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Posts posted by **Tilly**

  1. Hi guys need your help and advise,

    i had been claiming ssp when i was employed


    on my July wage slip there was a discrepancy of X amount short,

    had a chat with the employer he admited it was his error,

    he paid this back via Bacs in August,

    when i recieved my last wage slip September he had taken it back and marked as a deduct pay advance,


    when i asked about and said it wasn't an advance it was what you had miscalculated

    it his words where it is correct and inline with HMRC guidlines.


    which now brings me to another question

    i went on to the Gov site where you can see your wage slips from employer,

    the wage slip i have has a different amount paid to what is on Gov site which is a higher amount.

    Surely they should match.:???:

  2. Hi Stu thanks for your reply and sorry for my late reply.Life has been a bit of a mare husband was a car crash thankfully it was

    only the car that was written off.



    Well as from today my employment has been terminated, as it is a nursing home which is both physical and mentaly demanding and being a senior which holds a lot of responsabilty

    from meds resdidents staff etc and you have to be on the ball, its a hard job when your fit let alone unfit, so in fairness and safety to the home and my own health i agreed whole

    heartedly to the decision.




    So now on to the next chapter picking up my ssp1, i have been on the phone to benefits and apparantly i am entiled to claim contibution esa and they will decided i guess

    which group i belong in.



    ps sorry forgotton how to do quotes been a while :oops:



    Thank you again


  3. I have never been down this road before, i need some advise I have been signed off work from June unfit for work.

    I have a long term condition that will never get any better only worse.


    Today I saw my gp who has written another unfit for work note.

    Everything has been crossed off and in the comments he has written...

    Will never be fit to return to current work and I think she should therefore be 'retired'.

    This will be the case for 3 months from 26/8/2018 to 25/11/2018.

    Goes on to say will not need to assess your fitness for work again at the end of this period.


    Sorry for the long explanation but it has confused me some what.


    Thank you in advance

  4. Hi sod'em sorry to hear about your dad x you said your dad has had a stroke is he still able to communicate with you? Only asking as depending on his mental capacity whether he will be able to understand what you are asking him to sign and whether he will be able to sign the will, sorry for the questions at this time when your head is all over the place.

  5. Hi Scott so sorry to hear about your mum dementia is a cruel disease, i have total respect for you caring for your mum as you say very stressfull, as you say your mum is in respite and loving it,just want to say and i hope you don't mind when you go view care homes ask as many questions as you can think of.. eg do they have choices of meals do they have activies in place if you go to look around in morning go again in the afternoon and check their cqc report online talk to the carers.

  6. Hi CD try not to let this tie you up in knots and eat away at you, im not going to say i dont know how you feel like bazooka Boo been there in our case lesson learned. also like bazza said your spending more money and getting nothing back, but only you know which way to go...Dont shoot me :razz:

    Tills x

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