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chasin sunsets

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Posts posted by chasin sunsets

  1. Hi all, we thought this probelm ahd been sorted, oh no no no no..!


    Right, back in october, our renault scenic dashboard failed. My othjer half, took a warranty out with welcome. After much haggling denying our claim, they agreed to replace the part (dashboard and reprogamming). 4 weeks later, other half has called them constantly and, cheque is in the post, delay due to xmas post...pigeons hitting the north wind over leeds...etc..etc...we have tried asking for the chq as it is to be sent to the local renault dealership who have been great.


    I would liek to know our legal position as 1.. our car has no speedo, no fuel gauge, no engine coolant temperature gauge etcc..in fact everything is on the dashboard (LCD).


    we are now thinking of taking the car back to them and refusing to leave until we have a new car, or the cheque.


    We have a letter wich states that they will issue the chq for the repair, so assuming, legally binding as it is not word of mouth but in balck and white.


    Please advise our next step should the cheque not be here by Frioday 19th Dec..


    Thanks folks


    Merry crimbo by the way!

  2. Hi all, I would appreciate some advice about these particularly nasty group. I believe, although cannot prove it, that they have been leaving messages with neighbours, called my parents to say I have a parcel and what are my contact details, now today, i have a letter off them saying within 10 days they will file a bankruptcy petition against me. the debt is for (allegedly) £800 ish.


    They say it is under section 268 (1) (a) of the Insolvency act 1986. I believe this debt to be unenforcable, do I send a bogoff letter or request a cca?


    It has been passed from lovem's duckfolio to these folks. I have to respond within 10 days. Any advice as to my next step would be appreciated.

  3. Hi, I have just got off the phone with OUSBA, the OU credit facility, I was informed that my dd didnt go through with my bank at the begining of 2007 (well, sept) and i started my course. I got one letter saying it was behind, I agreed to pay £100 a month to clear this and was told the account would be active, having just tried to enrol on a course, the account is closed, and a default has been put on my file even though the account is clear..all notes and details of calls ets have been lost..strange eh! The woman knew it all as she was doing her law degree..how I laughed..lol, anyway, how can i go about getting the default cleared and they also have ccj's me a few years ago for an account that has also been cleared..have a bee in me bonnet! All future courses now will be paind in full prior to starting them, ousba, wot a joke...

  4. Hi, Sorry to hear of your treatment. I work within the engineering sector in education. My best mate at work is a female engineer, we have a laugh and a joke and go for lunch together. This sets tongues wagging in the staff room and we really do play on it. There has never been physical contat between us and never will, I speak to her on the phone out of office hours, my fiance is present and nothing will ever happen between us as we are mates. I would suggest you take action against your manager as he is clearly breaking many rules and law!


    If you and your colleagues can collaborate statements then I thinks the manager's days are numbered..take this seriously and take it to the highest authority possible..

  5. Hi all, well, after waiting for, oh nearly a month now, finally got a letter with, very handy, all statements from a tsb bank acc. I didnt ask for this nor did i request a cca, all i sent was a prove it letter...the majority of the £800 is charges..


    Do I now send a cca request as I can highlight all these and send them in to gt them reclaimed, I will owe maybe about £50...all this because of failure on the banks part to close the acc down..they kept it going and I was under the impression it was closed.


    Red have dissapeared after a prove it letter being sent the same time as lovers....I mean lowers, u know who i mean! So any ideas or suggestions as to my nxt actions? Advice appreciated...

  6. by the way, previous job interview did go well, and I did interview as a candidate excellently. If I had mentioned a bit more about my house and diy skills, it would have got me the job as i was the strongest candidate...never mind eh! I did however, get a little 2nd interview in the way of a better job and more money and was asked this hypothetically for future reference...hopefully, this will turn into something...

  7. hi all, well, unfortunately I didnt get the job. However, since coming back to work this morning, I have been informed that I havent even got shortlisted for promotion, a job that I can do with my eyes closed. I am now under the impression that I am being bullied or harrassed in a mental form of not gaining promotion here at the college. I am in touch with the union and thinking of going down the constructive dismissal route. Possibly setting up a little gardening business after my annual leave. Just cant bear it to be passed over twice for the same job and even now, i have more qualifications than the present instructor...

  8. Hi all, justo let you know after masses of cv's and letters, I have an interview tomorrow morning for a job within the education sector. I filed in application and sent it via email at 10-30am on friday 18th. Had an email 1st thing yesterday asking if I am able to attend an interview tomorrow morning at 8-30am and wil last until approx 10am. Am nervous as so want to tell management here where to shove it!

  9. I agree, Health comes first. We have an applaing turnover of staff at m place of work, nearly 65%! I have been off sick 4 times in 12 months and have been told that if i am ill again this year then i will face the formal procedures..?...i think the company believes its own employment contract is actual Law, oh dear oh dear! I think they are on a hiding to nothing..seriously thinking of looking for another job..another thing, if I apply for a job, get it, take holidays (1 month) then leave for other job, is that fair do you think? especially as i have been treated like the proverbial?

  10. Thanks Ashley for the info, I am looking into this while I am off for work in August. I will do business cards and hit areas I have been told by a former gardener. I have picked up a few jobs in the winter and the rain isnt helping much at the moment either! Really, my fiance has an issue with the pay and also guaranteed wage coming in each month. As it is I have hardly any left each month while she earns twice as much as me and has loads left for spending. I am studying with the OU to get my degree and may have the chance of a better job once graduated, but by then I hope to incorporate this into the gardening side and take on other jobs within engineering. At the moment, I have no loyalty to employer becasue of the way I have and am been treated, being forced out by appointiung other people for jobs that I can do and I ahve to take a back seat...really pees me off....

  11. hi, I am considering going self employed and have been for about 6 months now. I put a few posters in the local area and only had one call and that was for a quote. I had one job relating to my business (gardening) and got £50 up front and the rest once completed, basically, when the woman left, her other half came out and complained about the job, etc...I emptied their waste from my vehicle and said I had lost about £200 and passed this on to small claims court. They satteld out fo court as a contract had been signed and they had refused to pay, this was sorted out in court as un beknown to them i had taken photos of the work carried out..Anyway, sorry about that, any1 got any suggestions or advice for setting up, I havent got a great deal of capital due to payouts each month for child minder, mortgage..yarda yarda..i have got most of the equipment, I was thinking of getting some business cards and going further afield...

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