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Posts posted by alangee

  1. winchester


    If you are still making payments through your CCCS to these cards that are not on your credit report, then they could still be enforceable, because they would not be statute barred.


    Of course they could still be found to be unenforceable if there is something wrong with the agreement, so send a request for a copy.



  2. We see no end of people complaining about default entries been registered on file without ever recalling reveiving one or the creditor been able to send a copy. Then it is much more harder for the consumer to get the info removed than it is for a creditor to place it there. Again my point of the balance been weighed in the creditors favour.




    I used to think exactly the same as you until someone explained that a Default Notice and a default entry on your credit file are two different things.


    The Default Notice is purely to allow the creditor to take the next step - enforcement of the debt. The default entry on your credit file is to denote that the relationship between the creditor and the debtor has broken down. Thus you could have your credit file in default without receiving a Default Notice.


    The confusion arises because both of the above are normally enclosed in the Default Notice - i.e. threatening to take further enforcement action, and informing you they will inform the CRA's. Although this is the norm, I am told that they could be dealt with as separate issues.



  3. The sale and purchase of the debt is under the Law of Property act.

    Also there in no obligation on the creditor to supply a copy of any agreement

    with a SAR as this is dealt with sects.77/78 etc CCA1974





    According to the people I have spoken to at the ICO, the agreement is personal data, and should be included in any SAR package, if they still have it.



  4. You should be sent a copy of the agreement in response to an SAR - if you are not then they have not complied with your SAR. An SAR is made under the data protection act. (If they do not have a copy then they do not need to send it you to comply - they only have to send what they actually have).


    The £1 payment is for a legal request made under the Consumer Credit Act - and is specifically for the Agreement. (If they fail to comply with this request then they are barred from enforcing the agreement).


    You can use the SAR to find out if the document sent in reply to a s77-79 request is a genuine copy. Under an SAR the creditor has to send a copy of the document - not a reconstituted copy. This will probably be a copy of the application, but at least you will know what the OC has.



  5. This is how business is done. A car dealer buys a car for a price that is a lot less than he sells it for, same difference.


    Not quite the same thing, the car dealer does not charge you the price of a new car for the one he bought at auction.



  6. I was looking through the ICO technical guide on defaults and at section 21 - an arrangement to pay, on page 11, the point is made that:


    "If a customer fails to return to contractual payments after an ‘arrangement to pay’ has expired, then the lender can file a default immediately, as long as this would not place the customer in a worse position than they would have been in, had they not made the arrangement." (my emphasis)


    I do not know if this has been added to the updated version of the technical guide, or whether it has always been there, but possibly a point to complain about to the ICO, if a default marker has been placed.


    Sorry I do not have a link for the guide, but it is on ICO site.



  7. Braders


    Was it always a Platinum card, or did it start off as Gold, and they asked if you wanted to upgrade?


    I had a Platinum Card, and they asked if I would like to add FlexSelect to the card. I said yes - not really knowing what it was. It was some months later that I found that FlexSelect is actually a credit card option within a charge card, and as such is governed by CCA1974. All purchases over £150 - at that time - went to the FlexSelect.


    Did they ever offer you this option, and if so, did you take it up? If you did take it up, then it becomes a little more difficult for Amex.


    Did Amex/Newmans add extra "collection" charges to your account?


    If you have a straight charge card then asking for a copy of your agreement will get you nowhere, because charge cards do not come under CCA1974 protection. They will send a copy of your application - make sure that the card number tallies with yours - and tell you that that together with your statements is enough.


    Having said that, request copies of CCA from those MBNA & RBS. Send it off to Amex as well, it will delay matters for you while you decide what to do.



  8. Marie


    Just to go back to your original post, have you ever had a Monument account? You also say that HFO say you have two defaulted accounts, what is the other defaulted account?


    Monument took on Providian Bank customers, and were owned by Barclays - as you are aware. Barclays sold Monument to Raphaels Bank, so it is possible that if you have an account number, they may be able to trace some information for you.



  9. DM


    Almost all applications state that, but as an ordinary debtor you are not extected to know CCA1974, that is why as a minimum the creditor, pre 2006, must put the prescribed terms on a document that he classes as an agreement. Unless he can show that that was only one page from, let us say a two page document the second of which contained the prescribed terms, then he falls foul of CCA1974 sec61(1) and 127(3), as I laid out in post #16.


    As it stands, if your "agreement" does not show those prescribed terms then it is not a compliant agreement.



  10. DM


    For pre 2006 applications to also serve as agreements, they have to contain the prescribed terms. They should be on your signature page, but may be printed on the reverse, so long as it says something like "sign only if you agree with the terms & conditions overleaf". The T&C's are not signed unless they form part of the agreement - by that I mean that they and the agreement are treated as one document, perhaps by page numbers, or physically joined to the agreement.


    If your "agreement" is the same as Jacks, then I would advise you to send them the same letter. One thing I should have mentioned to Jack is to mark the letter ACCOUNT IN DISPUTE.


    What you have is what you have said it looks like - an application.



  11. No just ask them the one question. If you make the request too long they just skirt around the issue. Mind you, they will probably do that anyway.


    If they still avoid the question or say it says it is governed by CCA1974, then look at the CPUTR 2008 thread, and send them a letter asking the question "Have you got an agreement that would satisfy s61(1) and 127(3) of CCA1974". I kept getting the brush off from Tesco until they finally said that I did not sign their "agreement" - it was reconstituted although they would not admit it - but I signed the Credit Card and that is enough, so that is another unenforceable agreement.



  12. As your account is pre 2006, if you signed a piece of paper that did not have any of the prescribed terms on it, it falls foul of sec61(1) and sec 127(3) of CCA1974, and in that case the court is precluded from finding against you.


    61. (1) A regulated agreement is not properly executed unless

    (a) a document in the prescribed form itself containing all the prescribed terms

    and conforming to regulations under section 60(1) is signed in the prescribed

    manner both by the debtor or hirer and by or on behalf of the creditor or owner,


    (b) the document embodies all the terms of the agreement, other than implied terms,


    © the document is, when presented or sent to the debtor or hirer for signature, in

    such a state that all its terms are readily legible.


    127(3) The court shall not make an enforcement order under section 65(1) if section

    61(1)(a) (signing of agreements) was not complied with unless a document (whether

    or not in the prescribed form and complying with regulations under section 60(1))

    itself containing all the prescribed terms of the agreement was signed by the debtor or

    hirer (whether or not in the prescribed manner).


    I know that some will disagree with me, but if the case is presented correctly, you should not lose.


    Anyway that may never happen, just ask them to point out where the prescribed term are on the document you signed.



  13. Paperwork arguments can no longer be relied upon


    Is that true? No NoA, invalid assignment, invalid DN, no Agreement pre 2006 - all paperwork and can all win you a case if presented correctly.


    If a DCA has indeed bought the debt in a portfolio of other debts then they will have no information regarding the history of these accounts, all they will see is the figure outstanding, and believe, somewhat incorrectly, that they are entitled to that amount.


    If that is so, why do Cabot - as an example - try to reclaim "arrears" by saying it was a live agreement when they bought it?


    If the DCAlink3.gif is merely acting on behalf of their 'client' and you raise the issue of a faulty DN then all the OC has to do is to simply issue you with another one that meets the requirements.


    I was talking about absolute assignments (although I did not make that clear), not equitable. I would also add that almost all of my creditors issued me with invalid DN's, some accounts were sold. Of those they sold to DCA's two were returned because of invalid DN's. The OC in each case threatened me with issuing a new DN, but never did. It is not easy for the OC to get all his facts and figures right enough to issue a new DN when an account has been sold off and returned.



  14. If a DCA buys what they believe to be a correctly terminated account, which is subsequently found to be still live due to an invalid DN, in what state does that leave the assignment?


    I believe that Deed of Assignment/Sale Agreement would have to state what condition the Agreement is - live or terminated. If the state of the assignment does change, does this mean that the assignment is invalid, and must be returned to the original creditor or treated as an equitable assignment? If a date being wrong by one day can invalidate an assignment, why not the state of the agreement - live or terminated.


    If that is so, then it brings more questions such as if the OC - Goldfish for example - is no longer trading, what happens then?



  15. FTA


    Can I ask when you took the Credit Card out?


    I guess that the 14 days you gave them are up by now, have you issued a claim? If you haven't then issue one. Capital One will pay up within two weeks of receiving your claim.



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