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Posts posted by dougiedickson

  1. Hi i have been getting a lot of letters lately from the DWP Debt Collection dept saying that i owe them £694.o1 and to not ignore them and reply or make payment by the 23rd June 2011 or they will either a) recover the money throught the courts or b) refer my case to a private company for repayment collection.

    Now all i can think of is i was last unemployed nearly 14 -15 years ago and after splitting with my wife i went back to scotland with my 5 year old daughter where i got a council flat and had no money. I approached the dss (now the dwp) and applied for an emergency grant for furniture. Looking back it must have been a grant or loan they gave me but where i was desperate and a single family did not look at the forms right, Now all this time later they are chasing me what do i do? Do i write to them or just avoid it as it was nearly 15 years ago now my daughter is now 21.I do work now but am in receipt of working tax credits and on a low income

  2. Right, here we go.

    I got all these letters too.

    The problem is this!

    They as a private company try to tell you that as you are on private land and in contravention of their parking rules you have to pay them money./ WRONG !


    Its because you are on private land that they cannot enforce a ticket because legally if you have not entered into an agreement with them to park there they cannot enforce a ticket.


    Say you were not driving and ask them to produce evidence of who was!


    They will ignore this and still issue you with another ticket for £90 then you'll keep getting this for a while.


    Next they'll write again offering for you to pay at the reduced rate of £45 again.


    Dont pay and dont even write to them they WILL go away if you stick to your guns.


    I did and never heard another thing.


    They are trying to bully you by pretending it is legal thing to pay for parking wrongly. I


    ts not though on private land.


    They are not legally binding tickets like the ones you get from the council or the police traffic wardens.


    Stop worrying!!!


    Trust me.


    If you want more info email me at [removed]

  3. I know it's frustrating but just keep sending the letters back and in addition mention in them that they constantly refuse to address what you are asking them and telling them. If it ever did go to court (which it won't) the judge would ask why they refused to correspond with you in any event. Stop worrying about them!

  4. These people are just that Bullies. I wrote off to them 3 times and kept getting the same thing sent back too. I told them what they are implying is illegal as my vehicle was on private property and so they can not enforce a private penalty notice on private land to the owner only the keeper. If they cannot provide proof to me of the keeper then get stuffed, ( I really wasn't driving...)

    The debt collector will have to pass it back to UKPC if you say you are disputing it with UKPC. they can only pursue a notice then if instructed by UKPC. Dont worry!!! For the record they even offered to lower the payment by me to £45 if i pay again within 7 days. And wait for it it was £45 then 90 now they are offering to go back to £45... What company does that. I want them to take me to court but they wont. Keep the chin up!!

  5. These guys are taking the mick to be honest. Even if you get a letter from any debt collectors just write to tell them you are still denying the charge and are still disputing it with UKPC and that they are not communicating back with you. They in turn will go back to UKPC and it may or may not stop. Stuff them thats what i say...... It's sunlikely to go the full way to court and if it did im pretty sure the judge would say " hang on why is this here you didn;t even bother to communicate with this person!" he's throw it out as he/she knows as do we that you are not liable for a ticket on private property as they claim. Only the driver is technically if they prove who they had a contract with to park it there in the first place. Keep cool and laugh! I do!

  6. Bottom line is as previous threads say, The courts are even hoping someone will make a test case. Friend of mine (legal) told me even the courts are getting fed up with all the cases going to court(or not as the case seems). Its up to you but me personally i'd do nothing and wait, the banks will write to when you get a date as they don't want to go into court either. Hang on in there!

  7. Yeah too true, never thought about that. My mate actually called them to pay and got an automated thingy. After giving his card details it asked for his phone number, he gave his mobile and the automated voice then said you have given less than 11 numbers! Funny thing was it was his mobile number he gave and that is 11 numbers. Silly bugger then tried again 12 times

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