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Posts posted by paulgmb

  1. Thanks both, just to clarify they said I was parked in 'King Edward Court' which is a pedestrianised shopping centre with flats above it. I was parked in a service road which does not have a name underneath the shopping centre. I have asked them whereabouts in the TMO is King Edward Court or the un-named service Road named. I scanned all 55 pages of it, no mention. Their reply was ' The traffic regulation Order does not contain list of roads covered by the regulation , Traffic Regulation Orders apply to the whole Borough. Traffic Regulation Order sets out the law that council enforces in relation to parking'.


    In relation to where I was parked the PCN states 'King Edward Court'. In an email from them where I have questioned the name of the road they state ....' I understand the name of the road as being King Edward Court Service Road and it is adopted'.


    Thats not the road stated on my PCN or certainly not in full!!


    I will ask again for the order covering that road.


    Many thanks.

  2. Thats what I thought! When I asked them to direct me to the TMO which covered the un-named service road, they came back sarcastically saying if I didn't know the name of the road.... It wasn't I didn't know, just that it doesn't have a name!!


    The ticket refers to 'King Edward Court' which is the shopping centre above however in an email reply recently where I asked them to direct me to which of the 55 pages of the TMO mentions the above they said I was parked in 'King Edward Court Service Road' which is not what my ticket says.


    The current state of play is I made an informal appeal which was rejected. I couldn't make a further appeal until I received a notification to driver which despite me chasing didn't recive until the beginning of May more than 3 months after the date of the ticket!!


    Just doing the appeal now so all helpful advice gratefully received.

  3. I have a link to the councils website where the traffic order is. It doesn't mention any streets by names, is that correct?


    I would have thought that streets covered would have to be named? In the 55 page document it names streets where parking/business permits are mandatory?


    At night people are double parked all the way along this service road but tickets are never issued as well as on DYL's in residential areas elsewhere in the town.


    Lastly the street name on the ticket now differs to what they have referred to it in an email. They have added 'Service Road' on the end of it. Like I have said before there i no street name at either end of the road.


    Thanks for any further advice you can give.

  4. Many thanks Sam. Your help and advice has been very helpful.

    I just wondered if the fact they put the name of the shopping centre rather than service road on the ticket had any bearing and/or roads had to be named?

    If you looked on street view as you near the end of the service road, just around the corner there are 2 spaces on the right hand side facing some shops. These were clearly parking spaces at some time. The DYL's are broken and I have photos of these. Going back to my original post I hope that some or all of the arguments will be sufficent for my appeal.

    Thanks again.



  5. Thanks guys, not run off at all, just been tied up over the weekend. Also I used to get emails saying when someone has replied, checked last night (emails) and nothing. Logged on here today and 8 replies!!

    Anyway. The service road is beneath King Edward Court Shopping Centre in Windsor. I often park there when shopping as all the yellow lines are incomplete are therefore as I had been told previously, not valid. This is the first time I have got a ticket. I'm told off the record that the council are cracking the whip so their enforcement officers are ticketing everything that isn't moving!

    I have also looked back over previous threads going back to 2007 and advice I got then before it went over to council control the following year. I was referred to TSRGD 2002. Is this still valid?

    I've not yet tried street maps but will do. The only signs at the entrance say 'Service Road' this is on a directional sign and there are restrictions 'No vehicles between 2130and 0430' which are aways ignored as clubbers and dancers from a club always park there and are never ticketed.

    As I said all the yellow lines where they were broken have been repainted, wonder why??

    Dearly I would like to know if the original guidance is still correct and if not when did this change and did that case set a prescident or not?

    Many thanks once again.

  6. Hi all,

    I have a PCN for parking on double yellow lines which are broken. Thats the reason I parked there as as far as I knew this meant they were inactive and certainly advice I've seen on here in the past supported that. When did that change and what is the regulation that says they do have to be continuous and barred at each end?

    The council recently repainted all DYL's around the town that were broken or worn and painted in all the gaps that had been left where repairs had been made to the road. Some of these were only 1-2 feet!

    The lines where I parked were not re-painted and are in a service road under a shopping centre which does not have a street name. Does this make a differance?

    I asked the council what they meant by 'Parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours' and was asked if I had parked in a residents only parking bay. Only after my 'Informal appeal' are they refering to DYL's.

    I have questioned whether the council have jurisdiction over an un-named service road, they say they do. They say it was obvious there were DYL's but not being joined it was obvious to me they were inactive.

    The road quoted on the ticket is the shopping centre above the service road.

    Lastly I read on another thread that the ticket should say 'Date of issue' as if it doesn't then it is contrary to RTA 1991 section 66(3). My ticket says 'Date of contravention, time of contravention.'

    Thanks for any advice you can give me.

  7. Thanks for this. I have previous experience of the FOS, good and very bad! 2 seperate cases.

    I fully intend to reply asking for a copy of their recommendation and ticking the box to say I don't accept their decision. What I'm really after is, is there anything specifically I can say in relation to their duty to find dormant accounts?

    I thought I had read a few years ago that there were now guidelines/code of practice to assist relatives in tracing lost accounts and some sort of tracing service? I thought there was certainly a stronger obligation on them to investigate properly. I just get the distinct impression that they just can't be bothered to look as they have every detail about me except an 8 digit account number. The annoying thing is, I'm certain I didn't throw out my old cheque book. If only I could find it!

    I certainly don't want my money to be seized for Dave Cameron's 'Big Society.' I believe this is the plan for dormant accounts and is it any coincidence that Co-op Bank are going to run it?:shock:

  8. Hi John,

    Good advice above. What you have to understand with employment law is that it is different to criminal law. If an employer has 'Reasonable belief' that you and/or others stole this can be good enough to dismiss you and others!!

    I don't understand 2 either, please explain.

    Concentrating on the disciplinary. If you are a member of a union you should ask a union rep to accompany you to the hearings. Most companies won't let you bring a solicitor except in cases as quoted above. You should ask a work colleague to come with you and to take notes at all stages. Don't sign anything you don't agree with or have had chance to read properly.

    The fact you have not been trained or given copies of procedures should help your case greatly. Make sure you make a calm and rational argument at all stages. Have you been suspended?

    The best advise is to keep cool. As long as your company is following procedures, just go with it. Make sure you have a copy of the procedure too.

    Good luck, lastly, Come on you lions! :-)

  9. Hi,

    I wonder if anyone can advise?

    I have an old current account with the Co-op which I opened in the 1980's.

    I did use the account but not for my main banking as the store which had a bank counter in it was closed down so the nearest branch was 16 miles away.

    There was no internet banking then so having a local branch was essential.

    I last used the account around 1992.


    The account still has a small balance and I have decided that I now want to use it again, as my main bank.


    I wrote to the Co-op who said they could not trace it.

    I then found my old bank card (Electron) which I sent to them proving I did.

    They have repeatedly said they cannot trace any account without the account number.


    I complained to the FOS who have told me verbally that they accept that Co-op have done everything in their power to find the account.

    Really?! They have had every address I have ever lived at, DOB and know which branch my account was held at.


    I have chased up the bank regarding the card as all they said was that the data on it was too old.

    I aksed then about the printed number on the back (it didn't have the indented numbers as cards have today) and they said the 'BIN (now?)related to an account number at the Commonwealth Bank' and the card had been destroyed.


    I now have a form from the FOS asking if I accept their decision with a tick box option.

    They have not put in writing what they told me on the phone.


    Sorry if this is a bit long winded, but this is the short version.

    I thought banks had a duty to trace dormant accounts.

    Some people I know have found relatives accounts over 50 years old by just writing with a name and address.

    I'm still very much alive and the account was last used less than 20 years ago!!

    Thanks for any advise you can offer.

    Paul. :|

  10. i had a days holiday this week, due to personal circumstances. I realise i should be entitled to more hol come xmas. I just wanted to know if i should be entitled to extra pay (more days).


    Its the chopping and changing of hours that bothers me.... i was verbally told 35 hours a week when i started, very hard to live when you don't know where you are with your hours.




    I think you should raise this with the manager and say you were told the job was advertised and you were told at interview that it would be 35 hours per week.


    Once you have a contract, this should stop them chopping and changing hours. Remember they can only dock your pay when sending you home if you agree to go.

  11. Hi Bigandy,


    The BR tax code is basic rate and as far as I know this code is used by employers as a temp measure until they receive either your P45 or receive notification of what your correct tax code is from the tax office.

    As far as holidays go, this is a legal entitlement. She needs to book those holidays now and put it in writing. When they refuse she can then take out a formal grievance and if the matter is not resolved then proceed to tribunal.

    As a part timer she would have to calculate what hours she works and times this upwards. There are calculators I believe on the BERR (formerly DTI) website. As a guide a full time worker is entitled to 24 days per annum rising to 28 days on 1-04-09.

    Lastly if she earns below her tax code, for example if she earned £4,000 per annum and her tax code was 550L she would have to earn £5,500 before paying tax. She might be entitled to a rebate and you can claim back up to 6 years!!


    All the best,



  12. You are entitled to a statement of particulars (contract) after 8 weeks. This should give details of hours, pay, job, place of work etc.

    You are entitled to 24 days annual leave which is pro ratered for part timers. This rises to 28 days on 1-04-09.

    It is not uncommon for employers not to recognise Bank holidays. If they do the you would receive 20 days + 8 paid Bank holidays.

    At the moment you should have accrued enough holidays to take Christmas day and Boxing day so why should they be unpaid?

    Also when does your holiday year run from? If its Jan-Dec, you will need to take the holidays you have earned before the end of the year or you will lose them.


    All the best,



  13. Excuse me!!! They do not have to charge you the price on display??!!


    The sale of goods act is quite explicit on this, indeed it is an offence to charge you a higher price.


    My point was is that when I have pointed out previously that I have been overcharged and then the same thing happens 2 weeks later that is clearly not a mistake is it?


    Then there are the issues of double scanning and B.O.G.O.F offers that don't come up. Trading standards/consumer direct have been informed on several occassions but they only prosecute small stores in the main despite having all the evidence presented to them.


    Been there this morning but wasn't overcharged today. Is it ok to say that?


    Long live free speech. Have a nice life!

  14. I don't need to edit my post at all!!


    I suggest you re-read my post. I have been regularly overcharged in my local Tesco and this has been well documented by the local papers. If I am charged for goods I have not received, is this not [EDIT] wrong too?


    The point I make on shoplifting is that there is one rule for big business and one for consumers. If a shop willfully overcharges me or charges me for goods not received, whats the difference?

  15. Why should you not get compensation and why should they act as though they are doing you a favour by returning the money [EDIT] that you paid?


    Tesco I imagine do it as a gesture of good will. The attitude of Waitrose is, how dare you complain and get out of our store. Whats their slogan? You deserve better/deserve a better supermarket?! We certainly do!!


    Don't forget all the people who don't notice they have been overcharged.


    Puts shoplifting in a new light doesn't it:roll:

  16. Yes your absolutly right, anything they are relying on as evidence should be provided to you way in advance in order for you and your Rep (if any) to prepare your defence.

    Your right, many employers wait for 11 months and use this loophole to get rid of anyone they want. It used to be 2 years and whilst 1 year is better, it used to be 6 months before Thatcher changed it to 2 years. Even 6 months is too long and my union and others are campaigning for employment rights from day 1.

    A few points which might help your case. Were you given reasonable notice of the disciplinary, in writing advising you that you had the right to be accompanied with all paperwork enclosed?

    Is the appeal being heard by someone more senior than heard the disciplinary?

    Are you able to call witnesses to verify that the texts were just a normal part of the day to day workplace banter?

    Don't forget to adjourn the meeting if you need to clarify anything or even just want to take a break, its your right.

    I think your right, whilst sending the texts was probably not the best career move, how would your colleague feel if they were being left out?

    On the issue of disclosing dodgy practices, why not? Keep it legal and make sure they can't get you for intellectual theft. The internet is a very poweful tool. I'm enjoying exposing my partners ex boss who has done a bunk and not paid her and her colleagues their wages for October, see my post on Potion PR and Artistica.

    Best of luck,


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