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Posts posted by reggie76

  1. I really don't know, I'm sure we did fight it and request the CCA originally but I think they did register a CCJ and my wife set up a £10 standing order but now they are taking the mick!!


    Do we re-request the CCA or just write a letter saying my wife can't afford the extra payments and my income should not be taken into consideration as it's a sole debt or just ignore the letter?

  2. My wife has been paying £10 per month to Restons for well over a year to clear a credit card debt with a current balance of approx. £1,500.

    Restons asked my wife to fill out a financial statement which she did on line,

    they have now increased the payments to £150!!!

    My wife is an agency worker with no guarantee of work so the fact they have increased the instalments is due to my income.

    Can they increase the monthly instalments based on my income when it's not my debt?

    Just to confirm Restons are acting on behalf of Arrow.

  3. Just found this on the net, is it correct?


    According to The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions General Regulations (2007), the following must be contained on a Penalty Charge Notice written out by a Civil Enforcement Officer:

    • The date it is served.
    • The name of the enforcement authority.
    • The registration of the vehicle.
    • The date and the time the alleged contravention occurred.
    • Why the ticket has been issued.
    • The amount of the penalty charge.
    • That the penalty charge must be paid within 28 days.
    • That if the penalty charge is paid within 14 days the fine will be reduced.
    • How to pay the charge.
    • If the charge is not paid within 28 days, a 'Notice to Owner' form will be sent to the vehicle owner.
    • That you can appeal within the first 28 days and how you need to make the appeal, including the address (and email and fax if appropriate) that appeals should be sent to.
    • The grounds under which you can make an appeal.
    • That if your formal appeal is made on time but is rejected, that you can appeal to an adjudicator.

  4. Hi, I received a Fixed Penalty Notice for parking in a residents bay whillst I was loading/unloading my company car from a business address. The Police Officer said as he had already started writing out the ticket he could not cancel it.


    I have a few questions:

    I only received Parts 3(payment slip), 4(vehicle defects) and 5(court request), Is that correct?


    There is no details of my car on the notice, although I cant see where it could be written as there is only space for drivers details. if there is no car details on the notice how can they chase me/my company for payment?


    I wish to appeal against the notice but do I complete Part 5 for a court hearing, write to my local authority although I am not sure who exactly I appeal to or do I wait for a notice to owner letter to arrive?


    Sorry for all the questions but the notice I received is not clear.

  5. Your real purpose must now ge to prevent the bailiff ramping up more fees, which they will do without compunction, the only sure way is to pay them then you can check the site and HMCS for details of what bailiffs are allowed to charge. If you don't they WILL levy sieize and tow your motor without a thought adding more fees and taking the £175 up to £500 or so


    Thanks for your response, I want to question the bailiff fees but did not know if I could once I had paid it. Now I know I can I have paid the full amount thanks to advice posted on here by people like yourself. Thanks again.

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