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Posts posted by Gwarpt1

  1. Similar thing with my credit report. Showed that not on electoral roll and on several searches the time at address field showed 00 years and 00 months..

    As I am on the roll and have written confirmation of this - approval of postal vote - I asked Experian why and was told that my address details had to be EXACT match with electoral roll entry.

    This caused more problems cos the data entry field for address was too short...I eventually got this amended but wonder if refused credit due to this?

    I also have an alias - it is my maiden name!!

    When sorted out my bank charges I would like to get further into this cos I find it unbelievable that the system they use is so inefficient - eg the first part of my postcode is attached to the city field as well. EG London SE8, SE8 9XX.

    According to the experian agent I spoke to this is another quirk in their system..

  2. Hi Chris

    If you are still having hassle you can get your benefits paid into a post office card account.

    You have to get an "Invitation"to set up a card account" letter from the same people who give you the benefit.

    In my case i got this from the Jobcentre and when it was set up I got in touch with DWP

    and they put my DLA into it too.

    You cannot set up Direct Debits or go overdrawn but at least it keeps it out of reach of the bank..

    Good look with everythng


  3. I have been dealing with HSBC for months now trying to get a personal loan but all they offer is this Managed loan.

    As far as I can see all it does is start the whole process again.


    Last year I tried to get them to stop charges due to being on benefits and in financial difficulty but they disputed that the Social Admin law was appicable and turned me down.

    .So having cancelled all my Direct debits etc and arranged to have benefits put into a post office account I am going to put the claim in for these charges.

    I have read a Lot of the posts and got totally confused.


    These are the areas I am confused about and hope someone can give me some "Simple " answers to these cos I am old, stupid and skint!!!


    1 Can I claim the £25 charged when a Direct Debit is made and then reclaimed?

    2 What is this thing about claiming back 'interest - that has me totally baffled...


    When got this sorted I am going to read up on the credit card charges so will no doubt be asking for help with that - but thats for later.


    All help gratefully received




  4. Ta Pete,

    I have just now drafted a letter to HSBC requesting details of charges and interest applied to my account giving 40 days for a reply cos I am not sure which interest charges are applicable.

    I am quite concerned about the result of this cos they are already threatening to close my account unless I pay full amount of overdraft or deposit something - which was done cos both JSA and DLA benefits still going into account.

    I tried to get some cash from ATM tonight without any joy - what do they expect me to live on???

    Can any one advise best bank to try for a "parachute account"?



  5. I got a reply from Steven 4064 in response to a query I asked on thefoloowing forum located at:


    The charges are unlawful, just not under these 2 Acts. You should start a claim using the same method that everyone on CAG uses. It will take a little time because of the OFT case which ended on Friday but the expectation is that you will get them back.


  6. Hi Chris,l am in same position - my only income is DLA and JSA and the charges that HSBC charge take me over my overdraft limit.

    I have tried to get them to increase my overdraft by £500 which would get me clear but this has been refused.

    I My problem is that my original claim was based on the Social security admin law which i now know is not applicable -

    and i dop not know where to start - your post helped so I will try to keep track of your progress.

    From one HSBC claimant :-?to another one.



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