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Posts posted by Gryff

  1. Hello


    I hope someone can help or point me in the right direction.


    I have debts with credit cards, loan & overdraft, the loans and overdraft are not the problem only the credit cards which are spread over 4 accounts.


    I have enquired with CCCS and they suggest a Debt Management Plan but would only consider if I include my overdraft and loan. I could manage the loan and overdraft, it is the interest on the cards that is getting out of hand I am only just making minimum payments with nothiing left over to live on due to them increasing the minimum payments and recently I have been taking out payday loans to live (I know downward spiral).


    My question is would you recommend going with the DMP and starting all over again or can I tackle the card companies directly to come to an arrangement for them to stop the interest and actually pay the things off.


    I also re-jig my mortgage deal every 2yrs to get a better deal would this effect doing so in future.


    Let me know if more info needed and please move to a more appropriate place.


    Many thanks

  2. ar Accident - Do's and Don'ts I appreciate this is an oldie but the misconceptions regarding K4K are confusing below is a copy of the post I placed and is to this day how I work. Maybe my 10 years experience is wrong.




    For my two penneth worth.


    I work in Personal Injury Claims and knock for knock (K4K) is when an insurance company (lets take Norwich Union(NU)). Say your insured with NU and hit a car insured with Norwich Union Direct (NUD) when the vehicles are repaired both claims departments agree K4K so norwich union doesn't write itself a chq, as both companies are under the same umberella parent company, soon to be AViVA.


    Between different insurance companies if NU driver hits Esure driver for instance then they agree to pay according to Reduction In Paper Evidence (RIPE) agreement. This is where some insurance companies have agreed that rather submitting evidence ie Engineer reports and invoices they just state what their outlay has been and agree to pay on an honesty basis.


    Hope it helps and adds to the excellent advice above.


    Also if you think an accident is contrived or staged please advise your insurance company, the police and the Insurance Fraud Bureau - Contact Us - Insurance Fraud Bureau - 0870 850

  3. Your right damned if I do damned if I don't.


    Well I did speak to the boss man today and he sat on the fence, he agreed I was qualified to apply but doesn't have anything to do with the selection process. Also said that Deputy's only allowed to apply so that people who wereclose to the role on a daily basis were capable to step into the role.


    I said I only wanted an open process, his reply was that the fact that 13 people had applied and 4 selected seemed fair.


    He suggested I talked to said person, however, I have already expressed my disapointment and dont see it changing their cherrypicking ways. So I will expend my energy on find another appointment elsewhere.


    Good thing was the conversation with the head of was he said it was off the record and would not be mentioned, and I trust him too.


    So end of move on and move out....................why do you have to be a git or a brown noser to get on in life.


    And remember people watch your backs, lets be careful out there.


    Cheers peeps



  4. Hi Sali my you work late :)


    My main gripe is that I have not been allowed to be considered for the position even though I clearly (sorry qwell the the head) have the credentials to qualify even to be given the chance to apply.


    But with this guy it is not the fist time he has appointed someone or made a new appointment for his mates.


    Politics .......................... Gis a Job ..............someone!!


    Cheers Sali for the reply ...... just not sure if I sould go Jo public.

  5. Hi


    For my two penneth worth.


    I work in Personal Injury Claims and knock for knock (K4K) is when an insurance company (lets take Norwich Union(NU)). Say your insured with NU and hit a car insured with Norwich Union Direct (NUD) when the vehicles are repaired both claims departments agree K4K so norwich union doesn't write itself a chq, as both companies are under the same umberella parent company, soon to be AViVA.


    Between different insurance companies if NU driver hits Esure driver for instance then they agree to pay according to Reduction In Paper Evidence (RIPE) agreement. This is where some insurance companies have agreed that rather submitting evidence ie Engineer reports and invoices they just state what their outlay has been and agree to pay on an honesty basis.


    Hope it helps and adds to the excellent advice above.


    Also if you think an accident is contrived or staged please advise your insurance company, the police and the Insurance Fraud Bureau - Contact Us - Insurance Fraud Bureau - 0870 850 4431.

  6. Hi


    Thank very much for the prompt response.


    I did reply stating that I was disapointed in not being selected and pointed out my previous history but have not had a response and nor do I expect one.


    I do have the ear of someone higher who has been supportive of me hence the extra duties. I am probably answering my own question but would it be usefull to have an off the record with this guy. He is this said persons direct manager.


    I'm just nervous of besmirching (I'm sure its a word just not sure how to spell) my name and causing hooha.


    Many thanks

  7. Hi


    I'm glad you got this sorted.


    I work in a Personal Injury dept and face this every day, good to see Bell working on the side of the righteous.


    As previous people have said any bump no matter how minor is carte blanche chq book for the third party (TP) and their sols.


    Got one on my desk TP has 6 claims in 4yrs how unlucky is that!! And I recognise his mates name from claim from last June!!


    I would advise anyone who has an accident to take pics at the scene of all vehicles involved, their position if poss and even the TP's involved, as people are paid to contrive accidents to make money then un-involved people claim for the injury.


    This is massive problem watch out for roundabouts and supermarket car parks!!

  8. Hi I wondered if anyone could tell me whether I have reasonable grounds to initiate a formal complaint.


    I work for a very large national/multi national company for the past 9 odd years. Recently I became aware of vacancies available for team manager positions, although not directly told (I was off when it was anounced in a team meeting).


    Having notified via email my interest I was then replied to that I was not going to be invited to be interviewed as I needed more exposure to Deputy Manager duties and to the management team.


    This is complete hogwash as I my history in the company is as follows:

    Started Sept 99

    April 03 - July 04 Deputy Team Manager

    July 04 - Feb 05 Maternity cover Team Manager

    May 06 - Dec 07 Lean/Six Sigma Project work (secondment)


    Any areas in between are moving Depts and learning new areas of the business, Dec 07 to current taken off project work by said person and put back in a handling team (step down - not even sidewise move). However, have extra duties responsible for CSR leader of volunteering and fundraising for local charities which has high profile with all staff and management team.


    Said person has returned to dept and is returning to the old boys network if your face fits and I get the feeling mine doesn't. I fed up of him making up job titles and cherrypicking his brown nosed mates.


    None of these postions have been advertised internally or externally, 13 people have applied and only 4 have been selected for interviews.


    I know this sounds like sour grapes and it prob is and I should be grateful for having a job in this current climate.


    Sorry this is so long winded but I wanted to provide as much info as poss.


    Hope someone can help before I put the cat amongst the pigeons.

  9. Thanks for the quick response Mr Shed.


    As it is freinds I dont have that much detail at the mo but can get more tomorrow. Just sounds like lack of response to contact by the LL manana syndrome.


    I know that they got the let through the agency, so they are confused as to who needs to sort out the problem, I will need to check tomorrow who is managing the property.



  10. Hi Higsta


    For my 2peneth worth. As you have sent proof of increasing the value of your vehicle this should now be sent to the Engineer for review and if what you have sent is the same make model, similar mileage and spec as your car then you should have a revised offer.


    Cashing the chq you have received should not effect you situation as long as the covering letter advised it was an interim and with out predjudice not full and final settlement.


    Insurance companies remove vehicles to their suppliers salvage and storage yard due to the expensive charges incurred otherwise


    I should add that as your have inititated a solicitor they should now take over the handling (thats what they are paid for) and it's them you need to hassle.


    Good luck

  11. Hiya


    I have had a browse back but couldn't see any threads similar for advise so appologise if I've missed some.


    A couple of friends have just moved into a new build rented house of which the boiler has stopped working for some weeks (not sure at this stage of how long but has been at least a couple of wks) and is not providing any heat, which although is not desperate giving or current climate would be nice.


    Luckily they have a back up boiler for hot water.


    The landlord says its under guarantee and should be repaired under that, however, it has still not been reported by the LL as needing fixed.


    What I would like to know is what is their position in this situation and who should they deal with the LL or the Agency.


    They don't have access to tinternet yet so am doing this on their behalf.


    Many thanks

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