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Posts posted by lollipop73

  1. thank you.


    So in laymans terms would this apply to my own circumstances?


    They would look at what I would have been awarded and should that have been less I would only have to repay the difference, and equally so should I have been awarded more I would be able to reclaim the additional amount backdated by 3 mths.


    And why did the advisor not tell me about this=she definitely only said the debt stands and there is nothing we can do about it, maybe there is nothing I can do.


    Sorry for going on-I am extremely concerned, I just cannot manage with this.

  2. My husbadn and I have had very rough few years and last year he moved out for a couple of months. About 3/4 weeks later I phoned the helpline and told them. And about a mth and half after that we patched it up and he moved back in.


    I got a bill for an overpayment for the few weeks I didnt tell them he had moved out-around £900.


    I rang them yesterday to ask what this was all about and was told that because I didnt tell them straight away ALL the money I was paid was repayable and there is nothing I can do about it. I then began to talk with them about him being back. I could have sworn I had rang and told them he was back in but they have no record of it so now ALL the money I have been paid since then now becomes repayable.



    The amount I have been getting paid is actually LOWER than the amount I would have been paid had the claim have included him as he works over a certain amount of hours each week-off and on as self employed labourer.


    It appears I have been overpaid by roughly 6k.


    I just cannot believe it. My life was completely screwed up during the whole period of time-I know I called the council tax and told them because I have the bill in front of me showing the period when I got a single persons discount. I am now not so sure I told them he was back-and worse what if I didnt??


    Can they really come for this unbelievable amount of money-I mean for us it may as well be 5million, I have looked at our incomings against our outgoings and we are short by around £14 per mth for everything.


    Only last mth I had a guy at the door about my mortgage shortfall-£12k I have to somehow find. I feel like ending it all.


    The girl I spoke to was pretty unhelpful and now my whole claim has been stopped and a new one has started.


    My husband seems to remember hearing somewhere that I had a whole year to tell them about any chages and it is only advisable that I tell them as and wehn changes occur-but the only change was that there was another mouth to feed, his income at that time was less than nil.


    I don't know what to do.

  3. Hi,


    I have received a letter this morning cancelling my overdraft within 14 days. I am actually a lot more solvent than I have been in 2 years and was in the process of climbing out of my overdraft so I am mostly in credit. But if they take it off me within 2 weeks that means my mortgage won't get paid along with a lot of my direct debits-incurring charges and worse still knocking my mortgage arrears repayment back into a very serious situation.


    Thing is I have just tried to call the number on the letter to ask them to defer it-they won't even discuss it with me until the overdraft has been removed and then I get to ask for a repayment plan.


    What to do? What canI expect? DO they then get the right to charge me interest over the amount I was paying using my overdraft. I only need it deferring by at most 6 months.

  4. Hi,


    I am not sure how to start on this one.


    Basically, my OH is now bankrupt and after months of waiting for some money I am owed it appears it will now not ever come.


    My intention was to pay all the balance off the cap one card and end the agreement, so I haven't spoken to cap one at all.


    Had a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors yesterday threateneing legal action if I don't pay them some money.


    I have to be sensible here as income is now to all intents and purposes non-existent.


    What should be my first move.


    I cannot affprd to pay them anything at all now. My I&E shows I am running on no fuel.

  5. Hi,


    My husband' business folded last year and he is now BR. The home is in my name alone-I bought it before we got married although we have always lived together at this address. After a terrible experience with an ex I made sure the house was in my name.


    There is very little equity, I have three children.


    My husband says they are not interested in the house but I want to make completely sure.


    Also I start another job on Monday ( after 6mths of intensively looking and one job turning out to be an OTE nightmare, I finally get one-yippee, the relief is immense), will this income become of interest to the ORs? It isn't megamoney by any stretch ( £7.50 ph), but it may just stop me defaulting on a suspended repo order.


    Any comments very very gratefully accepted.

  6. Letter arrived from Trveor Munn, threatening court action.


    I shall send them the same letter as I sent to Moorcroft. ARC did not respond.


    Sorry Basa for not replying earlier. Yes it is the one in the thread of pt's ( Egg agreements-what I think is wrong with them).

  7. I just wonder if in the blurb about the training it will say something a long the lines of.....produced in consultation with various sectors including consumer action groups.........I shudder to imagine the consequences.


    Things I would like to see.



    Personal accountability for the individual bailiff attending and the MD's/owners of the bailiff companies when it all ( rather inevitably) goes wrong and their dogs are caught lying, extorting, intimidating or attempting to coerce entry when they don't have the clear legal right to force entry.


    Making it mandatory that the very first thing a bailiff produces is a document which outlines in a very clear and precise way a person's rights when dealing with bailiffs and making it a criminal offence punishable with a custodial sentence to fail to produce it-AND making damn sure the bailiff says clearly-"you do not have to let me in"? A document which is produced by the government in consultation with the legal profession, the CAB and consumer groups, and ABSOLUTELY NOT in any way doctored or produced by the bailiff company itself.


    What about holding the police accountable when they aid the offender in telling you there is nothing they can do about this-or even worse telling you to let the bailiff in when you legally do not have to?


    Making it illegal to salary bailiffs in any way other than as council employees and certainly certainly not OTE.


    Anyone who does well as a bailiff currently, does so at the expense of others.


    Full training of the police so as to cure their ignorance of what is and is not allowable in todays society. No one is allowed to break the law going about their lawful business-I am not allowed to speed on my way to work, why should they be given a blind eye when they break the law?


    Furthermore, should it be proved that there is anything wrong with either the original bill due either to incompetency on the part of the council or bailiff then compensation is payable to the victim.


    It seems camcorders are the only way to catch these people when they abuse their position and that is a disgrace in light of the vast numbers of complaints about them.


    One must question the motivation of a bailiff company who has a problem with the above.

  8. Hi Basa,


    No, I have had nothing whatever from Egg themselves.


    It doesn't really surprise me that they intend to stand by their position-they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


    The case of Pts which I am told will in fact set a precedent is what I am waiting for. Egg may well be doing the same.


    I imagine yours will now be getting handed to a DCA?

  9. It's been a while since I have had to do anything with this.


    Letter from ARC, wanting a substantial sum within 10 days and a firm offer to reduce my balance or I will be taken to court.



    Same letter as the one to Moorcroft?

  10. Hi HP Mum,


    I have written a very similar letter to Moorcroft, quoting OFT guidelines, and they have not come back since, nor have Egg for that matter. In all honesty, I don't think the letter is particularly impolite, merely clear and pertinent, and leaves them in no doubt as to what you intend to do.

  11. I for one will give the wonderful people on this site a few days to come to their conclusions.




    It is not over by a long shot.



    Doom and gloom is exactly the way the banks want us to feel, but I am not finished yet.



    I await the clarion call, and I will be at downing street with my placard.

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