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Posts posted by UnitedFront

  1. OK I am not often on the CAG these days but since this thread has caught my eye for all the wrong reasons, here goes...



    If you are talking about the Limitation Act 1980 then you ARE talking about a debt being (or not being) statute barred - that is what the Act is about!!



    It is true that no court action can be taken after the expiration of 6 years from the date that the cause of action accrued (s.5 Limitation Act 1980)...




    s.29 Limitation Act 1980 makes it clear that the cause of action is taken to have accrued at a later date if a written acknowledgement or part payment of the debt are made. For ease of reference I have quoted both sections below.



    If the OP has an outstanding debt that he has NOT MADE A PAYMENT ON or acknowledged in writing for 6 years, no court action can be taken. BUT if the OP has been making payments, then the 6 year time limit starts ticking at the date of the last payment.


    Some of the advice given so far on this thread is quite clearly palpably wrong and could cause people an awful lot of heartache.


    Whilst certain members may say that this has nothing to do with statute barred - IT DOES.


    5. Time limit for actions founded on simple contract.

    An action founded on simple contract shall not be brought after the expiration of six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued.


    29.— Fresh accrual of action on acknowledgment or part payment.

    (1) Subsections (2) and (3) below apply where any right of action (including a foreclosure action) to recover land or an advowson or any right of a mortgagee of personal property to bring a foreclosure action in respect of the property has accrued.

    (2) If the person in possession of the land, benefice or personal property in question acknowledges the title of the person to whom the right of action has accrued—

    (a) the right shall be treated as having accrued on and not before the date of the acknowledgment; and

    (b) in the case of a right of action to recover land which has accrued to a person entitled to an estate or interest taking effect on the determination of an entailed interest against whom time is running under section 27 of this Act, section 27 shall thereupon cease to apply to the land.

    (3) In the case of a foreclosure or other action by a mortgagee, if the person in possession of the land, benefice or personal property in question or the person liable for the mortgage debt makes any payment in respect of the debt (whether of principal or interest) the right shall be treated as having accrued on and not before the date of the payment.

    (4) Where a mortgagee is by virtue of the mortgage in possession of any mortgaged land and either—

    (a) receives any sum in respect of the principal or interest of the mortgage debt; or

    (b) acknowledges the title of the mortgagor, or his equity of redemption;

    an action to redeem the land in his possession may be brought at any time before the expiration of twelve years from the date of the payment or acknowledgment.

    (5) Subject to subsection (6) below, where any right of action has accrued to recover—

    (a) any debt or other liquidated pecuniary claim; or

    (b) any claim to the personal estate of a deceased person or to any share or interest in any such estate;

    and the person liable or accountable for the claim acknowledges the claim or makes any payment in respect of it the right shall be treated as having accrued on and not before the date of the acknowledgment or payment.

    (6) A payment of a part of the rent or interest due at any time shall not extend the period for claiming the remainder then due, but any payment of interest shall be treated as a payment in respect of the principal debt.

    (7) Subject to subsection (6) above, a current period of limitation may be repeatedly extended under this section by further acknowledgments or payments, but a right of action, once barred by this Act, shall not be revived by any subsequent acknowledgment or payment.

  2. Ok, I wish you luck with your reply from the OFT.... everything I have ever received from them has been a whole load of wishy-washy tosh!!


    As I said, at least if a debt is Stat Barred then, no matter what the OFT say about collection, the courts will not enforce it if an adequate defence is offered forwards.


    Having put in my two pence, I will respectfully withdraw from the thread, save for any direct question.




  3. Ok, just to make sure we are reading from the same hymn sheet, I take it you are awaiting written clarification from the OFT on the issue of whether or not the Limitation Act applies in the situation we have described above; namely where the debt "would" become statute barred after the date that action has been started?


    If so, then I am sorry to say that the OFT have no jurisdiction to give any such advice. Nor would any such advice given from them have any binding effect on anyone. Such an issue is purely a matter of Judicial Interpretation.


    But to solve any mystery, and to clear up any confusion at all, we must actually read the Limitation Act as it is written; and that means that, in technical reality, it is not that the Limitation Act prevents a court from giving Judgment but, rather, it acts to prevent any Statute Barred action from being allowed.


    Limitation Act 1980

    Section 5

    An action founded on simple contract shall not be brought after the expiration of six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued.


    Clearly you can see from the above quote that if an action has been started in the courts BEFORE the expiration of the 6 year period, then it will NOT become statute barred as you appear to believe.


    I apologise that this is not what you want to hear, nor what I want to type. But it is true and it is fact. Please don't take offence to anything that I have written / do write, I mean none. I just explain the law as best I can the way I see it.




  4. Sorry Brig but you are totally misunderstanding one of the fundamental issues concerning the Statute Barring of debts:


    If action has been started within the time limit then the debt will not be statute barred!!! If they are within the limit by ONE DAY when they begin proceedings, then they are in time because those proceedings have been commenced within 6 years of the cause of action occurring.


    In the example you gave above you state that it was "days away" from being statute barred during mediation - well excuse me for stating the obvious, but if it is "days away" from being statute barred then it is clearly not statute barred. Furthermore, as I explain above, if the creditor has commenced proceedings before the debt is statute barred, which they obviously had in your example for it to have reached mediation, then the Statute of Limitation will not exclude a judgement.


    Hope this clears things up a little.




  5. It does not matter one little jot whether it says COULD, WILL, MIGHT or anything else BECAUSE IT CANNOT AMOUNT TO HARASSMENT UNDER S40 AJA 1970 IN CONSUMER CASES BECAUSE THAT SECTION NO LONGER APPLIES!!!!!!!


    It has been changed, amended, altered, added to, but however you phrase it, the section does not apply to most of our cases any more!!!!!!


    Now, can somebody please enlighten me as to the point of this thread now?


    As far as I can fathom, it appears like this:


    1) Some DCA's are attempting to circumvent the Statute of Limitations by arguing that their letter writing counts as contact and, therefore, the OFT guidelines allow them to continue to try and collect.

    2) As I have pointed out in my first post in this thread, the OFT Guidelines have no affect on the application of the Limitation Act 1980.

    3) Therefore, also as I stated my first post in this thread, even if the OFT decide that the DCA's can continue to ask for payment, the courts cannot enforce the debt.


    Therefore, if the OFT say that DCA's can carry on asking for the money - that is ALL they can do.... ASK!!!





  6. RIGHT let us see if we can't clear some very simple things up, first of all:


    1) Statute Law is supreme and cannot be struck down or dis-applied by any judge, in any court, in this country (bar some very peculiar and unusual situations involving EU Law etc).


    2) The OFT Guidelines are just that - GUIDELINES!! Holders of a Consumer Credit License agree to abide by them, but they can NEVER EVER EVER EVER be considered as in any way over or above any Legislation made by our Queens sovereign Parliament!!


    3) PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE ACT SECTION 40!!!! In consumer cases is DOES NOT APPLY ANY MORE!!!!! Instead please consider the contents of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations!!


    Now, moving onto the issue initially questioned in this thread:


    Put simply, it is quite irrelevant, in all honesty. Fact is, if the debt had become statute barred then there is no court in the country that can make you pay it. End of!!


    An alleged creditor, debt collector (or any other person) simply writing to you cannot re-start the clock. An alleged creditor, debt collector (or any other person) speaking to you on the telephone cannot re-start the clock.


    To restart the clock, you must either make a payment or a signed written acknowledgement (although I personally believe the omission of a signature would not be definitive if it could be proved that the letter was from the debtor and not a fake).


    What the OFT say on this matter has no effect on a creditor's ability to get a Judgment on a statute barred debt - there is no chance, with a proper defence!!


    What the OFT's guidance may mean is that the creditor can continue to write to you. They still can't do anything else to enforce the debt.


    Hope this clears things up slightly.




  7. Firstly, I personally don't ever sign anything. Just print your name, if anything.


    Secondly, that letter is well out of date and factually incorrect. Firstly it is no longer a criminal offence to fail to provide a copy of the credit agreement. Secondly, for agreements entered into since April 2007 there is no need for the agreement to be signed. For improperly executed (no prescribed terms etc) agreements entered into after that date, they are NOT totally uninforceable; they are only enforceable by order of the courts.


    If the agreement is entered into before 2007, however, the now repealed S127(3) CCA 1975 is effective and would mean that any improperly executed credit agreement WOULD be totally unenforceable.


    If you look through the templates library you will find an up to date CCA request template.


    Hope this helps.




  8. Sorry, when you said you received a poor quality cca I thought you meant an application form type thing? Like the thing you would have signed when you applied for the card?


    Such application forms can constitute a properly executed credit agreement, but many do not.




  9. Ok, have got BBC One's "Don't Get Done, Get Dom" on in the background as I bash out some coursework....


    He's dealing with a consumer credit debt on behalf of an elderly woman. Dom has just said, on national TV, that under UK Law it is illegal for a creditor to instruct debt collectors once there is a dispute on an account, until that dispute is resolved.


    Now, whilst I must say that I would be ecstatic if the above were true. In fact, I wish it were.


    However, I'm in somewhat of a mucking fuddle.... in that I'm not aware of anything in law that would prevent them from doing so. We are aware of all sorts of legal technicalities that can prevent these companies from getting a judgment - but I'm not aware of many at all that actually prevent them from instructing debt collectors.


    I'd absolutely love to be digging around trying to find the source of the law as alleged by Dom on telly, but I have far far too much uni work to do and nowhere near enough time to use on this, at the moment.


    However, if anyone else is aware of anything, I'd be most interested. Unfortunately I think this is another typical case of Aunty Beeb allowing things to be aired by people who are not in possession of all the facts. Yet the beeb broadcast things as fact.


    Unfortunately if people just take what they hear on the telly and believe it's truth without knowing where it is actually said, in law, that is actually the case. We end up looking stupid and many many people assume that they won't be chased by collection agencies when, in reality, they will.


    What Dom said may be true. But as a law student it ABSOLUTELY DOES MY NUT IN, when people go out and say "under the law.... XYZ" or, as Dom did, "under UK Law, XYZ" but don't actually say WHAT LAW!!!!! It makes people look stupid and unprepared when they try and say what the law is - but not where and what law!!


    At the end of the day, I could say "It's illegal under UK Law to eat sausages with eggs for breakfast on Tuesdays" but unless I can say WHERE that information is contained, it serves absolutely no purpose!!!





    P.S. Rant over, for the day :)

  10. Unfortunately you're not going to want to hear this.... but if that letter was sent in 2007 then it will have had the effect of re-starting the limitation clock. On true construction it clearly acknowledges that some debt exists, clearly relates to a particular account and is signed by yourself - therefore satisfying the requirements contained within S29 ans S30 Limitation Act 1980 as to acknowledgements of debts restarting the clock.


    There may be other things you can do, however. Have you sent a cca request? If not, that's always a good place to start.




  11. Ok. we need a bit more information. Namely:


    1) How old is this account?

    2) What is this account?

    3) When was the last payment on this account?

    4) When was the account defaulted?

    5) When did you send that letter?


    If you can answer the above questions, people will be able to start helping.




  12. I've no idea how many times I've posted this on these forums now, but here goes once again:


    S 40 Administration of Justice Act DOES NOT APPLY TO CONSUMER DEBT COLLECTION ANY MORE!!! By including it in correspondence we just make ourselves look silly.


    I'd suggest updating it with reference to the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations and the Protection from Harassment Act instead.




    • Confused 1
  13. No but given that under the CCA you can only request a copy of the agreement if the account is yours, a Judge in my mind is likely to say:

    "Well, did you send that request?"

    Answer: "Yes".

    "Why did you send a request for your signed executed agreement, if you believe you never had one?"

    Answer: "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm".



    We know how difficult District Judges can be sometimes and I, personally, would not have faith using that template if an account was nearing Statute Barred status. There is no question of the £1 being a part payment; that is obviously not the case.


    My issue with the template is its very construction. In my view, in situations where it is being used and there is a dispute over the debt itself, it should be far more stringently written so that, upon complete and true construction, it can be seen that the alleged debtor is expressly not acknowledging any debt.


    I know it's been a good template for a long time, but in my personal opinion it does not do what it needs to do in all situations and I think it could be updated and improved. In the business world people say that you must always move forward and change; a company wishing to stay still will stagnate and eventually fail. I believe this to be true in many areas of life and I believe it to be equally true here on the CAG. We must always move forward and be willing and open to change, because that is how we stay two steps ahead of those we oppose.


    Thread is moving off topic now, sorry Harassed Senior.




  14. The thing though, purely in my personal opinion, is that under the CCA you're only entitled to ask for the agreement if it is your debt. Adding that heading would not always guarentee that it doesn't re-start the stat barred clock and, again in my opinion, the cca template used here could, on construction, be taken to re-start the clock.


    Imho there's no harm in sending a prove it first and seeing what comes back, if anything. Plus, if they do actually read and act upon the prove it, then that would take some time and then there is always the option of a cca request later on.


    All just my thoughts though. What HS does is, of course, entirely a personal choice. :)




  15. Will telephone Barclaycard in the morning, should I be sending a Prove it letter, or straight to CCA?


    Personally I'd go for the Prove It to HFO to start with. Like you say, you've no way of recognising IF this is your debt and currently no way of verifying any of their figures, claims etc. So I'd use the prove it and see what they come back with. Depending on that I go on to send a cca request.




  16. Totally agree, Tingy.


    UncleB, sorry if I wasn't clear... there are rules that stop different debts being combined into one court claim. But I am not aware of any equivelant rule that stops two or more debts owed to one person (natural or legal) being combined into one statutory demand. It is imperative at this point to differentiate the issuing of a court claim to obtain judgment from issuing a statutory demand which is simply a precursor to the petition for bankruptcy.


    Hope this clears up my earlier post.




  17. Sorry I'm not entirely knowledgeable in this area, but I don't see why they wouldn't be allowed to issue one statutory demand for both accounts, so long as they own the debts under an absolute assignment (Law of Property Act 1925).


    They are not allowed to combine debts into a court claim, but if they say the money is owed and combined the total is above the £750 limit (no idea where the 600 posted above came from?!?) then I don't see why they wouldn't be able to issue a statutory demand on that basis.


    This might be wrong, but I think this point has been far too quickly ruled out above.




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