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Posts posted by Champnos

  1. Thought id return with a very funny scenario. My credit record a year ago was very poor, i was on the verge of good rating when i checked last month. Some old stuff had come off and i had a default removed as disputed.


    Now the default removed has made a comeback. I am naming and shaming Barclays Bank, had a credit card with Predential soemthing like that many years ago, paid it off in the end, no default was issued. Found the default a year or so ago, disputed it it got removed. Left me with some overdue marks but a 0 balance and no default.


    It has returned a year later heres some info:


    default entered, March 2002 - Removed ages ago - Returned again witha balance owing of £31, you have to laugh at this.


    Is a default 5 or 6 years? if 5 its been and gone, i aint waiting for 6 years, have not checked my score yet as not paying when its probably gone down, i was a mere 20 points on experian off of good.


    Anyone have advice? i have queried it with experian, asked them to remove it NOW and check their old records, also to give me name and telephone of person who decided to bring it back. Doubt they will give me the info as it seems we cant even get info of people killing our credit records these days!


    So whats your comments? I am close to calling this default "fraudulent"



  2. Hi again, i know i been gone ages, lost internet becuase work changed securty policys and i could nto acces s this site, well i got internet back at home.


    Ok well, heres the story, my rating with Experian was very poor, around 540 i think a year or so ago, in march i checked and it was 650 which was still poor.

    Vodaphone have satisfied my debt and some real old late payments were taken off my record and now my rating is an astonishing 859 which is a mere 22 points from good! Fair right now but will be good shortly.


    Now all i need is a 0% balance transfer credit card, anyone advise on if this is possible at level good or even fair? probably wait until good though although im changing my high rate loan shortly as well

  3. Sorry all, only had the internet at work and they changed their security policies so i couldnt access site. Now i have the net back at home, charges were repaid IN FULL


    £1324.13 i think it was, please title this as SUCCESS


    What is happening with all this "test case" going on? are people still claiming?


    Well i shall be making a contribution to this great site shortly and shall remain around here




  4. There is info on claiming, im not sure you can claim though. Wasted costs probably only occurs when they settle up very late, like the day before court.


    Can you give more detailabout your case, did you even get a court date? I will try to find the link


    Added - Link below, it appears my above comments were wrong. Although if you have not yet submitted a court bundle then i doubt you have wasted too much time and may not be worth claiming



  5. Thanks Christianajp, if you hadnt told me to call them i probably wouldnt have bothered. I just got the following response:-


    "A payment is going to you today, should be with you later or tomorrow at the latest"


    Maybe lies only time will tell, he was alright he sounded bored as hell as you could expect. Worth giving them a bell to ensure your on top the pile i guess!

  6. Send them a chase along with a copy of their offer. Id be quite stern and say failure to pay up within 14 days will now result in me taking you to court, this will then add fees on to the amount owed.


    That should get them moving, remember always chase them up as they have probably got thousands of them!

  7. As far as im aware they are under no obligation to honour the offer. It would also be apparent that you cannot use the offer in any court proceedings. Its just a simple mistake they make due to sending out standard letters.


    I would say they will pay up your claim in full but no more, maybe within 3 weeks, thats the kind of timescales im hearing as they have also agreed to repay mine.


    Added - Rumour has it they may be making a batch of settlements tomorrow, dont quote me on that though!

  8. Ok a friend is havignt o make a Data Protection request to her doctors for records of appointments for her son. The school are taking her to court as they say her son was not off for valid reasons but she says they knew she was.


    They were asking for £50 fee now £25, what are the fees for data protection, i thought it was a maximum £10?

  9. Ok didnt get to send the draft order.


    Lloyds have sent me a letter agreeing to repay all my charges plus interest etc. Im not sure why although i did send a nudge letter whcih may have helped (some think it doesnt)


    Please dont change thread to success yet as i dont have the money! I will be continuing my claim until its received, i will also be crossing out most of the terms ad conditions.


    -Almost victorious-

  10. Hmm you have kind of contradicted yourself about ten times. You smoke heavily yet say it should be banned, its unfair on others yet i guess you must smoke near people. Why not quit if its such a disgusting habit?


    The long term effects of smoking may be bad but lets be honest in the short term not very bad at all. Yes ban it from places where people dont have a choice, like bars and clubs. But a countrywide ban would send this country down the pan

  11. Heh, drinking will be next but again they wont try too hard


    1.5 billion spent on NHS because of smoker (Oh no you think)


    9.5 billion made in taxes from smokers (I think you will now get the point)


    Alcohol is similar in which the government add many taxes on to our Alcohol, in fact when a shipment hits the shores it doesbles in costs because of the government

  12. Getting a bit "Heated" here. Anyway back to the point, and we all have views, i quit about 7 weeks ago, aroudn about a month before the ban, blimey it was hard! Took about 6 weeks before i lost the need for a ciggy, only used patches for 2 weeks.


    I actually believe the new rule is good for all, going outside is not a problem, the problem is when people want it banned outside as well! Ive heard that a lot and got to laugh at that. I was at a bar a few days ago and on the forth floor, they had built a lovely balcony with roof for smokers, it was great! Although i was not smoking.


    The minute people arent allowed to smoke in their own cars is the moment i believe the police will not be able to deal with, stupid idea that is seeing as its "Your Car" people in it "Know you smoke"

  13. This question has been answered many times. You are under no obligation to accept any of their terms & conditions. Cross them all out and send it back. You can send it back and agree if you want, i think the only reason there is time delays in some is as they have many too pay.

  14. As above


    Case Type:COMPULSORY LIQUIDATION Practitioner name:RATCLIFFE, GERARD NICHOLASPractitioner address:


    UNIT 6





    Practitioner name:HARRISON, THOMAS CHARLES EDWINPractitioner address:





    LS1 4HZ


    Practitioner name:OR Croydon, The Official ReceiverPractitioner address:

    6th Floor

    Sunley House

    Bedford Park


    CR9 1TX

  15. I think thats page one of the defence, there will be page 2 and it will have 9 points, i just checked mine and seems the same. Standard defence.

  16. Ok, well you become a "creditor" i would contact the administrators who will send you out the forms to fill in. You will then be in the list of creditors owed.


    Your problem is they will pay the most important things first, like themselves (administrators)wages, HMCE etc. You may then get a small amount back but you will get somehting like 10p for each pound.


    If you wanna name them or pm me with their name i can try to find out who the administrators are for you.


    If you arent claiming much im afraid its gone!

  17. I think it goes something like this


    Claiming - £*

    Interest - £*

    Payment received - £750


    Claim amount - £*


    Deduct it from the total you make it and make the claim, as they have not told you what parts they are paying you cant really contra it with specific amounts.

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