get a CCJ on something which is, in at least part, statute barred.

    That's what I needed to double check so I can throw it in to dispute and get the information from the water company.


    I don't know what back billing is to be honest.

    I was billed for it at the time but didn't pay.

    We were desperately skint back then and had to pay only what was absolutely essential.

    I knew they couldn't cut off our water supply.

    I know...not great.

    But we're in a better position now so I can resolve this.

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