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Posts posted by abroadgirl

  1. well with all the messing about and with different dca companies hers is what i have got


    Hi teaboy

    well would you believe this i will type what i have got from JD williams


    Dear xxxxxxxxx


    Thankyou for your letter which we recieved on 4th march 2010, the contents of which we note (which one are they on about unless S>J>R sent them what i sent to them and they have sent a copy to them?)


    a request to pursue this account had been allocated in error and for this we apolgise.


    We have advised the credit account managerment company that no futher action is required on this account


    Once again we apolygise for any upset we have caused.


    yours xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    what do you think of that?

  2. well well wwell

    i got my charges back as everyone knows but yesterday i got a letter from them about bank charges and what is happenening then right at the bottom says i cannot claim bank charges since the outcome of the bank charges

    i laughed are they daft ive had them and my account is closed well as you all know they closed it without telling me


    i ripped it up



  3. heres the update


    got a letter from cabot this morning

    there normal sub standard letter

    there normal

    important notice-please do not ignore

    if you do not take action

    contact cabot immediately


    linda thomas


    what a waste of paper postage etc

    i have replied to them everytime

    i think now she needs a really nasty letter to wake them up and to take notice that i have responded i have replied i have sent all letters

    are they thick or stupid

    words i cannot put in here gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr



    so if the trolls read this one :( why dont you go for it instead of being noisey at what it being written about you all :rolleyes:

    go and give us all a break and treat:D

    pay it off clear the debt:D

    and wish us all

    a happy christmas:(

    mmmmmmmmmmm rolleyes we all wish dont we

    so dont bother saying happy new year then huh as you wont change will you 8)


    just thought id have a rant :D

  5. hi teaboy bless i will pm you

    i will type the page one of the letter as the one i posted was page 2


    it is alot for me to take in everything you have said so i will re read it all again and come back to you.


    page one of 2




    I refer to your letter recieved 11th nov etc......

    I regret you have felt the cause to complain etc the normal in answer to ones letter


    I understand that you believe cabot have failed to comply with your request under cca 11974 (cca) However upon reviewing our records it is clear that we have provided you with the required information and have responded to your previous concerns.


    We made several Urgent requests to VANQUIS to forward any documentation relating to your account with us unfortunatly cabot did not recieve this documentation within the statuory time limits due to a delay in retreving this information from there archives notwithstanding this was enclosed with our letter dated 9th june 2009 subsequently we are now entitled to enforce this agreement

    Pleased be advised that failure to to provide a copy of your agreement in time does not affect the legality of your debt with cabor financial group but merely renders the credit agreement unenforceable until such time the agreement can be produced to clarify enforcement onlu means obtaining judgement at court.

    i note yourefer to section 61 of the cca which deals with the signing of the document and states a regulated agreement is not properly executed unles

    a a document in the prescribed form itself containing all he prescribed terms and conforming to the regulations (consumer credit agreement regulations1983) under section 60(1) is signed in the prescribe manner both by the debtor....

    (b) the document embodies all the terms of the agreement other than the implied terms....."


    section 189(4) of the cca states


    A document embodies a provision if the provison is set out either in the document itself or i in another document referred to in it


    in this instance on the credit agreement it is clear that the terms and conditions are referred to in the declaration box


    with regards to your subject notice under section 10 of the data protection act 1998 (dpa") section 10(1) of the DPA states

    subject to subsection (2) an individual is entitled at any time by notice in writing to the data controller to require dara controller at the end of such period as is reasonable in the circumstances to cease or not to begin with proccedings or processing for a specified purpose or in a specified manner any personal data in respect of which he is the data subject on the ground for specified reason

    a the proessing of those data or there procesing gor that purpose or in that manner is causing or is likely to cause substantial damage or substantial distress to him or another and b that damage or distress is or would be unwarranted page 2 already in the post here




    to be honest i dont fully understand all this crap and i only told them that they stopped paying pp as it was hubby who cam e sick etc they paid it for a year then all of a sudden they phoned and said they cannot pay pp as it was in hubbys name and not me most of this amount is charges fees letter fees etc and the address is my old one didnt even get the damn card at my old addy as it was here they phoned me up to ask if i would still accept a card with the credit of £200 all this i donet know they even ignored me with my letters and hardship info damn them its doing me head in

  6. the first page is the normal and going on and on then on the 2nd page it reads

    section 10(2) of the dpa states

    subsection (1) does apply not apply

    a. in a case where any of the conditions in paraagraphs 1 to 4 of schedule 2 is met or

    b in such other cases as may be prescribed by the secatary of state by order


    i refer to your attension to paragraphs 1 to 4 of schedule 2 of the DPA which states

    conditions relevan for purposes of the first principle Processing of any personal data

    1. The data suject has given his consent to the prossing

    2. The processing is necessary

    a for the proformance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or

    b. for the taking of Carbot is legally entitled and obligated under the original credit agreement and under DPA to process information and also to report to the credit referance agency ("CRAs")

    We disclose information to cra's about customers conduct of there accounts because disclosure is nessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by us, other members of the creddit history and the CRA's to ensure responsible lending. CRA's hold such data and disclose it to prospective lenders because that is, simlarly necessary for the purpose of the same legitmate interests.


    Futhermore under the orginal terms of the credit agreement which you signed with the creditor you consented to information being disclosed to third parties and the CRA's accordingly. the DPA's section 4 schedule 2 of the act in particular paragraph 6 of the schedule 2 permits disclosure of such information to and by CRA's without the customers consent


    For your ease of reference the outstanding balance on the above account is £1,607.08 i would recommend you contact our collections dept within 14 days tele..............................to discuss the options available in order to setle this account.

    I must inform you that if we do not hear from you within this time frame this account will be escalated within our collections produceres.

    I trust i have set out our position clearly however if you remain disatisfied with final response you may bring this to the fos within 6 months of this letter etc etc

    jordon cole customer assurance adviser

  7. hiya how are you

    yes love thats right and i never had it at my old address i applied online here after moving here a couple of years then i applied they have crossed my old addy out and they he or she has handwritten this addy on it


    so to answer all yours

    yes yes yes your right

    what do i do now

    ty so much for all your help and advise it is now starting to do me head in they want there payments oh i am claiming all the charges int etc back as most of the total are made up of charges so ive done that


  8. hi tb

    thankyou for your reply.

    i have 4 pages A4 paper

    thay are copied pages and all single no cont overleaf etc

    all single A4 sheets

    1 cca

    2 t/c

    etc etc


    cabot had photo copied them i was shocked when i seen it and i didnt even live at my old address id bee at this addy for about 2 yrs before i applied to vanquis and then they phoned me here at this address thats how i knew it was a false one i applied online to vanquis and they phoned me here at this addy then they sent me my card they phoned me to see if i would still accepot a card even thou the limit was only for 200 thats how i remember



  9. hi teaboy

    i have had all the correspondance out and the cca which i have deleted it came on 4 seperate sheets a4 paper cca is what is on the front of the first page then pg 2 page 3 pg 4

    is this what they call there cca which still isnt a true copy and as i said they crossed out my old addy and handwritten my new addy and i had been in this house 2 yrs when i applied to them cause they phoned me up here.

    tyvm for all your help



    i had already sent the letter below do i send another one now?


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