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Posts posted by bozwellox

  1. Hi everyone,


    Just after a bit of advice. I received a letter a few weeks ago from one of my credit card providers (Barclaycard) telling me that they had identified that there is a chance I may have been mis-sold PPI on my card...which was news to me as I wasn't even aware I had it! So, I have logged a complaint with them and I'm waiting to hear back.


    The fact this was applied to my account without my approval made me wonder if any of the bank loans I took out in the past had it applied also, but if I'm honest I was fairly sure it wouldn't have been as I know I have never asked for any form of payment protection on any of my loans.


    I called HSBC and asked them to look into my old loans I'd had with them, and whether I had been paying PPI on any of them. They found minimal information (just loan reference numbers and the dates they were taken out), but they did confirm that I had, to my surprise, paid PPI on all three of them.


    The first loan was taken out back in 1999, the second was in 2002 and the final one was in 2004. I was told by several people in the course of several phone calls that they hold no further information on any of these loans - they couldn't tell me the amount of each loan, how much I'd paid in PPI, my monthly repayments - nothing.


    However, on one occasion I spoke to someone who miraculously DID find details of the last loan, showing the loan date, total amount of loan (£6616.65), and a breakdown of all my monthly repayments (£183.65 per month). This is despite being told several times that they had no information at all. I asked if they could send full details of this to me by post.


    So yesterday I received two letters from HSBC. The first one I opened echoed what everyone had told me - sorry, we don't have any information, bye! I then opened the next letter, which was a statement showing full details of the loan.


    So, I'm hoping that I should be able to claim at least for the last loan (which actually included some of the previous loan, i.e. I re-borrowed). I'm not holding out much hope with the other loans, as I have no paperwork whatsoever, and it seems they don't either, so I guess that's gone.


    So far I have registered a complaint via the FoS. I have received a letter from the FoS confirming that they have registered the complaint with HSBC and they now have 8 weeks to respond.


    So, does anyone have any advice regarding roughly what I should expect from them now (besides the obvious denial of any wrongdoing!), e.g. what kind of settlement is reasonable versus what they are likely to offer (if they offer at all) etc.


    Thanks in advance for any help/advice anyone can give!

  2. OK, I'm ready to send this letter now but I have just spoken to HSBC's 'Service Quality Team' and they said that as I had already filed a claim with my local court that I should send my letter to DG Solicitors? However, I have yet to hear anything from them so is this right? Or should I send a letter to both HSBC and to DG Solicitors?


    All this is being made all the more stressful by the fact that the postal service in Oxfordshire has ground to a halt whilst they are on strike!!


    And advice gratefully received. :)

  3. Hi everyone,


    I have received a letter offering about £1500 of my request for £2100ish which to be honest I would accept. Only thing is I filed my claim with the court 2 days before I received their offer, so I've lost out on £120 (they did not respond within the 14 days I gave them, surprise surprise!).


    What I am considering doing is replying saying thanks for the offer and that I would be willing to accept as long as they also cover the court costs which I have incurred.


    Does that sound like a good plan?? Are they likely to agree to that without too much more waiting around, sending letters back and forth?? I found this template which looks pretty much what I'm after:



    Dear Whoever

    Ref: Your Offer of Settlement


    Account: xxxxxxxx

    Sort Code xx-xx-xx

    Claim No: XXXXX in XXXX County Court


    I acknowledge receipt of your letter date xx/xx/xx and your settlement offer of £XXX


    Unfortunately, I have already filed my claim with the court. That action has cost me a further £xxx. Were your offer to include my filing fee of £xxx, I would then be able to accept your offer as full and final settlement. I will accept an offer of £XXX.(filing fee plus their offer)


    As soon as I receive confirmation from you that you agree to this increased figure I will accept the new offer without prejudice and I reserve the right to make any further claims should you apply future charges that may be considered unlawful under common law or in violation of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 or Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.


    I will be willing to withdraw my claim upon receipt of unconditional full settlement of my claim of £XXX.


    Should you not agree to this slightly increased offer, I will then continue with my claim to pursue the total amount claimed for. If I do not hear from you within seven working days, I will be forced to continue with my claim.


    I am also not prepared to agree to any confidentially clauses you try to impose, unless of course your client wishes to make an offer of due consideration in addition to the amount of £xxxxx, in order to be afforded this privilege by myself.


    I look forward to receiving your revised offer

    Yours Sincerely


    Has anyone used this letter with success, or know of anyone that has??


    I am getting married in 2 months so I am willing to settle without the extra hassle and waiting, but don't want to lose out on £120 just because they didn't respond in the time frame I gave them!!


    Any help gratefully received!! :)

  4. Hurrah!! Got a letter from HSBC yesterday offering partial payment (£1481.12 of £2101.92 I asked for), saying the usual "without any admission of liability whatsoever" guff.


    It's typical, it took 2 months to get a response from them, then I finally hear from them 2 days after I file a claim against them and paid the £120 court costs!!! I have called the court and asked if I can get that money refunded but the claim has already been put through their system so thats a no-no.


    I will probably accept their offer as I'm getting married in September and that would really help out, but I'm wondering if it would be worth refusing this offer but suggesting that I will accept if they also cover the £120 court costs I have incurred. Has anyone done this kind of thing before??


    I don't want to lose that money but at the same time I am glad to have got the matter resolved and could really do with the cash before the wedding!


    Thanks for all your help.

  5. I have just realised Tifo, you need to start your own thread as you have hijacked this one.




    When you submit your claim to court you need your Poc form aswell.




    You need to add your own details. And submit it with your N1 form.



    Aaaah, ok no worries. POC = N1 form! Thought I had missed a form!!


    All ready to go then, heading down to my local court this afternoon (gulp) - does anyone know if I can pay my court costs by card, or does it need to be a cheque?

  6. Hi everyone,


    I'm at the point of filling out and sending the N1 form, however I am a bit confused by how much I should be claiming back in interest.


    I had calculated how much they owe me, plus I had added the 8% interest which gets added at court stage, but looking at some of the examples of how to fill out the N1 form it shows (in the value field):



    Overdraft interest:

    Interest under S.69 County Courts Act 1984:

    Court Fee:



    I am assuming the 8% calculated interest goes in the S.69 bit (which I calculated using an online spreadsheet where you enter the charge and the date), but how do I work out the overdraft interest for my charges?? What does that mean exactly?? I hadn't thought of that and I'm not quite sure what to do next.


    Any pointers people?? Sorry if I'm being thick!!

  7. Thanks. I'm with HSBC.


    I've actually just hit a bit of a snag. I had calculated how much they owe me, plus I had added the 8% interest, but looking at some of the examples of how to fill out the N1 form it shows (in the value field):



    Overdraft interest:

    Interest under S.69 County Courts Act 1984:

    Court Fee:



    I am assuming the 8% calculated interest goes in the S.69 bit (which I calculated using an online spreadsheet where you enter the charge and the date), but how do I work out the overdraft interest for my charges?? What does that mean exactly?? I hadn't thought of that and I'm not quite sure what to do next.


    Any pointers people?? Sorry if I'm being thick!!

  8. Hi everyone,


    I'm planning on dropping my completed N1 form off at my local court this afternoon and just wanted to check if there is anything I have missed. So far I have:


    The completed form (signed)

    Copy of initial letter requesting refund

    Copy of letter before action

    Proof of delivery of both letters

    A breakdown of all charges including interest charged at 8% and a description of each charge according to the statement it appeared on.


    Am I missing anything? I will of course be sending a copy to HSBC by recorded delivery (and with a CAG label on the envelope!).


    Any help gratefully received - here goes nothing!!

  9. Help!!!


    I've sent HSBC the usual request for my money back, followed up with a letter before action. I was just in the process of updating my list of charges with their descriptions according to my statements but I've realised I duplicated one charge and mistakenly added one charge which I bent over and agreed to ("agreed overdraft increase charge").


    What should I do now? Can I hand in the details of the charges applied to my account (with amendments to show my mistakes) with the N1 form? Or do I need to go through the whole process from the beginning??


    I'm assuming the worst, as I can't see them taking my claim too seriously with false charges in it.


    Any advice would be much appreciated!!


    Yours stupidly,



  10. Help!!!


    I've sent HSBC the usual request for my money back, followed up with a letter before action. I was jus tin the process of updating my list of charges with their descriptions according to my statements but I've realised I duplicated one charge and mistakenly added one charge which I bent over and agreed to ("agreed overdraft increase charge").


    What should I do now? Can I hand in the details of the charges applied to my account (with amendments to show my mistakes) with the N1 form? Or do I need to go through the whole process from the beginning??


    I'm assuming the worst, as I can't see them taking my claim too seriously with false charges in it.


    Any advice would be much appreciated!!


    Yours stupidly,




    P.S. I will also be posting this in the HSBC forum in an attempt to gain maximum knowledge, so apologies for the double post!!

  11. Hi everyone,


    Just thought I'd post on here as I am about to send off my N1 form requesting a court case after receiving no response to my initial letter or my letter before action, so I may well be popping up from time to time in varying degrees of panic!


    I am at the moment gathering all the evidence I'm likely to need should it actually reach court. I've got copies of all the letters I've sent so far, printed proof of receipt of said letters and obviously a spreadsheet of all charges and the interest against them (I am requesting the standard 8%).


    What I am slightly concerned about is that I do not have a copy of the T&Cs I signed up for. I opened my account way back in 1992. I have checked the 'HSBC T&Cs here' thread, but the oldest I can find go back to 1996 - can I use those, or should I try and contact HSBC to get the T&Cs relating to my account in particular (somehow I don't think I will receive a lightning-fast response)??


    I want to make sure I'm fully 'tooled-up'!


    Thanks everyone - I'll keep you all posted. :)

  12. Hi everyone,


    I need the HSBC T&Cs but having checked, I opened my account with them back in 1992 - the oldest I can see here go back to 1996. Does this matter? Can I use the 1996 ones or will I need to request them from HSBC (don't fancy my chances for a swift response!!).


    Sorry if that is a stupid question and thanks in advance for your help.

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