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Posts posted by ltc1607

  1. Update this debt has now been sold to" Aktiv" who tell me I should still deal with Experto.


    Recap on the History of this debt.MBNA wrote they had sold the debt to Exporto

    Exporto wrote and said they represent Varde

    I wrote and said I need proof that you represent Varde (no proof)

    I told Exporto that Varde have never contacted me, so I needed proof they owned the debt (no proof)

    Now Aktiv tell me they purchased the debt from Varde but Exporto will continue to represent them


    I feel the time has arrived when I challenge Aktiv by stating I have no debt with Varde,does this make sense?????Or any other ideas


    Thankyou FS


    Hi in the same position as you I wrote to Aktiv telling them this was in dispute with MBNA and Experto still waiting on reply.

  2. I like many others was made redundant in December due to the Government reducing the FITS in the Solar Industry. Th e Solar industry decided to take the Government to court regarding this and in the High Court last week the Judge ruled that the Government acted unlawfully by bringing the cuts in before the end of the consultation period.If the Government cant get this decision overturned does this mean I and many others can take the Government to Court as we lost our jobs due to their unlawful action?

  3. I think I will write to them an find out, mean while I have Experto on my back should I tell them MBNA say the account is closed and I have to do nothing?

  4. An update I have not heard from MBNA since the sale to Experto until today I received a cheque for over 200.00 saying they found an error in the way credits were added to my account and I was due a refund I do not have to do anything as the account is closed. Whats that all about

  5. ?An update I have not heard from MBNA since the sale to Experto until today I received a cheque for over 200.00 saying they found an error in the way credits were added to my account and I was due a refund I do not have to do anything as the account is closed. Whats that all about

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