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Posts posted by SpiceBoy!

  1. Fabulous, I will get the letters finished tomorrow and add the extra bits you suggested (makes sense now you have said it but wouldn't of thought of it really) and get them sent off with proof via recorded delivery.


    I just hope that they will remove all trace of the CCJ on all records for me as I really would like to have decent credit for once and I can finally look at getting a phone contract and once my credit is really good a house :)

  2. Hi vjohn82,


    No the CCJ was only settled a few months ago but was issued a few years back...


    Sorry but I'm not sure what you mean by who is recording the CCJ?


    I have the reply from Tesco in writing stating that the debt is not and never has been mine, a letter from Experian stating that they cannot change the info and that it is just a copy of the records held at Registry Trust LTD...


    Registry Trust LTD said over the phone that the details are NOT incorrect, even though I had the court files in my hand! They weren't willing to pursue the matter further....


    Basically everyone keeps blaming the other person and I am going round in circles!


    At the start, none of them would talk to either me or my mother as the details were mixed so they couldn't trust either of our identity....


    I hope you can see why it has been frustrating!

  3. **Written by my partner**



    Right, I think this is the right section of the site but I will be asking specific questions in the relevent forums as they arise....


    A few years ago my mother defaulted on her joint loan with my dad and had a CCJ issued...


    Now your thinking this is the norm yes? Well here is how this time it's a little different.....


    The CCJ is on MY credit file with MY name, HER D.O.B and has labelled me as MRS X instead of Miss X!!


    Only our surnames are the same (first names are NOTHING ALIKE, not even middle names) and we registered at the same address (I was living at home at the time). Nothing else linked in any way.


    The CCJ was for over £15k and has now been fully settled. Yet it is still on my file as unsettled, well it shouldn't be there at all lol!


    I have spoken to the Court who issued the CCJ (Telford County Court) and the Registry trust and they BOTH state that the information is correct, the court have my mothers details and nothing about me there and the RT have my details!!


    Where did they get my details from and how did it end up on the CCJ???


    I have the court documents here and I am nowhere to be found and have a letter from Tesco Personal Finance (where the loan was from) stating that the loan is not mine and I am in no way connected to the debt.


    I am at the end of my sanity as I have been trying for YEARS to get this removed as I have not been able to get ANY credit, not even a mobile phone contract! I really want to buy a house with my partner and just have normal chances at getting credit instead of this CCJ hanging over me!


    I have contacted the ICO but now due to other issues all my phone lines are cut off from outgoing info and I am waiting an age for a reply to my e-mails....


    What are my options? Or shall I just give in and wait till the CCJ comes off my file? :(


    Thankyou for taking the time to read through my problem!

  4. A SAR might be useful, but I can tell you Vodafone have not offered consumers 12 month contracts since 2005.


    I am sorry but this I have to correct...


    Vodafone DO infact offer 12 month contracts currently, hence why the situation is totally possible


    During late 2007 and early 2008 the outsource company who Vodafone contracted alot of their sales to were contacting new and recently upgraded customers to offer them a 6 month extension (regardless if they were on 12 or 18 month commitments) and this has caused huge problems over the past 3-4 months...


    The rest of the advice is totally spot on though, try and locate the letters that would of been sent to you at time of taking out the contract and when the phonecall took place, and the bills for that time and it will all show you what happened....


    If you do contact VOdafone customer services again, just remember... they are there to HELP YOU, not defend Vodafone, most of the agents you will speak to are outsource anyway so they will be even more help than the 'in house' agents....

  5. Did the £50 show on your bill as a credit?


    If so then Vodafone are totally in the right to expect you to see the whole 18months to the end as you accepted the credit which was the reward for the extension...


    If not then you are in the clear and Vodafone have to alter your comittment to suit the deal as per the agreement.


    Any agent you speak to can and will look into it for you, looking for the call in question, the credit being (or not being) applied to your Voda account and the letter informing you of the change being sent


    It is all recorded on your account as 'interactions' and is traceable so the information is there to help you, not just Vodafone


    HTH :)

  6. Good afternoon :)


    The best thing you could do is ring 191 and aslong as you get through to the right agent who is willing to help then you will have all the help you will need to establish whats happened and what can be done for you...


    Have a look for the Letter that Vodafone sent when you actually did the deal as this will outline all of the agreed terms of the contract, including the priceplan, length of contract and any extras etc....


    Also, if you do decide to speak to an agent, then ask them if you were contacted by their outbound sales dept and offered a contract extension for a bill credit, this has caught out loads of customers as they except this thinking its great untill they come to their upgrade time and then realise they have to wait an extra 6 months...


    The offer of a reduction from 24 to 18 months is a good offer.... What price plan and handset did you take at the time of the deal? Depending on that then you can work out whether your on an incorrect deal etc...



  7. I have had a guts full of this debt that not only changes in value but is also non-existent!!


    I have had months of dealings with Wescot and after finally talking with someone who showed some intelligence they admitted that the debt is non-enforcable and left me alone....


    Now S. R. J. Debt Recoveries are trying it on....


    The debt that Wescot were trying to collect stood at £73.** and now SRJ are asking for £88.00.


    Back on 15/11/2006 I payed the debt that was outstanding with Hutchison 3G to Horwich Farrelly and the debt was for £187.22.


    I still have the letter that confirmes the debt was settled.


    I received a letter from SRJ today titled NOTICE OF ISSUE OF LITIGATION PROCEEDINGS....


    What can I do? Its getting to the point where I will just pay the debt and be done with it but I have already payed this debt once and if I pay it again will it finally go away or will it re-surface again in a year?

  8. Good morning people :D


    This is a joint plea for help as my fianceé and myself have the exact same situation....


    Today we have both been charged on our individaul personal accounts for Unplanned Overdraft in November, now I will break down both to make it easier to see whats happened...




    I went overdrawn after spending £15.86 over what I had in the bank while shopping for food at Tesco, so this I have no reclaim about and is my fault. However, The Fee they have charged me with today has placed me overdrawn again.


    My account is a basic cash account which does NOT have overdraft facilities and I cannot apply for an overdraft, but now the charge has placed my account overdrawn and now I will receive another charge for this... If I had been made aware of the charge then I would of left the £15.00 to cover the charge in the bank as to avoid exactly whats happened!!



    My Fianceé:


    In november she was given an unplanned overdraft fee and this had placed her passed her agreed overdraft terms and now they have charged her for the previous charge placing her in the situation inthe 1st place....


    Her account is a platinum with £1000 planned overdraft so she is charged £17.00 for the privilage of having the platinum account anyway, plus the overdraft interest fee but this month she had the 3rd 'present' of the Unplanned Overdraft fee which will now generate another charge at some point in the future....



    We are both trying to consolodate our debts so we can sort out our outgoings but that is a totally different and longer story, and this situation with Lloyds isnt helping at all....


    Thankfully I am only charged once a month for going overdrawn, but my Fianceé is charged daily so you can imagine just how stressfull this can get, and quickly!


    Is there anything we can do?

  9. I have drafted a letter to be sent with the credit report, please feel free to help as Im really aweful at these letters!





    Credit Management Services

    Kendel Court

    Iron Masters Way



    TF3 4DT


    YOUR REF: CMF/GREEN5/44740190/KC


    Dear sir/madam,


    This letter is in response to a phone call made earlier this month with regards to my credit report and Telford County Court CCJ claim number 6TF03016 dated 10thApril 2006.


    The claim had MR PETER BINKS and MRS JACQUELINE BINKS as the named defendants.


    The following CCJ from this claim was wrongly put onto my credit file (enclosed) and since this has occurred I have had severe difficulty with trying to get this situation resolved not to mention the detrimental effects this has had to my person with credit agencies.


    As you can see, my credit report clearly shows MRS JACQUELINE BINKS’ information with my name associated with it.


    From the actual information provided by my credit report, all the details relating to MRS SAMANTHA BINKS (including the details which link me financially to MR PETER BINKS) is false and needs to be corrected. This is especially true of the CCJ.


    I have highlighted all the false information for ease of reference


    I have suffered with a poor credit rating for over 2 years which is currently preventing me from getting a mortgage along with an inability to acquire such simple things like a mobile phone contract and alike.


    I would appreciate a response (by post or telephone) upon receipt of this letter along with the credit report I have included so I am kept aware of what can be done.


    Many thanks

  10. Good morning CAGers :D


    back in 2005 I had a contract with 3 and it went into arrears etc and I payed off what I owed with them and that was that...


    in the past 12 months I have started getting letters and phone calls from Wescot demanding £73 from me in regards to this contract...


    Now on 1 phone call, I asked the guy what proof they had of the debt as I had no knowledge of it....


    his answer was 'I have no idea, all we know is 3 told us you owe them £73 and that's it'


    Their letters keep chenging aswell, 1 min they are going to court to get a CCJ, then they are arranging a doorstep collection, then they are just simply demanding the money!!


    Nothing ever comes of what they tell me in the letters!


    Any thoughts on what steps I should take?

  11. Ok, I have a few questions before I can offer any help here....


    What was her spend before the migration to Vodafone and what is her spend now? (including monthly line rental)


    When did she contact Voda with regards to the cost increase?


    Has she lost out on anything else? (such as upgrade offers, deposits etc)


    The way DotMobile used to work was in 'units' and not in the way a normal contract worked, so its easy to say that she has less min that what she used to get, but in reality, all thats happened is she now has a set amount of min and texts instead of being able to apply the 'units' for individual use...


    Bare in mind also that Voda were actually providing the network coverage for DotMobile customers so in essence she was a Vodafone customer indirectly, hence why Vodafone were able to migrate all the customers over when they went bust... So they are still getting the same service etc but are now direct customers...


    Once you have given me more info I can direct you as to where to take your concernes and what will happen...



  12. Tell your friend to contact customer.care@vodafone.co.uk with all those details and ask them for a bill re-print sent to her correct address (this usually costs £1.50 but they should waive that due to the circumstances) and await their reply


    is the account now cancelled?


    if she was to phone up c/s then she would be well within her right to ask for an account balance and there is no excuse for them not to tell her


    just for the record, Vodafone wont add charges onto an account if its in arrears, but once it goes to a DCA they will (usually) add the termination fee and cancel the account


    I can help you further but this should help her out for a start

  13. Hiya...


    When you give P4U a ring next (should be daily) ask them if the option to return the phone to a local store to cancel the contract is available as this will not only assure you that the equipment is returned, you can also get the agent to contact Vodafone there and then to get them to confirm that the phone has been returned to facilitate the cancellation of the contract....


    Vodafone operate a 14 days return policy, but this only extends to phones that have been acquired direct from Voda...


    BUT this also extends to P4U to cancel the contract, so they can cancel it u days after accepting the deal...


    Would be worth putting everything you have said in the 1st post into an e-mail to Vodafone customer care, they have a quick turn around and are usually VERY helpful...



  14. Yip, couldn't agree more that talking to Voda and trying to resolve it with them is the best course of action as they are much nicer to deal with than P4U (robbing gits lol), but I just wanted to make sure that the liability wasn't confused :)


    And no, the OP shouldnt have to deal with 2 providers, but here is where the line is drawn, Vodafone are the service providers, P4U are the POS so really they only act as middlemen (never a good thing) so if they mis-represent VOdafone then its not Vodafones fault..


    If the OP actually gets through to a helpful CSR then their problem will be solved quickly


    To be fair, we actually agree on most things, just different POV lol, which is totally a good thing :D

  15. What was told stands yes, aslong as its within the business rules of Vodafone...


    If P4U added extra 'just to get the sale' (which they do very often) then Vodafone aren't liable, P4U are and any problems need to be directed to them to get it sorted...


    The OP would be entitled to all monies refunded and contract ended or any other resolution as the OP sees fit at the cost of P4U not Vodafone as Vodafone didn't sell the contract, they just provide the service and are bound by their business rules...


    Don't get me wrong, Vodafone are no angels by any stretch of the imagination, but don't forget that Vodafone cant control what is said in P4U stores as they are a 3rd party retailer and have their own policies which 'should' match vodafones policies and they should adhere to them strictly if they are to provide Vodafone contracts...


    Basically P4U are in the wrong here, so they should be held accountable for the problem they created...


    Vodafone does have 'good' customer service, its like with most places though... it depends on whom you talk to lol

  16. I totally agree that if the OP had the contract direct from Voda and that was what she was told then by all means she deserves to adjust her tarrif as she sees fit.... not just on a legal viewpoint but for the sake of good customer service aswell


    The policys have changed since sept 07 but that is still the general idea, and obviously the Voda CSRs can judge each account in their own merit regardless (the ones that dont are just like robots and you may aswell talk to vicky, the Vodafone IVR lol)

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