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Posts posted by Vigreybrance

  1. Have you tried calling vodafone? If you speak to them and get them to check your account history pointing out you kept your number and can only do this if you cancelled your account and that your letter in Aug was for £0 (helps if you still have this) just stay reasonable with them and they will hopefully be able to sort it out for you.

  2. What have you tried so far in terms of getting rid of the default?

    I had a similar problem with vodafone/singlepoint. I was unable to get service and after the year I cancelled with them, however I ended up with a default on my credit file for £66 because they claimed they had no record of me cancelling and charges would be due the month after I cancelled my contract. I filed a notice of correction with Experian who were contacting them on my behalf and sent them a letter. The response I got was firmly that they wouldn't remove the default, so I thought I had no chance. However I was annoyed by the letter as it didn't deal with my complaint at all so I phoned the number on the letter and asked to speak to the person on the letter, after explaining about the lack of service etc he checked my account saw that what I was saying was consistent as I hadn't made any calls and agreed they'd remove the default. I would reccomend you try speaking to someone instead of just letter writing as I think they get a lot of people trying to remove defaults who to be honest probably did default and are looking for a technicality to get them off. So if you have a genuine complaint about lack of service/phone not working they are far more likely to be helpful. At the end of the day if you were unable to get any service then why should you have paid - just remain calm, reasonable and polite on the phone pointing out how unfair it is and go through the case asking them to check call records etc, explain you didn't realise settling the £65 would result in default you were under the impression the £65 would be the end of it. If you try to get too heavy with letters quoting the law and threatening legal action too soon I think you are less likely to be successful, though that might be something you have to do later.

  3. Hi,

    This may all be resolved for you by now as I see your last post was Feb but it may help others.

    I had a similar problem with a vodafone default and got a letter back saying they wouldn't remove the default, and wouldn't supply me with any of the info I asked for. It was pretty much a standard letter and I don't think they even read my original letter in any detail - I had cancelled my account due to poor service and then they had kept billing me however I being in the middle of moving house at the time never received any of their letters (though I had a royal mail forward on at the time), first I knew of it was seeing it on my credit reference. Anyway I was really annoyed at the letter and they had a name and phone number on the letter so I called them - got an answerphone and left a message asking them to call me back asap as I was unsatisfied with the letter I received. About ten minutes later I got a phone call from the person who was really reasonable. I explained (in a very reasonable and calm way) about the poor service, how I had cancelled etc, he looked at my account agreed I hadn't used it much which was consistent with what I said about poor service and though they didn't have my letter of cancellation he agreed that we should try to resolve it amicably so he would contact the credit reference agencies and get them to remove the default, they will also send me a letter confirming this.


    The point is with letters I think they have standard responses and don't really deal with the issues - he pretty much admitted as much that it was better to speak to the person and explain the problem (I have to admit before this I would have thought letter writing would have been taken more seriously), but I think the amount of people trying to get defaults removed just because the company doesn't have the original paperwork means peoples' cases aren't looked into in any detail. Also at the end of the day if you come across as a reasonable person who is being treated unfairly I think the person at the end of the phone who has the power to remove the default is far more likely to help you. So I would recommend you call them and speak to someone instead of just letter writing - before this I thought I had hardly any chance with vodafone as I had read loads of threads where people had been unsuccessful. Good luck!

  4. Well even if they do say they are not operating under the consumer credit act they would still have to supply the info via the data protection act as far as I am aware and while financial services ombudsman can't do anything I think I can forward it to the information commissioner's office. I had no probs getting a mortgage with the default as the underwriter actually looked at my record properly and dismissed the vodafone default. In what way can notices of correction be damaging? Not sure it can make mine much worse than the default.

  5. I am currently trying to get Vodafone to remove a default they put against me in 2005. I had a 12 month contract and in the last few months I wasn't getting any service despite them continuing to take direct debits so after the 12 months I cancelled with them, and cancelled my direct debit. I didn't hear anything from them and was never served a default notice but they put a default against me for £66 which was 3 months of payments. I have sent them a very long letter outlining all the reasons why they should remove the default and asking for the original notice, I sent this on the 24th of April by recorded delivery so I knew they'd get it. So far I haven't heard anything back from them, if they don't provide me with the original default notice within a certain time do they have to remove the default?

    I recently joined Creditexpert and have asked to add a notice of correction outlining the problem, they have contacted me to say they will be writing to Vodafone and contacting everyone who has searched my file in the last 6 months. Until they get a reply from Vodafone they are putting a notice saying that the info vodafone has supplied about me may not be correct. Has anyone else had any success when the credit file companies get involved? And does this notice actually make much of a difference when lenders search you?


    Any ideas or suggestions would be welcomed!





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