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bounty hunter

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Posts posted by bounty hunter

  1. Ok this is a little complicated but will do my best to explain...I contacted welcome to vt my car ....they sent RAC man to inspect ...he was looking for another car i have never owned!! The car i own is of another registration and after many phone calls to welcome(do they train these people???) am constantly being told i have a car ...with different reg ..i did an hpi check on my car and there is no finance on it!!! Can i be chased for a car i have never ever owned??? Obviously they have no signature to say i took out my car and sent 3 seperate sheets with car reg on one (thats the one i never had) and our signature on plain paper!!!

    So basically what do i do now the car that i have been paying on has no finance and no paperwork from welcome! The car i have never had...they are saying i need to keep up my monthly payments on it!!!! help what can i do?

  2. Thanks for your prompt reply...OK where do i begin? When i bought the car from YES finance I was told just like everyone else on this board that if i had not taken out the ppi i would not get the car!!! They didnt quite say it that blunt but in salesmans jargon I COULDNT HAVE CAR UNLESS I TOOK OUT THE EXTORTINATE PPI...and like a young naive fool i took it and was so chuffed to be driving this over inflated car!!!!!!

    I paid the full ammount of money back but now older and wiser i made a terrible mistake and would like to recoup some of my money !!! I have sent an initial letter to have quite a snooty reply to say i dont have a case because they were not being regulated at this date....OK so now i know its time to move on but i know that i have paid thousands of pounds so i feel the need to fight back and like millions of you need to get my voice heard and hopefully get some sort of positive reaction...Please now can i enrol your help whats my next step???? thanks in advance

  3. Help dont really know where to put this but at moment desperate for some advice...My son who is sixteen joined up for a free 30 day trial of mobile locate which is a tracking device for your mobile to track where other people are(yeah I know who does he think he is? MI5)

    Ok he filled in relevant on line forms including bank details!!! (what a silly fool)and stated his date of birth(It clearly says you have to be eighteen) Today when he went to bank without any warning £174 gone out of his account I have telephoned mobile locate and after much debate have agreed to refund ...at first £99 but now will give £125... I think its illegal whats he done no e mail or post to say it would be taken out hes sixteen surely if the paperwork was checked hes too young?

  4. this morning have received a letter from cabot to say unfortunately cabot has not been able to provide you with with the requested imformation(cca) within the relevant time.The original lender has not yet been able to locate the relevant information from their archives.


    cabot will hold any action on your account till further notice.


    Although cabot is dependant on the original lender for information the relevant time period has now expired . However cabot shall continue to request the information from the original lender to assist you with your request. We hope to receive this relevant information shortly.

    Now I need your help the days have elapsed now what do i do? send a letter to inform them of the time period? wait? help feel im nearly at the last hurdle but cant jump it yet many thanks

  5. I have requested a cca fromcabot day 26 today and letter came to say they are aware of the request and are going to tell the original debtor how many days have elapsed...my question how many days have I got to wait before im free??? For anyone out there who thinks what an easy way to get out of something and not to opay i will gladly tell you that I was paying and they were harassing me for more money (I have paid well over my initial debt maybe 3 times over) I asked them for a settlement figure which they quoted at £90 when i agreed she put me on hold and said sorry they wanted £190 now!!!! I then requested a cca and surprise surprise i now owe £441!!!! Thanks in anticipation

  6. I have sent requesting my cca to caboot and they have sent back saying they are looking for cca but need more time due to it being in archives! How long do i officially have to wait until they find it i have read somewhere 12 days is that all?? please help meThanks

  7. Firstly thanks to all on forum ffor some great advice.......Ok after paying over and above to Capquest decided to cca them. I sent letter October 10th and promptly got reply back to say they were putting the account on hold for 28 days. Havent heard anything from them at all and then low and behold this week another phone call to seek further payment...explained im waiting for cca to which they replied they have sent it to me!!!!!!(like i really believed her) Yesterday had another letter identical to last to say they are putting the account on hold or 28 days...feel like im going round in circles...what should i do next??? Thanks in anticipation for your reply

  8. Hello to one and all on the Alliance and Leicester thread ...Mine is a bit of a complicated story......but any advice would be greatly appreciated......I put in for my unfair bank charges ....first letter a big fat NO.:( ....wrote again and got offered £760...original claim 3,000 said no...decided to continue with claim....went on hols.:-D ..came back to see theres been a hold on all bank charges until later this year...Well would have waited and restarted my claim then but by change of personal circumstances...we are moving away to Turkey.....thought would take the money now...after all its money i thought i would never see again! Have sent a letter to say i have changed my mind and i would accept the offer(all done within the eight week period) Just wondered what are my chances anyone know??? Are they secretly laughing and screwing their hands around in glee:shock: :D ...chanting the big boys always win?????? any help plz thanks

  9. Wonder if someone can help me ...I have an account...secured loan with London Scottish...previously...Trans America....and a few different names before that too....havent missed a payment but they will not send me a statement of what i have left to pay...borrowed £5000 and have been paying back for 10 years!!!! My question is can i still cca them if its a secured loan? :o I am hoping to move soon but need to know if i can do this something in my blood tells me this is not right as have had loads of letters of them with wrong account numbers even wrong name into my address!!! thanx in anticipation:D

  10. I read your thoughts this morning and it made me feel so sad you think the majority of us would rather run the gauntlet than pay. I always use the same expression ...."walk a mile in my shoes" How can you possibly comment on any individual? Speaking for myself ...I have paid the DCAs for years but now they want more and more every month and I cant afford it! This site made me realise ONE thing......I have probably paid 3 times of what i owed through vast percentages of commision, charges etc.:confused: I am now feeling braver and ready to take on these 'criminals' and feel stronger and wiser about my own rights!!!:rolleyes:

    May I also thank all the wonderful threads and points thats made my life more bearable through this very difficult time and shown me many of you have found light at the end of the tunnel. :smile:


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