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Posts posted by cabriochris

  1. Hi,

    I was just wondering, is it legal to treat all employees fairly in regards to sick pay?

    My company does not pay sick pay at all but i have found out that one 'golden boy' does actually receive it.


    I know its a bit unfair and the company are not legally required to pay me sick pay but should everyone still be treated the same?


    Its not like i can really say anything to my employer anyway as it will just be more hassle than its worth but i was just generally curious.

  2. Personally i would reply using the standard replys that are detailed in this threat and other replies. At least then if they threaten to take you to court you have clearly tried to sort out the matter.


    If i had more time i would point you to the right place for the standard letters but its just a case of reading this post from the start. Thats what i did, may take you an hour but will save you £80 or whatever the fine is.



    Hey guys thanks for the really speedy replies!


    So basically i should just ignore every letter they send to me no matter how threatening it is and not bother corresponding with them at all?

  3. Hi mate,


    I had the same thing apart from i purposely parked on the white hatchings in sainsbusys cause it was raining and couldnt be bothered to find a space lol.


    Basically just follow the advise on here with the standard letter templates about what to say when you dispute the ticket. In this case i wrote one letter and never heard anything back, in other cases I had to write a few times but if you read the advise they are p*ss easy to get out off once you know how.


    (Oh and by the way when i say I, i mean someone else who was driving my car at the time who i lent the car to on that day) :rolleyes:




    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to the forum and found you on google, i thought i'd put a post on here rather than starting a new thread. I've been reading this thread for about an hour now.


    Basically my story is that i parked in a local tesco's car park, and had to park with my car over the white lines as the car next to me was too close. When i returned i had a notification on my window saying i will receive a charge letter through the post.

    Having read a lot of pages of this thread i really only have one thing to ask. . . .


    Should i follow the advise early on in the thread and correspond with UKPC and the resulting debt collection companies as outlined in the templates on here, or should i just completely ignore all letters sent to me as some people have adivsed?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated, i'm pretty nervous but i'm determined not to let them rob me of my money.



  4. My partner has been working at an estate agents for 6 weeks.

    When she started they told her it would be an inital 3 month contract with a review after to see if she would stay on.


    Other employees warned her about the company, they get rid of people every other week etc and to be careful...and all that rubbish so she has always been a bit worried about the job.


    She has never been given a contact in writting, nor have her colleagues and they have today told her that they will not be keeping her on (aparently due to her poor health, even though she has only taken 1hour off work because of her health in the last 6 weeks).


    Obviously she is annoyed about this and upset. She said she is worried they will ask her to leave earlier, she wants to stay the next 6 weeks because she needs the money, obviously not because she wants to now as she is completly p*ssed off with them but the money comes first.


    Just incase they do turn round to her and say she has to leave say tomorrow, what are her rights.


    As there is no contract, can they literally just ask her to walk out or is a verbal contact binding? If they told her to go now, would she be intitled to any money from them for leaving early?


    Also, could any action be taken against them, this probaly wont happen as we wont go that far but as far as we know they have found someone to do the job on a cheaper rate so have made up an excuse about her health and so she aparently wont be able to give the company 110%. We think they have said this unfairly to get her out.


    My thinking is that only being there 6 weeks, with no contract she dosnt really have any rights :confused:

  5. I just want to say what a great website and useful advice.

    I had a ticket from UKPC and followed the instructions and standard letters on here. I had to write to UKPC three times before I got a demand from Hunter Forest. I have wrote to Hunter Forest once on 1 May stating to refer my claim back to UKPC as the alleged debt is in dispute. Since that I haven’t heard a thing so I assume they have given up. All I can say is follow the step and the rest is easy. It takes a while to read all the posts but its well worth doing.

    Secondly, now my GF has had a ticket in Sainsburys by Euro Car Parks for parking on the end of a bay where there were white hatching lines. Now am I right in that I can dispute this as I did with the UKPC ticket? Its civil again yes? Obviously the person she lent the car to for the day was very stupid to park there!

    Cheers all.

  6. I have today visited potters bar and could not park during the dinnertime within disabled parking bays in the high street, I parked in station close nearby on yellow lines, a place i have parked before on the need to do so being disabled. It is a wide close but with double yellow lines on both sides. Today however when I left my car with blue disabled badge and timer correctly showing, i came back to a UKPC parking ticket on my windscreen with the contravention of parking on yellow lines. I vaugely remember a Black Bmw car as outlined above had pulled in front of my car itself on yellow lines a few minutes after I originally left it, I thought no more untill 10 minutes later i returned to my car only to find i had been ticketed and it placed over the badges displayed in my windscreen. Obviously he was the warden on BMW wheels you have previously identified although he hasn`t got the memory to write his warden number on my ticket. Although disabled i never take advantage of the double or single yellow lines dispensation unless I have too, always looking for a Disabled space firstly. Also i have never been ticketed before on double yellow lines , observing the restrictions and times. I feel this way of ticketing people is awfull and i don`t intend to pay this fine. I am going back to take photos of this said person in operation. Any ideas for my appeal or for getting this person made a scapegoat



    He didnt write down his warden number on my ticket either. I have seen him a number of times since the incident, hes always hanging about doing the same thing, driving round, coming back again trying to catch people out. Last week i was going to go and stand next to his car and just warn everyone not to stop so he wouldnt get any business but time was short so i couldnt really do it that day. It could be fun to do one day though if i havnt got anything better to do.

  7. I recently moved into a flat I have bought as a part of a part buy/part rent scheme with the local authority. Now the flat has only been built a few years ago and had one person in there before me.

    Basically I have been trying to find out who supplies my gas so I can ring up the company and advise them I have moved in but whoever I phone, they do not have any records of supplying gas. I have phoned Transco who I gather have details of all gas supplies in the UK and they have told me that my flat doesn’t exist on there database and there are no records of my flat never having gas supplied. Obviously this is not the case.

    My question is what do I do now? Do I register with a new gas company, do I have to register my meter first. Although the person before said they were with N Power I don’t believe this is the case and from what I am thinking, they haven’t paid any gas bills ever and have been receiving it free. N Power have no record of the flat, nor do any other companies. I am now worried as will I get the bill for 2 years of gas when I wasn’t there, who is liable to pay? Do I just ignore it and carry on getting free gas?

    Any help would be appreciated.

  8. After reading the various emails I wrote to UKPC stating I was not the driver at the time etc, received various correspondence back which I used the standard letters to reply and ask them for proof and legislation etc. My last letter was a ‘cease and desist’ letter asking them to back up the proof or leave me alone. The point I am up to now is that I received a letter which read like this:

    Notice to owner

    Please be advised that according to our records the recent parking penalty, detailed above remains unpaid and has now been passed to our nominated collection agents Hunter Forrest & Co based at ……………….

    Following non payment of this offence details of the register keeper were requested from DVLA etc etc.

    Due to the intervention of Hunter Forrest & co the outstanding sum of £120.24 is now payable.

    Accordingly we request that you either remit full payment to them within the next seven days or that you contact Hunter Forrest to discuss the situation and your proposals for payment.

    Please be advised that no further communication are to be made to our offices, all enquires to now be directed to Hunter Forrest on telephone number ……………. Our offices recommend that you make contact with them within the next seven days as failure to act now may result in further action being taken to recover this debt which could incur further charges to yourself.

    My question is do I write back to UKPC and say you still have not resolved my previous queries? Write to Hunter Forrest now or just ignore it for the time being and wait for Hunter Forrest to write to me directly?

  9. Whilst at the McDonalds in Potters Bar today as talked about in the thread earlier i saw one of these to**ers ticketing cars.


    He was parked himself on double yellows across the road in his black BMW 3 series with blacked out windows waiting for people. As soon as someone pulled up and got out there car he jumped out his car, still left of double yellows and ticketed it and ran back across to get back in his car behind the black windows, cheaky little bas*ard i thought.


    I notice that DVLA give out details, how do they do this as i wouldnt mind knowing the details of were his car is registered X238 FMO

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