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Posts posted by pookeymonkey

  1. Hi Orfoster,

    I think the legitamate interest argument, especially with the examples provided with the finance company, shouldn't stretch to sharing that information with credit reference agencies who then publish this information. Fair enough sending details of a disapeared debtor to a DCA (although I wish they couldn't!) as the DCA is going to use this info to trace the debtor, but cannot further share the information or publish it.

    Anyway I'm about to find out I suppose as Nationwide has just confirmed that they have no copy of my signed application form consentin to them sharing my information, but by using the account I agreed to the terms and conditions. I had a lovely hour on the phone with Equifax today telling them that Nationwide did not have any permission from me to share information with third parties, to which I was told that Credit Refernce Agencies are not classed as third parties. not too sure about that!

    Good luck with getting your default removed,


  2. Hi Orfoster,

    reading this with interest as I am in a very similar position! Mine relates to an overdraft that was defaulted, but have written to the Data Protection Team at Nationwide twice asking for proof that they had my permission to share my information with any third partyand have had no reply. Where will you be sending your latest letter and would you mind if I base my next letter to them on yours? So annoyed about this as this is the only bad thing left on my credit rating and has another 14 months to go if I leave it to drop off naturally.

    Best wishes,


  3. Just put - 'Cabot financial Apex credit' into an anagram site and it came out with 'In farcical, bad expectation'.


    Whet an apt name for the new company, I think I might drop my friends on King's Hill a line suggesting this as it also sums up their 'customer care'!!!

  4. As a lot of Welcome loans or finance deals will be coming to the end of their cycle soon Cattles, who own Wlecome are probably trying to wrap them up quicker.


    The sooner they are all paid the quicker they can get rid of the remaining staff!!!!!!!!!


    For me it would be worth £100 just to bugger up their plan, or you could try and negotiate even more off!



  5. Sorry about your loss. Am going through the same at the moment but fortunately there is a very detailed will in my case.


    Complaining to the SRA and Ombudsman is the right way to go and in the meantime I would write a very strong letter to #### ######. If you have evidence that the original will had been destroyed then they have acted fraudulently telling you they had the original and asking for a copy to compare to it, ask them why they did this and why they are acting as there is no instruction for them to act, as the original will had been destroyed.I cannot believe that they are trying to hold you to ransom using probate, that is so out of order.


    Was the solicitors company or the solicitor them-self appointed by the will as that could be another angle to get rid of them, as they are not the original company you could check the legality of them taking over as solicitor in this case. But I think the most important thing is that the will was revoked in you mother's eyes and she no longer wanted it to be used.

    One good thing is that your family all sound united on this, but a horrible stunt fro #### ###### to play to try and try and split the family by telling your brother they could get him everything - respect to him for turning them down.

    One last thing could you claim against the solicitor who admitted destroying the will but according to #### ######(I would take this with a pinch of salt) did not properly revoke the will, I'm sure he might have something to say about their accusation.


    Hope things work out for you and never give up!!!



  6. I had a similar situation with Nationwide.


    I was told that my overdraft limit had been increased then a week later when it clearly hadn't I phoned up only to be told that they had decided not to raise the limit. As a result 2 Direct Debits were returned as it was too late to cancel them and Nationwide started adding charges (£375) to the account. I told Nationwide that I was not prepared to pay the charges as they had misled me and they refused to back down, I told them to get stuffed and that I would not talk to them again until they refunded the charges.


    Over 2 years went by with the account being passed to Fredrickson International who threatened to unleash Bryan Carter Solicitors:lol: .


    Eventually after many threats I got a letter from Mr Carter telling me that a Court Claim had been issued and would be with me in 48 hours. A week went by and no Claim so I called Bryan Carter and asked about the Claim, after a lot of trying to make me pay they eventually gave me a claim reference number. I then phoned the Court who could find no reference of this number and even did a postcode check for me - no claim!!!


    I then went into overdrive phoning Carters and Fredricksons several times demanding an explanation each time I got none so I then kept phoning to tell them what a bunch of liars they were.


    Then it suddenly hit me - why not phone Nationwide? After being passed around a bit I got through to someone who could deal with me, so I told them the full story and the fact that they owned the alleged debt so therefore they must be implicated in making up false the Court Claim number. Low and behold about an hour later I get a call from Nationwide telling me that the account had been taken away from Fredricksons/Carters and that I was to deal with Nationwide from now on. I then decided to make an offer as a full and final settlement - No charges and I would pay them half of the balance of the overdraft at the date that they told me that the limit had been raised.


    These Companies really need to look at themselves, had they admitted the mistake at the time and refunded the charges I would have carried on and the overdraft would have been paid in full by now. But due to their appalling service they have now not only lost the money from their charges but several hundreds of pounds that they could have had back!!


    The moral of this is - if you get treated badly by Nationwide and they set a DCA and 'solicitor' on you don't be afraid to use the DCA/'solicitors' bad practices and mistakes to turn the situation to your advantage. If this debt is still owned by Nationwide, then Nationwide has to be the Claimant on the Court Claim Form, therefore any action by a 'solicitor' allegedly acting for Nationwide must have come from Nationwide. So Nationwide should be told that they will be named in any complaint against their agents.



  7. These are the sort of people you will be dealing with!




    Fredriksons/Carters give up at the first sign of trouble in my experience - I've had dealings with them three times. I have had a lot of experience with DCA's on the phone and can now quickly get them off script and tie them up in knots, but I would never advise anyone else to discuss a debt over the phone.


    Having said that I never discus debts with DCAs over the phone - normally the weather, are they happy with their life or do they think I should serve brandy butter or cream with my xmas pud:-D


    Keep everything in writing you never know how useful it maybe in the future, plus it slows the whole process down allowing you time to think and plan your next move.



  8. Andy has been a naughty boy!




    Looks like he got away before by the skin of his teeth, I would have thought just having an IVA would have made time unsuitable to be a Solicitor.


    Never mind I think his luck has just run out!!:-D




    PS Think I might give ACS a call tomorrow to ask why their website is down at the moment.

  9. According to the beeb, that list (and I presume the email it came from) has only just been released today so its almost as if someone has tried to stagger the bad news for ACS:Law.




    I hope so, they should keep the story in the headlines as long as possible so that the maximum amount of people get to hear about ACS.

  10. How the mighty have fallen!!!!


    Not long ago Andy was wondering whether to buy a Ferrari or a Lamborghini on the profits from others misery, apparently he settled for a Jeep (cheapskate), never mind I've got a pair of roller skates he could borrow once he's been struck off and the company bankrupted by the ICO's fine.



  11. This is for an Egg CC which had been to many DCAs ended up with Cabot, Mrs Pookey being unwell did not deal with it.


    Finally got a Court Claim with very vague POCs sent a embarrassed defence and when it got to our local Court Morgan were ordered to confirm account numbers etc and provide copys of documents with originals to be brought to the hearing.


    There was no mention of a Default Notice right up to the witness statement. We mentioned this in our witness statement and later got an addition to Morgans witness statement with a copy of a blank DN saying that this is what they would rely on at the hearing. If this did not work Morgan said they would amend their claim (during the hearing I presume) to claim for the pre-default arrears only taking the amount of their claim to nearer £1000 (+ £2000 costs)



  12. Hi,


    Mrs Pookey has an ongoing Small Claims case with Cabot for less than £5000


    Yesterday she received Morgan's Statement of Costs which added up to just over £2000.00 including nearly £500.00 for a representative to travel less than 140 miles (280 mile round trip) to attend the upcoming hearing!!!


    I thought that small claims costs were limited to court fees and reasonableexpenses paid by the losing party.


    Can costs be disputed?


    She doesn't really want to pay for a para-legal to be chauffeur driven to Court and put up in the local 5 star hotel drinking champagne and eating caviar :-x And she certainly doesn't want to pay for the hours they are claiming as they have made several mistakes and changed the POC's all of which I believe are covered in the time claimed in their costs.



  13. winding them up on the phone (which they record) might be funny at the time but


    a/ you might not be as legally knowledable as you think- and drop yourself in it



    b/ if they submitted a transcript to a court in any future proceedin gs it would not endear you to the judge


    try and be professional even if they cant- that's your trump card- you don't need to "prove" you know more than them on the phone


    Cabot tried this one with me and used a set of call log notes in their disclosure to try to discredit Mrs Pookey in her Court case.


    Unfortunately for them the call log was a gift for me as they had been harrassing me on the phone for her debt and I had told them from day one that it was my phone line, which was ex directory, paid for by me, I had no intention of passing messages for them and did not want them calling my number. This is all documented on the call log.


    I asked them to remove my number.


    I then told them on the next call that by them calling me I took this to mean that they would like me to abuse Cabot staff, and from the next call onwards all they would get from me is abuse.


    They kept phoning so I kept abusing!


    The number was removed from their system but then reinstated ( the call log confirms this) so the abuse continued until eventually it stopped.


    I am now going to use the call log as part of my complaint to OFT as it speciffically states on the first contact that this number does not belong to Mrs Pookey, but they continued to call morning, noon and night to harrass me.


    They eventually wrote to Mrs Pookey!!!!


    I am also going to submit a witness statement in her Court case pointing out the error of their ways and the stress that it caused myself and our relationship when I asked why this company kept calling for her.

    I hope this will help the judge to realise this should have no bearing on the case.



  14. Do you know what date in October 2009 their licence expired?


    Mrs Pookey had an alleged account bought by them in mid October and they have recently issued a claim, their POC's are dire. We have put in an embarrassed defence but I am quite keen to write to the Court to point out they are operating without a licence. I suppose even if they had one the day they 'bought' the account they certainly didn't when they issued the claim.


    Otherwise it may be a misuse of Court time if they push for enforcement only to find they don't get a new licence:D.


    If they are allowed to get away with this can I get away with not paying to renew my passport to go abroad, I still have my old one!



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