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Posts posted by kiptower

  1. just for clarification and could be miss leading


    to quote "now outside of the manufacturers guarantee"


    the customers contract is with Comet NOT the manufacturer, manufacturers guarantee is in addition to the customers stat; rights thats a red herring


    as for the OP your rights and contract are from the Supplier and in this case Comets, ie 6 years resonible service, its nothing to do with manufacturering faults, comets would have to prove misuse or abuse , other than that tell them they fix it end of story all be it in a polite manner

  2. Haleana


    a blue badge does not apply on private property firstly so their bays etc etc mean nothing more than paint on the ground


    and infact under the DDA they are unlawfull, parking for disabled people other than on the Public Highway , demanding the use of a blue badge to park as a disabled person


    as a Badge holder myself i love baiting the little oiks , just sit in the car let them get all excited and as they get the pen out , in my own time put my badge up , with the camara phone pointing right @ them


    then getting out the car comment "get a real job and stop [causing problems] the public" had a few answer me back, strange no stupid ticket after 14 years and they dont stay around long

  3. and your 100% correct in doing this Bookie, and I have the greatest respect for you when you do it, I have seen your replies to bring the OP post back on the right track where the persons that are mentioned are waffling on about the rights and wrongs they think it, ( not the true facts but their version which is often not correct advise to give ) and is many times not helping the OP rather taking the other side and scaring the OP away feeling guilty, I too have a few run in's with similar people trying to steer the OP down the wrong road, even when the true fact have been posted, the battle often will continue , the mr perfects will never admit they gave wrong advice.

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