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Posts posted by fireflyer

  1. Hi

    thanks for your time and advice.

    I have spoken to my bank (visa debit disputes) - they have asked for a voucher from WDA - they sent this on the 4th Jan - they've not recieved anything back yet.

    I have printed the press release on OFT web site and have posted a copy to my bank and WDA. Also enclosed the two e mails that i sent to WDA which have never been acknowledged.

    I will take every measure i can to slap these ***holes back round their faces.

    thanks again for your advice


  2. Hi,

    thanks for your advice. I don't have any other accounts but i will look into opening a new one, if i can.

    The thing is really, if WDA win the day, i'll owe the money back to the bank (in full) anyway. So, i'm just going to cause grief with the bank if i don't return the money to them. I'll be chased and threatened by them next!

    I was wondering if there is any response i can send to the bank in writing to cement my case against WDA? OFT rules etc? Put pressure on the bank to in turn pressure WDA. They are a dishonest, devious bunch of people to deal with but the bank might have some clout against them?



  3. Hi,

    my bank (visa debit disputes) have returned the money that Wage day advance took from my account. Good news in a way. But they have said that they are investigating matters with WDA and if they were within their rights to take the money, then the bank will take it back again.

    I suppose WDA will say that the terms and conditions allowed them to do this. I've sent e mails to WDA - no repiles, nothing.

    Any ideas what i can write to my bank? It's not the money, as such, anymore for me. It's the principle and the fact that i had an agreement with them to have interest/charges frozen and they took more than i owed because they denied we had this agreement.

    I want to write to my bank asap, any advice would be greatly received.



  4. Hi

    I am about to start my claim with The London Mortgage Company for charges/fees added to the mortgage. This was a second charge loan/mortgage.

    It was redeemed in 2007. On the original credit agreement it states a lending fee of £2400.00 was added.

    I have been in touch with LMC - now Acenden. They cannot explain what this lending fee was or why it was added to the loan. However, they said if i write to them they will endeavour to look into the history of the agreement and try to find out. I have sent the letter yesterday.

    I am wondering if this is possibly a hidden or secret commission paid to the broker?

    I have received all my statements after sending in my SAR.

    Not sure if this is the correct forum regarding mortgage charges/fees claims?



  5. I have now got a reply from then saying all Interest and fees will be froze and no payments taken aslong as the Payment arrangement is kept up


    One down, Two to go


    Be careful! I had a payment plan is place with WDA. And an agreement to freeze interest and charges etc. However on Xmas day thay took the entire lot plus another £100.00 interest. When i called them all i got was a very arrogant reponse (of course they were very happy they had just taken a lump of money) and was told i had not made an agreement to freeze interest and charges! Yeah right.

    Foolish me didn't get this agreement in writing - it was agreed over the phone. I've since been in touch with OFT and WDA who have simply ignored my e mails. No replies. Nothing. I've requested transcripts of all calls and subsequent conversations that have taken place - no reply.

    They think they've got the money plus a nice wad on top but i'm not going to let this go.

    Be aware, you are dealing with unsrcuperlous, devious and dishonest liars..............in my opion that sums up the vast majority, if not all, pay day lenders.

    Ask for anything and evrything you agree to put in writing. Whilst you owe them money they'll play ball. Don't pay them anything unless you have agreements in writing.


  6. Hi,

    i've, at last, decided to claim back charges/fees added to my 2 mortgages with GE Money and The London Mortgage Co.

    I sold the house in March 2007 - both mortgages redeemed. We've had a few years of financial probs after the collapse of our business. At last we are getting back on our feet.

    I sent SAR's to both lenders in 2007. Don't ask me why the paper work that they sent back has been in 2 files ever since!

    Anyway, the statemets show loads of fees - dd failure, debt counselling (which we never had)!, solicitior's fees added several times at £600.00 + a pop (at one stage they were looking to reposses but because we were selling, the judge granted us time).

    Also, on The London mortgage original agreement is states a lending fee of £2400.00. Does anyone know what this is? I've been reading other posts and it seems there is such a thing as a commision to brokers. I'm wondering if this is what thislending fee is - a secret commsiion. If so, i've read i can claim that back.

    I don't have a copy of the original contract from GE Money - it was the I Group originally.

    Even though i've kicked about in these forums on and off for a few years, i'm not confident as to how to start/make my claims. I find all the legal jargon confusing and don't even understand half of the abbreviations. I think it's lack of confidence that has stopped me from starting these claims.

    But, i can't help but think it's worth a good go.

    I've been offered to hand everything over to a claims expert company. No win, no fee etc. It's tempting because then i don't have to worry about messing up etc.

    That makes me feel guilty though because so many of you have fought the good fight and not wimped out and this site deserves fighters to see these claims through.

    Where do i start? Any help, advice pls



  7. I've had the same thing happen with Wage Day Advance and i did have a payment plan set up with them.

    I've spoken to the OFT and they've given me a reference number to get back in touch with them - report Wonga to them too.

    The more complaints the OFT get about these companies the better.

    I've sent a recorded delivery letter to my bank's visa debit disputes dept stating that i did not authorise the money to be taken. That the amount was incorrect etc.

    Awaiting their reply.

    I've sent e mails to Wage Day Advance who haven't bothered to reply (wht should they!).

    I'm going to take matters as far as possible, not just because of the money but the principle of it.

    My advice is to get in touch with your bank for advice asap and then dispute the withdrawel via visa debit - ask them to return the funds.

    Good luck

  8. I hope you didn't fall for the extra £36.00 charge!!! If you were settling the whole debt, the ball was strongly in your court.

    My advice is to formerly right to the remainder. Send by recorded delivery. Also fax to them too, if you can.

    Keep notes of any times that you speak to anyone on the phone. You can demand that they do not make contact via the phone and only in writing, if you wish.

    Make sure that you have reported your bank debit card as 'lost' and got a replacement. Do not give these details to any of them again.

    If you make a payment plan with them, ask for their bank paying in details and pay the agreed amount that way. Make sure that your bank has no direct debits set up in their favour and inform you bank that under no circumstances are these companies to attempt to remove funds from your account via direct debit.

    Get this agreed and in writing from the bank.

    You can do no more than write to these companies with your proposals.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Happy new year!

  9. Sorry to hear of your problems with pay day loan companies.

    I, too, regretfully hit a rough patch and turned to some of these immoral companies for loans.

    Be careful. I made mistakes..........get everything you agree in writing. If you make any agreements to pay monthly amounts, state clealy that you make the agreement subject to receiving everything agreed in writing.

    I had a payment plan with Cash Genie. Suddenly they removed the entire debt from my account.

    According to them, i applied for a pay day loan from one of their 'sister' companies whilst in a repayment plan with them.

    Not true. I did not apply for any loans from anyone. I asked for the proof. No response. No proof.

    But, the money was gone.

    I've just had Wage Day Advance empty my bank account over Xmas.

    They rely on original terms and conditions even though you have set up new payment plans etc. And, you'll find that at any time they will raid your bank account and get everything they can. Then when you dispute this, the cock and bull starts about the terms and conditions. Wage day advance have in their T's & C's that they can keep your bank card details or, indeed, any method to take funds from you, at any time.

    Do not do what i've done and leave any funds in your account.

    The way i see it, they can't get blood out of a stone. Request that all interest/ charges are frozen. Set up payment plans that you can realistically afford. If they say it's not enough, then tell them that you've offered what you can afford and since they've chosen not to accept this, let matters proceed to court.

    These monkeys don't want to be seen in court, that's a fact.

    Good luck

  10. I have just been in touch with OFT.

    They were very sympathetic but nothing they can do!

    They have advised me to get a copy of the Terms and Conditions. If these state that Wage Day Advance can take full amount plus interest and additional charges etc then that is that.

    They advised me to contact them again and also they said the more people that contact them regarding WDA the better because all complaints etc are filed and it's not good for them to have complaints.

    I don't see contacting the police is a sensible route. Surely, this is a civil matter?

    No fraud, as such, has taken place.

    I'll write to Wage Day Advance - any ideas on a template letter to e mail/post to them?


  11. When i was talking to the woman at Wage Day Advance this morning, I said to her that i had not authorised this payment. That i wasn't warned or told that this was going to happen and that i was reporting it to the bank as fraud etc.

    She was very confident and emphatic that this is in their terms and conditions. They've committed no crime whatsoever. She very arrogantly advised me to 'waste my time' by going to the bank, the police, whoever i want...........they have acted within their rights.

    I don't know what to do, where to start with this.

    If i didn't need the money and know that they have taken far more than i owed, i'd walk away before i wind myself up into a total angry frenzy here.

  12. Hi,

    I've checked back through e mails etc. I couldn't find anything in writing about the interest being frozen, but i did most of my dealings with Wage Day Advance via the phone. It was agreed (certainly verbally during a phone call) that all interest charges would be ceased if i paid £50.00 per month.

    I am late with the payment, however, i have copies of e mails sent with regard to this month's payment being late. They had accepted the late payment. It all changed, suddenly, on Xmas Eve. I arranged to pay £50.00 - WDA office was closing at 5 because of Xmas, i was stuck in traffic jams. The last converstaion i had was i said i'd call back on Wednesday 29th first thing in the morning to pay the £50.00. To my shock, £425.00 was taken on Xmas day, of all days.

    My bank say there's nothing they can do because the payment is still pending and they can't see who has taken the money. I know it's Wage Day Advance because i've spoken to them.

    The biggest wind up of a conversation i've ever had! Some cocky woman gleefully telling me that there was no agreement to freeze interest (a lie). Let's face it there would be hardly any logic in paying them £50.00 a month to reduce the £437.00 debt if interest of that amount was being added every month.

    I agreed to pay the £50.00 a month on condition the interest was frozen.

    I just don't see how this is legal. I spoke to the guy in their office on Xmas Eve pm. (the lady i spoke to today assures me he's not a liar)! The payment of £425.00 must have been taken Xmas Eve, i assume, because who would be working Xmas Day? The bank say it was the 25th that the withdrawel was made.

    The bank say they can't do anything until the payment has finalised and then they can see who it is. I've told them who it is! Then they say i'll have to take it up with the bank visa debit dispute people.

    These pay day loan companies have no morals. They will lie and cheat and then laugh at you when they've had you right over.

  13. Hi

    I had a repayment plan set up with Wage Day Advance. I agreed to pay £50.00 per month which i have been doing. I paid £50.00 on the 27.9.10. and 2/11/10. I was due to pay another £50.00 this month.

    I was late with the payment but i had kept in touch with WDA by phone and e mail.

    On Xmas Eve they rang me to collect the £50.00 payment. I was stuck in traffic trying to get to the bank to pay the money in to pay the £50.00. The guy on the phone said they were closing at 5pm. and would not be available until th 29th. I said if i didn't make it by 5pm, i'd call first thing on the 29th (after bank holiday). He did sy he couldn't 'hold the account' but when i said, worst way, i'd pay on the 29th, he said OK.

    On Xmas day £425.00 was taken from my account! Which was nearly all of which was in there. I have learnt today that it was WDA who took it. I've spoken to a very arrogant woman in their offices today who told me with great glee that the repayemne plan was a 'goodwill' gesture and they can change their minds on that at any time. I said that i had not authorised this payment and she said that in their terms and conditions, they hold bank details and can access bank accounts and take money when they want.

    Further to this, i was told in September that the ineterest had been frozen and at that time im owed £437.00. I have paid £100.00 off that blance since then and they still took £425.00.

    The woman on the phone today said that the interest was never agreed to be frozen, which is an out and out lie.

    My bank can't help. They say it's not fraud because i know them. The only thing they say i can do is write to the visa dispute dept who can request a refund from WDA. The woman in WDA's office said i've got no chance of getting the money back and said with great enjoyment that they were fortunate to find £425.00 in my account.

    Great news fr her, but for me a Xmas with no money and no money in my account to pay a couple of bills due out now!

    What can i do???

    I wish i'd never got involved with pay day loans - i was desperate at the time but, my God, i'm so angry with the situation.

    Please, can anyone advise as to the true legal position i'm in here?

    thank you all

  14. Hi

    I am starting my claim with GE Money for charges added on to my mortgage loan (Debbie versus GE Money and The London Mortgage Company).

    I have only just received my statements as requested on the 12.4.07. - they managed to hold this up by writing in late May saying that they needed proof of my new address etc. This was sent to them on the 28.5.07.

    The original mortgage contract was not enclosed as requested. I have written today asking for that, again.

    I will follow your fight with GE Money with interest and i hope you will follow mine. They are [edit] ........i hope we get justice.



  15. Hi

    thank you so much for your advice and help. I have written the letter to GE Money requesting a copy of our original contract etc. Tomorrow, i have more time and will crack open the wine!!!.... and sort out the charges etc.

    Which letter in particular do i use to request payment from G E Money?

    thank you again, Debbie

  16. Hi

    I have received a massive pile of paper work from GE Money. It is the history of our mortgage account with them. It seems everything is there barring our original contract that we signed (i did request this).

    I don't honestly know where to begin to unravel all the charges. All i can say is that it appears we paid some 60k over 5/6 years but the amount that was paid upon redemption was only about 3k less than the original loan! There are fees, fees, fees, added and added.

    Is there anyone who acts as a consultant available? That i could engage to wade through this paper work with/for me? I just cannot see that i will be able to understand what exactly i am looking at, what i am entitled to claim back (if anything).

    Help please!



  17. Hi,

    i recently sold my property after a period of financial difficulities.

    The London Mortgage company had a second charge and took 4k in ERC charges. Apparently they have a 9 year ERC period and i was almost into the 6th year. Having read many threads on here, i gather that i wont be able to recover the early redemption fee back?

    However, both lenders - GE Money (1st charge) and The London Mortgage Company have levied many fees on to the original mortgage loans. Fees for letters, legal letters etc - we got into arrears on both loans and were making additional payments but the fees and costs levied means we had not paid anything off either loans and paid back more on both than we had originally borrowed!

    So, i would like to claim back any unfair or illegal charges....and i don't know where to start. I am prepared to take it all the way - not just for me but for all others in the same boat. Surely we have to stop this? I accept my financial difficulties were my responsibility but that was made so much worse by these massive charges. To the point that the only way out was to sell up and get away from both lenders.

    Thank you - any help/advice will be gratefully received.


  18. Hi all, i am new here.

    I have recently sold my property, following several years of financial difficulties that resulted in mortgage arrears etc. I have been charged so many extra fees over recent years for letters from the lender and their litigation letters etc. I was paying the mortgage plus additional payments to reduce the arrears. Also, it appears that i signed to a 9 year redemption period and i was charged almost 4k redemption charges.

    Do i have a case to claim the excessive fees levied on me over recent years and can i challenge the redemption charges?

    Any help or advice will be so gladly received.

    thank you

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