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Posts posted by shoeshopper

  1. The fit note issue seems to have just disappeared.

    However, the grievance meeting is going ahead even though I am off work still unwell with stress, along with a viral infection and conjunctivitis. Even though the grievance policy says all grievances should be dealt with informally in the first instance,  HR has said that the ‘aggrieved’ has decided not to do that. So, the meeting will take place in the next 5 days with myself remoting in via zoom. All I know about the grievance is that apparently I raised my voice at someone. I do remember an incident which was over the telephone but I’m not sure if that has been specified or not. I have no further information, and following advice from my union rep I went on to my work emails to locate some info for the meeting, but It appears that all emails referring to the circumstances that led up to this ‘incident’ (conversation) have seemingly been deleted.


  2. I sent an email to my employer explaining the situation re the fit note and asked them what I should do next. I have not received a Reply regarding this issue, but I have received a call from HR asking me how I am and then telling me that when I do return I have a meeting regarding a grievance someone has raised about me (apparently before half term)  but they can’t give me any further information until I attend the meeting.


  3. I work in a school (non teaching) tues - Fri, term time only. I saw my GP on the Weds before half term (7/2) and was advised to take the rest of the week off and if I was not well enough to return after half term to go back for a fit note. I went back after half term (20/2) and the GP said that the first 7 days of the absence (7-13/2) should be self certificated and that he would issue a fit note from 13/2 until next week. However the school policy says that any absence on the last day before a school holiday (9/2) with no return after the holiday (19/2) needs a fit note starting on the last day before the school hols (9/2). My fit note now has a gap from 9-12/2. The GP is adamant that he is correct and in line with government/NHS guidelines, but the school are not in agreement. I am now stuck in the middle. Please advise if possible.

  4. I have a very tall, overgrown tree overhanging my back fence. I have written to the occupiers (I don’t know if house is owned or rented) on two occasions and politely raised my concerns. I asked that if they were not the owners could they kindly pass on my letters to the owner/landlord; no replies received.

    Last year I paid tree surgeons to cut down the overgrowth on my side but it has regrown and the tree itself is looking dangerously high, causing a lot of movement in the strong winds we have encountered this year, with some larger branches looking to be on the verge of breaking. I have sought advice from the local council, but again no response so far.

    As well as the above, the tree sheds it leaves all over the back area of my garden leaving considerable mess as the leaves rot for me to clear up.

    is there any way to go from here please?

  5. I too have a very overgrown tree overhanging my back fence. I have written to the occupiers (I don’t know if house is owned or rented) on two occasions and politely raised my concerns. I asked that if they were not the owners could they kindly pass on my letters to the owner/landlord; no replies received.


    Last year I paid tree surgeons to cut down the overgrowth on my side but it has regrown and the tree itself is looking dangerously high, causing a lot of movement in the strong winds we have encountered this year, with some larger branches looking to be on the verge of breaking. I have sought advice from the local council, but again no response so far.

    As well as the above, the tree sheds it leaves all over the back area of my garden leaving considerable mess as the leaves rot for me to clear up.

    is there any way to go from here please?

  6. Apologies if this is in the wrong section - please move if necessary. Any experts in Education please.

    I work as a support staff member in a school and due to the extreme weather conditions (Mon/Tues) teachers have been given the option to stay in school or go home after students have been dismissed early at 12pm.


    Support staff have been told they have to stay in school and work their normal hours. Just wondering if this correct please. Support staff are not saying they don’t want to work but feel it should have been rather an all or nobody goes home scenario.


    Support staff have been told to relocate (if poss) to somewhere cooler to work if they need to. Teachers could also do the same once students are off site, but the majority have chosen to go home.


    Advice welcomed please.

  7. I don’t think they want to get involved. They scanned his chip , put me down as the owner on his records and told me to contact the chip registry. When I changed the chip details today the registry say that I am now the registered owner and the previous owners will be contacted and if they object they will have to take legal advice.


    I really just want to be sure that now I have purchased him, and have a receipt signed by the previous owner, I am now the owner.


    If this is the case, as unfortunate as the situation is, I am willing to stick with it and keep him.

  8. Thank you so much for your all your advice.


    I am going to stick with it as I feel that to go as far as advertising a dog for sale you really need to be absolutely 100% certain that you can part with him beforehand. You can’t give several excuses as to why you can’t keep him and then all of a sudden those reasons don’t apply.


    He is already a much loved pet in my family and we will make sure he i very well looked after.

  9. I purchased a 2 and a half year old dog on Sunday from a seller who advertised it for sale because they felt he did not receive the time and attention he deserved and that they did not want to continue paying for dog walking costs.


    We visited them and the dog and finally agreed that they would deliver him to my house on Sunday. They were sad to leave him but said it would be best for him. I have always had a dog in my life, my previous dog dying of old age (16) last year.


    I paid the full asking price and got the seller to sign a receipt saying that the dog had been sold to me and was I good heath. I gave them a copy of this.


    Yesterday I took him to vets for a check up and innoculations ( although the ad said theses were up to date the seller then said he had his puppy injections only) and to have the microchip scanned to register as the new owner.


    All was going very well until 9.30pm yesterday when I received a call from the seller saying that they had changed their mind and want the dog back for a full refund.


    I love the dog and am very happy with him. Do they have any rights over him now please?

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  10. Hi there. I contacted the council as advised and had my name added to the council tax bill. Today I received an amended bill informing me that I now have to pay the full amount for the year plus pay back the refund issued at year end, (luckily I put this money aside just in case). There was no explanation and now my parents seem to have lost their right to a reduction.


    What seems rather ridiculous is that if I were to remove my name from the deeds and just live here we would pay no council tax at all as my parents are eligible for an exemption.


    I am quite happy to pay, but do not want to pay more to the council which they may not have a right to.


    Any suggestions please?

  11. I own a property jointly with my parents which we all live in together.

    My name does not show on the council tax bill (but is registered on the deeds) and despite two calls to the council they still are not clear what to do.


    I work, and up until now we have been paying the council tax in full.

    Recently my parents have been awarded guaranteed pension credit and subsequently do not have to pay any council tax.


    I spoke to the council to explain the situation who told me that I would now be liable for half the council tax which seemed feasible.

    The bill has just arrived and it says we don’t have to pay anything which does not seem right.

    I made a second to the call the council and they are completely flummoxed as what to advise me.

    Any ideas please?

  12. Could you please clarify the following. We are a sports club run by a management committee of volunteers from the membership. One of the committee members is paid a small amount (honorarium) in recognition of the amount of work he needs to do. He can do the work when he wants, which varies in amount, but he always gets paid the same amount regardless.


    He has a regular full time job which has nothing to do with, and has no relevance to, the work he does on the committee.


    Does this make him self employed or an employee of the club please?


    Thank you very much for your advice.

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