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Posts posted by GaryH

  1. Anyone seen this?


    McGuffick v The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc [2009] EWHC 2386 (Comm) (06 October 2009)


    Although it's important to note that it deals only with an agreement which is potentially or tempararily unenforceable under s.77, and does not deal with a scenario where an agreement is irredeamably unenforceable under s.127(3) (or is otherwise improperly executed), this judgment is entirely consistant with the principles referred to above, and leads ever more strongly to the conclusion that a lender is within their rights to mark a credit file where the agreement is unenforceable.


    Having said that, it may well still worth trying to get a default removed initially by badgering the creditor. I definately wouldn't risk litigating on the point though, personally.

  2. Not a lot now, really. Even though Abbey state explicitly in their own terms and conditions that overdrawing beyond an agreed limit is a breach of contract, and dispite the fact they admit that the charges arise from a breach in their defence; since the High Court judgment the law is that they do not in fact arise from a breach of contract. So they could now just amend their defence.


    Forget penalty/breach of contract - it all comes down to the UTCCR issues now.

  3. The claim in that case will be allocated to the multi-track, where there is a duty of disclosure. So yes, they will have to disclose the t&c's and the costs of the charging process at disclosure stage.


    However I think they'll be very reluctant to disclose the latter, so they may seek a preliminary ruling on whether the terms are capable of being penal first. If they are not, then the costs are irrelevant and your claim fails. Without seeing the t&c's its not clear what assistance the High Court judgment on penalties will be to your case, which is why its completely unreasonable of Cobbetts not to provide them asap.


    I assume then that you are also relying on the Limitations Act arguments in respect of the older charges?


    As I think I alluded to a while back, this claim is very risky given your costs exposure and you should probably give some serious thought as to whether you want to attempt to settle.


    If it gets to the stage of an application to lift the stay, all you need is a simple application on a form N244 form for a) to lift the stay (briefly explaining why in part C) and b) for a response to your part 18 in particular the t&c's (again, breifly explaining in part C why its so important to have sight of them asap).

  4. Hi GaryH!!!

    Great to hear from you :) glad you're still helping on CAG! Hope all is well with you...

    Yes I'm very well thanks. Still here, although unfortunately I haven't been able to commit the sort of time to CAG recently as I used to, so to be honest I'm a little bit out of the loop with it all.


    The letter re the part 18 can be disclosed.


    Am I right in thinking that the charges all relate to a business account?


    If so, when does the stay expire? As far as I am aware there was a ruling from the High Court that certain Natwest terms in use beteen 2001 - 2003 are capable of amounting to penalties, but no others (obviously business account terms were not considered). Are the bank appealing on this point? If not then I can't see any reason your case should remain stayed. The remainder of the test case will relate solely to the UTTCR which is irrelevant and the outcome will be of no assistance to business accounts whatsoever.


    The outcome of your claim all depends on the account terms. As the matter is fast track, even notwithstanding the fact that you have requested them under the p18, they have a duty of disclosure which obliges them to disclose all relevant documents anyway.


    I would write a strongly worded letter telling them that they have a duty to disclose the documents you have requested, and that costs are being incurred, and court time wasted, wholly unnecessarily by their unreasonable refusal to comply with the rules. Tell them that you appreciate the matter is currently stayed, but in mind of the overriding objective you expect them to be provided nonetheless.


    Give them 21 days to clarify their position and tell them that if you do not hear from them, given that the remainder of the test case is irrelevant to business accounts, that you'll make an application to lift the stay and for a response to your part 18 and seek your costs on the indemnity basis.


    You may also wish to make a part 36 offer in a seperate letter.


    If they don't respond, then subject to someone correcting me on my understanding of what the remainder of the test case will (and will not) determine, then you may wish to think about applying to remove the stay.

  5. Its the bank who would need to be supplying your terms and conditions


    True but Cobbetts are on record as acting for them so any p18 requests, etc need to be made through them.


    Although, I suppose you may be able to circumvent Cobbetts and just go in to the bank and ask for them? If they ask what its for just make something up. Worth a try (apologies if you've tried that already!)

  6. Hi Dolly.


    In principle, if you need a replacement vehicle while yours is of the road then the reasonable cost of an equivilent hire vehicle is always recoverable from the negligent driver and / or their insurers.


    However in your case I'm not entirely sure who you'd recover the costs from. Your own insurance company would not pay it; you would have to look to the party at fault. The natural defendant would be the person who actually caused the damage, but I probably wouldn't fancy your chances of recovering anything from someone who nicks lorries for a living! I'm not sure whether and to what extent the owners insurers would be liable to pay if the vehicle was stolen - I've never come accross the situation before, maybe someone else can offer some advice.


    If you didn't hire a replacement vehicle and made do without one then you'll be able to claim compensation for the loss of the use of your vehicle - again subject to finding someone to pay up!



  7. Hey, long time no see! Hows things going?


    Unfortunately you cannot make any applications to the court while the claim is stayed. Keep pursuing the other side for it though, and tell them that if they don't provide it you'll make an application as soon as the stay is lifted for which you will be seeking your costs.


    Was the letter an offer or genuine settlement attempt? If not it carries no privilege anyway and so can be disclosed. If it was an offer, then no it can't be disclosed - you can't waive privilege unilaterally.



  8. Hi Marie,


    If the agreement is an exempt agreement then they are not obliged to send a default notice.


    Why do they say that the agreement is exempt? Do you have a copy of the agreement?


    Also, what was the £34? If it consisted of default charges you can get it removed anyway.

  9. In a claim allocated to the fast or multi track, either party can request the other party to provide further information (see the practice direction to p18)), and if the other party does not reply then an application can be made to the court to order them to do so. Any request, however, is subject to the requirement of proportionality and the information requested must be reasonably necessary to enable the party making the request to understand the case it has to meet. The court doesn't approve of tactically onerous requests or "fishing expeditions".


    In a claim allocated to the small claims track, part 18 does not apply (see r27.2). So technically you do not have to respond at all and the other side could not apply for an order. Having said that, refusing to respond to a reasonable and proportionate request on this basis is risky, as the court may consider it unreasonable and penalise you in costs later on (especially if the information requested would have been likely to mean a settlement would have been acheived).


    Hope that helps.

  10. Gary,


    I beg to differ about liability in Dimond v Lovell.


    To my mind, if the House of Lords has said it was Parliament's intention that a debtor should not have to pay if there is no enforcalble agreement, then there can be no liability and the ICO cannot interfer, especially when their Lordships judgment specifically the courts can't.




    I'm not sure why you beg to differ. That is precisely the point I was making re Dimond: unenforceable agreement = no unjust enrichment and (implicitly at least) no debt.


    Having said that the point wasn't directly in issue. The point we are talking about is whether or not, just because the debter doesn't have to pay, that that means that the debt never existed in the first place or does not exist now.


    I think, FWIW, that enforceabilty and existance are distinct. If the debt (or liability) doesn't exist as a result of it being unenforeceable then the logical conclusion to that is that all payments made by the debtor were paid under a mistake and could be claimed back in restitution from the creditor. I'm sorry, but I find it very hard to envisage that that was Parliaments intention either. Even less so than the opposite proposition rejected in Dimond in fact.


    In my view, Parliament intended a debt under an improperly exicuted agreement to be precluded from enforcement by a court. No more, no less.


    Moreover, in the Wilson case it was held that an improperly executed regulated agreement still gives rise to contractual obligations - the effect of the Act is simply to prevent the lender enforcing his rights.


    And the distinction was clear again in Burdis v Livsey:


    "Even though the contractual obligations of the claimant to pay Helphire for hire and repairs subsist if the credit agreements are unenforceable Helphire have no enforceable right to recover these amounts"


    So if the contractual obligations subsist, as the authorities state they do, then I'm afraid that the creditors are not acting outside the law by recording the fact, and, in this respect at least, the ICO are correct.

  11. This guidance from the ICO is nearly TWO years old. What's new??


    The main ICO article is two years old, the 'new' bit is from April this year.


    We should remember that this is an extract from a letter from the ICO to a firm of solicitors who will be interested in defending banks and other credit companies from claims resulting from the failures of those institutions. What did Addleshaw's actually ask the ICO would be my first question?


    The ICO can only base its decisions on what it has published as its guidance in the public domain. It cannot determine an issue in private with just one (interested) firm of solicitors.


    Looking at both the announcement from Addleshaw's and the Technical Guidance from the ICO (which is dated 2 August 2007), I would make the following points:


    1. S 15 of the CCA 2006 only applies to credit agreements entered into after the implementation of the 2006 Act which I believe was 1 October 2007. The court must still decline to make an enforcement order in respect of non-compliant pre-October 2007 agreements. Further, the repeal of S127 (3) for post Oct 07 agreements does not (in my view) preclude the court from exercising its discretion and still refuse an enforcement order. The clear message from the 1974 Act and case law was that if credit institutions didn't comply exactly with the requirements, they should lose out. All that the 2006 repeal did was to allow the courts to have some discretion about the decision.


    2. The ICO refers to a legal liability. What liability I ask? There is case law which clearly states that in the absence of a compliant credit agreement, the law considers advances by creditors to be 'voluntary dispositions' or gifts.


    3. The ICO guidance clearly states the factors taken into account by the ICO when making a judgment about disputes. Among these factors is the following ' Has the Court refused judgment to a lender and, if so, on what grounds?’ If the ICO is saying they can over rule the court, I would be very interested in challenging such a view.


    As you say, vjohn, let's see what happens.


    All fair points. It's certainly not a statement of the law, and I too would be interested to know where the firm obtained it from. I've just checked the ICO website and it does not appear to have been released on there, so as you say it may be that it was just correspondence between the ICO and the solicitors.


    Its an interesting question though; whether the lack of one or more prescribed terms making the agreement unenforceable also means there is no contract or liability at all. I would have thought that there was still a contract, just one thats technically unenforceable.


    Having said that the House of Lords didn't appear to make any distiction between liability and enforceability in Dimond v Lovell, so the ICO may well be wrong. Lets hope so.

  12. Hiya Gary:D long time no see!!!


    Indeed! :) Haven't been around much lately, still lurking now and again though!


    I'm sure it won't get to that stage anyway, but the only thing that would concern me would be that the UTCCR provision you rely on is sch 2(1)(e), which renders a term unfair if it provides for a disproportionately high sum in compensation. As the charges do not arise from a breach of contract, this part does not apply.


    Regulation 5 is what we now need to rely on, which you have pleaded, but only in relation to interest as far as I can see, not the charges themselves.

  13. and as the agreement doesn't exist they do not have your permission to report to the credit reference agencies therefore any record of the credit should be removed from the credit reference agencies reports??


    The agreement does exist. There is still a contract between you and the creditor (in most cases); the fact that the terms don't comply with the CCA just means that the court can't enforce it. It's still a debt, albeit an unenforceable one.

  14. Hi Milly.


    Not sure what the CAG line on this is, and I'm sure someone'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the best bet is to leave it for now. Most of it is now no longer relevant such as the penalty and SoGA arguments, and you would probably need to plead specifically that the actual charges are a) within the ambit of, and b) unfair under, the UTCCR; but you can't do anything until the stay is lifted. I suspect that the stay never will be lifted, as once its all eventially sorted out they'll probably make an offer in accordance with what the court decides is recoverable.


    If the stay is lifted and the claim is to proceed, the best time to file an application to amend the claim form would be with alongside the AQ anyway.

  15. I had an old debt which had a default put on my credit file ( under 6 years ago ) a DCA also persued me for the debt but they could not produce a CCA so told me they had closed the file on it, am I within my rights to get the default removed ?


    Probably not, unfortunately. Technical unenforceability doesn't mean that the debt doesn't exist.


  16. Hi all - Happy New Year and all that!


    Welcome to my latest installment:rolleyes: - actually I am not laughing, because this is doing nothing for my already severely depressed state.:sad:


    shabbeys in-house threat monkeys dmrs seem to have given up, and passed the account back to shabbey, if thats possible as they are all the same firm, but anyway;


    I received a letter yesterday from Milton Keynes (dated 6th Jan), informing me that they intend to register a default on my credit file in 28 days from the 6th Jan.


    The letter then goes on to explain the role of CRA's and how lenders use the information etc. Must think I am a complete numpty.


    So, what do I do? Any letters sent previously have been totally ignored, but I think I really need to give them a heads up on this - the amount they are chasing is less than 1/3 rd of my court claim:mad:.


    Any advice on a good letter that might actually get read by someone?? My credit file is shot to bits, so I am not worried about that, but it's the fact that they should not be taking any action against me.


    All advice greatly appreciated as always, thanks.


    Jo xx


    Hi Jo.


    Sorry about the lack of replies, as you may have noticed I haven't been around a great deal lately.


    I know its easy for me to say, but I really wouldn't let them get to you. It's almost inconceivable that they would file a claim under these circumstances, they are just doing what they do best and deploying intimidation tactics - for the simple reason that they have nowhere else to go. You've handled it exactly right so far and set out clearly why they should hold the enforcement action and what will happen if they don't.


    Even in the event that they did file a claim against you, you could apply for a stay awaiting the outcome of the charges case.


    Have you complained to the FSA? If you haven't yet then you should. Also, ask for a copy of their complaints proceedure and pursue a complaint through their spurious crock of a system and then on to the FOS.



  17. "Very difficult to say. It's a multi-track claim and therefore would be heard in the High Court - probably the Commercial Court. Obviously any judgment would be precedent setting."


    Not necessarily - a claim can be allocated to the multi track without being heard in the High Court. Multi track matters are heard in the county court before a curcuit judge, whose decisions are of persuasive precedent but not binding.


    In any event, my understanding is that a GLO application can be made to either a curcuit judge in the county court OR a High Court judge.


    Good to see your still so actively involved in the campaign, Tom. :)

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