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Posts posted by scarborosmoggy

  1. Please double check your credit file just in case. VF are very quick at marking defaults without doing proper checks first.


    As for VF passing this on again, a substantial Gesture of goodwill is in order.


    Hopefully lee will see this and act but I would also put in a formal complaint in writing and sent by snail mail (signed for delivery) That way, if they screw up this time, you can also go to the regulator OR sue their arses.



    Lee has obviously again confirmed that lowels will no longer bothering me after their investigatiion, I replied to Lee with the following through email:


    Thanks for that Lee, can I please have this in letter form confirming this from both yourselves and Lowells, also like silverfox said on the forum I think I should be due some financial compensation for this complete farce as a gesture of good will for all I have had to put up with through these years every time I move home,


    I look forward to your response.




  2. I just send lowell this email:


    Dear Sir,


    I'm contacting you in reference to a letter I received by you dated 15/08/14 in reference to a vodafone debt you're so desperate for me to pay for someone just because they have the same name as me, I cleared this up with Vodafone and they where happy that I wasn't the person of whom owes this debt.


    when vodafone first contacted me in june 2011 at ******* *** scarborough North Yorkshire Yo* ***, I proved to them and they agreed I wasn't the person they were looking for, then I then moved house to *** *********Scarborough North Yorkshire YO** *** in April 2012, then I hear from you again in may 2012 at the then new address bothering me again about this debt that isnt mine,


    Now fast forward to Aug 2014 and here we are again just because I moved home again to ** ******* *** Scarborough, north yorkshire yo** ****


    I look forward to you emailing me back confirming this case is now closed and returned to vodafone, no doubt they will be contacting you also about this because I have contacted them again today also about this complete and utter farce,


    Anymore of this harassment and I will take my own legal action as I'm sick of this bothering me every time i move


    yours very annoyed

  3. Hi Lee.


    I'm very annoyed to say the least, I moved house about 4 months ago now and I have just received a letter from Lowell at my new address, it states the following;


    Dear miss *****


    We're contacting you about an account that we have purchased from vodafone which was opened on the 18/02/10, vodaphone have sold us the account to us as there is an outstanding balance which they have been unable to recover, this may be because vodafone did not have your up to date address details and therefore you were not in a position to discuss the account with them.


    We have used the services of a credit reference agency and they have provided your address to us, therefore we would like to confirm the information we hold is correct and up to date,



    I've just read over this thread again and i see it was lowell who bothered me before, I trust you will contact them and put them straight on this matter please, otherwise I guess I will have to take some legal action of my own no doubt.

  4. Hi Lee,


    Can you please explain to me why this debt that I have proved to you and had confirmed by you as not my debt arose it's ugly head again? Why has this debt been sold by you to Lowell and why have you given them my details when you know the debts not mine.


    I'm very annoyed about this, I look forward to your response on this matter




    Hi scarborosmoggy,


    Thanks for updating your thread with confirmation of the outcome of our investigation into this matter.


    In regard to your credit file I'd say that there shouldn't be any problems at all especially if you've been successful with any applications for credit since the dates I stated in my initial email to you. However, if you'd like to check to be on the safe side I'd understand.


    Kind regards,




    Web Relations Team


    Vodafone UK

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