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Posts posted by TheCoolerKing

  1. Well done macatac. It needs more people to stand up to these ****. When you have got all your expenses back, name them and shame them, they deserve to lose business, but the crooks usually just change their name and show up elsewhere.

    I'm just starting on the road of taking a used car seller to court, but its for £5500 so it wont be the small claims court.

    Any pointers/tips for us all on what the courts expect you to keep etc. would be much appreciated.

  2. This is great news! I am going through a similar experience so good to hear there is light!


    Can I pm u later?


    Hi Cutiepie,

    Sorry to hear that you are going through a similar experience.

    I know how tough it can be.

    By all means pm me if I can be of any help.


    When I first started it all I purchased a book called "Employment Tribunals: Tactics & Precedents" by Naomi Cunningham - it was a really big help.

    If you Google it the first chapter is shown free on-line.

    I got mine from local Law book shop Butterworths, it cost £30 which is a huge amount when your unemployed, but it was worth every penny.

    On line there is also a blog linked to this book which gives brilliant tips for fighting your case.

  3. Cheers Questioning, much appreciated.


    Yes it has been 12 months of an absolute nightmare, but at last the hardest bit is over.

    Now I've got to try and get the money out of him.

    Despite him being named in the Richest people list I am sure he will do everything to avoid paying me what I am rightly due.


    The most important thing is that I have cleared my name, and people working for him will now see what type of person he is & what lengths he is prepared to go to get someone out of his company.


    I must say that the Judge soon changed their attitude to the case when I read my statement out, and presented evidence of how the boss had bullied & intimidated me. Summoning up the Tribunal slated the way the employer had behaved towards me.


    I hope my experience will show people on here that despite all the hassle & depression, there is light at the end of the tunnel.


    As Steve McQueen once said - "If I believe in something - I'll fight like hell for it".

  4. I was unfairly dismissed on multiple counts of Gross Misconduct over 12 months ago. I represented myself, and I won on all counts, 100% unanimous decision in my favour with zero contribution. It has been a long long, emotional, depressing, exhausting and financial nightmare, but I'm glad I stuck it out. I knew from the start that the company were trying to get me out, and they had a high paid lawyer threatening & intimidating me throughout the whole process. But in the end justice prevailed.

    For anyone out there who is going through it - it gets very very tough, but if you know you are innocent, try & stick it out because in the end its worth it.

    I hope I never have to go through that again, but if I do, I know that the multi-million pound companies will lie & cheat through the whole process; but in my case, the employment judge saw through their lies.

  5. Cheers Mortlake,

    Thanks very much for your suggestions, I will definately look into them.

    No it isnt G Z, or on South London circuit. There are obviously more bias ET judges around than I thought.


    Yes it is one hell of a blow when honest & decent people are bullied & treated unfairly by big-bucks employers who know that they can get away with dismissing people when & how they want, then the ET judge is blatantly bias. Especially when one of the employers witnesses is named as a lay member on Employment Tribunals! Talk about an old boys school or what!

  6. Glad I found this site, I was beginning to think I was on my own. I'm half way through a Tribunal hearing for what appeared to be a straight forward case of my employer fabricating evidence to justify them dismissing me for Gross Misconduct. I wont go into the details yet, but basically I am representing myself and have produced lots of evidence to dispute the employer and their witnesses credibility. All my colleagues & friends thought it would be a straight forward case because the evidence is black & white. But none of us counted on a totally bent Employment Tribunal Judge. Not only have they helped the respondents witnesses answer questions while I was cross examining them!, but the Judge also is quite clearly allowing the respondents highly paid solicitor loads of leaway, whilst giving me (an unrepresented layperson) no help/advice whatsoever. The Judges that spoke to me during the two CMD's were very helpful, but the Judge at my hearing is totally bias, and the 2 lay assistants dont say a word. It seems that other people on this site have had this problem. I was thinking about lodging an appeal, but whose to say the next Judge wont be bias aswell. Any comments/suggestions much appreciated, but I think its a no-hoper. They say "Honesty Pays", but I think "Money Talks" is more appropriate when it comes to the Employment Tribunal system.

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