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Posts posted by odds

  1. Thank you dx


    I have still had no reply to the CCA Request, not even an acknowledgement. 


    I've had four letters up to now, the usual please get in touch we can help you type of letter.


    So on to the main question.

    I have received a Statement of Account and they have paid the £1 CCA fee off the outstanding balance.


    In the letter that the PO was stapled to I specified the fee enclosed was strictly for the purpose of the CCA request and should not be used for any other purpose, I also requested that the fee be returned should they not be able to comply.


    Now, with Statute Barred status looming they have paid the £1 off the outstanding balance, I presume to keep the account 'live'.


    what is the situation when this happens,

    do I need to take action (I think I know the answer), or


    do I wait and see what their next move is ?




  2. I realise that deadlines and schedules mean nothing to these DCAs, but I did request that the Postal Order should be returned if they couldn't fulfill my request within the the time limits.

    So where has my money gone ?

    I've paid them for a lawful request they haven't provided.


  3. Well that's day 15 gone with no response whatsoever, not even the return of the £1 Postal Order as requested if they couldn't provide the information requested.


    Couple of questions if anyone could be so kind to clear up.


    What is the actual point of the 12 +2 working days deadline to produce a Credit Agreement, when they could just take 4 weeks, 3 months, 6 months ?


    Link seem to think I had a Payment Plan in place, I have never had a payment plan in place since Lloyds failed on the CCA request many years ago, I was making payments of a goodwill gesture which I made clear to Lloyds I reserved the right to cancel at my discretion. Which I did


    Where has my Postal Order gone ?  How can I check if it has been used ?



  4. Hi dx


    It was 2016, that is when Moorcroft started doing the legwork for Lloyds.


    I have received a Notice of Assignment informing me that Lloyds have assigned all of its respective right, title and interest in the account to LC Asset 2 and they in turn have appointed Link Financial Outsourcing Limited to service the account on their behalf.

    LC Asset 2 and Link are now the Data Controllers of the account now.  


    I sent a CCA request to Lloyds around 2008/09 but they failed to respond to that, so I told them as a gesture of goodwill I would continue to pay a token £1 pm but reserve the right to cease payments.

    now after being out of the loop for so long I'm after a little guidance on how to deal with Link. 


    Would a SAR and CCA request be in order to them.


    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.



  5. Thank you for opening this thread again.  I didn't want to start a new one as I didn't know which forum it would come under.
    I will update tomorrow with the finer details, but basically Lloyds have off loaded this debt to Link Financial despite failing to respond to a CCA request made in 2008.
    It's late in the day so I'll give a shortened timeline on this long thread tomorrow and hopefully be able to nip this in the bud.



  6. 50 minutes ago, unclebulgaria67 said:

    Some Councils issue a benefit form in March every year, asking for all information to be confirmed again, just in case the benefit claim needs to be revised.


    Did you receive a benefit assessment form March this year,  March 2019 and March 2018 ?

    Thanks uncleb for the reply.

    I've never had any such form off the Local Authority


    50 minutes ago, unclebulgaria67 said:



    Councils receive some data from Government departments, but this does not remove the responsibility of the benefit claimant in reporting all changes in circumstances.


    Which is exactly my point, when they began Further Education I reported it to the relevant Departments, who in turn notified the Local Authority.

    At no time have I had to notify the Local Authority directly about them starting Further Education.
    When he left Further Education I notified the same Departments and my payments from them was adjusted and his name removed from the Child Tax Credits notification, so I think it is fair to think that the Local Authority were made aware as the income from Child Tax Credits changed on the Housing Benefits statements to reflect the changes

    50 minutes ago, unclebulgaria67 said:

    If the Council have calculated an overpayment of benefit, then ask them for a detailed breakdown of how they have calculated the amount. Also send them a GDPR subject access request asking for all information held on your benefit records.


    They have sent amended statements for the period in question from Sept 2018 until March 2021 and the eldest grandson is now listed as a Non Dependent, however, they are still listing Child Benefit for 2 children in the Income section.

    I know it's classed as disregarded income but it shows that something has gone wrong somewhere, and still is wrong.

    Even more confusing is the Housing Benefit statements are now produced and sent from a different county, yet they list the Local Authority office to reply to.

    Too many cooks ?  ;)

    50 minutes ago, unclebulgaria67 said:


    When a younger member of the Household aged 16-20 leaves education or training, you do have to contact all benefit services. Councils under Housing Benefit may apply a non dependant deduction for your older grandson who left education back in 2018.  He would have been expected to help you with Housing costs out of any money he receives.


     It states that  " There is no deduction from your Housing Benefit for these Non Dependents (2), but in the Income total used the amount you need to live on has dropped significantly.  That is what has caused the overpayment as far as I can see.  Due to his health issues he had no income/benefits at all from Sept 2018 until Sept 2019, that was his choice I know and irrelevant but it's a fact.

  7. I hope someone can assist in this claim by the local council that a change in my household has caused an over payment of £1200.

    Circumstances are that myself and my wife are in receipt of ESA Contribution Based due to heart problems. 

    We have 2 grandsons and one son living with us.

    My eldest grandson left college in 2018, the younger one is still in further education.

    I informed the Child Benefit Office and HMRC about it at the time and he has not been on the Child Tax Credits since then and Child Benefit was stopped.


    From September 2018 after leaving college he has and still has drug abuse and mental health issues and had no income at all,

    in September 2019 we managed to persuade him to claim ESA/UC which he did and was placed in the LCWRA straight away after an assessment 

    Two weeks ago I received a letter from the Local Authority asking about the circumstances regarding my eldest grandson and Further Education, which they certainly must have known about because he hadn't been on any Child Tax Credits Statement which the Local Authority are informed of.


    I have no problem about the fact that I may owe the over payment but what is annoying me is the fact that the Local Authority are provided with all the information from HMRC regarding Child Tax Credits and Child Benefit.


    At no time have I had to tell the Local Authority that my grandsons are staying in full time education, I inform the relevant departments and they inform the Local Authority as HMRC provide them with the household income and names of Dependents. The Local Authority actually seem to know before me how much Child Tax Credits I'm due to get.


    I have been sent revised statements covering the period from 2018 to 2020 and they state that there is no deduction from your benefits for these Non dependents(2), but what has dropped significantly is the amount we now need need to live on, approximately £70 per week.


    The letter states:

    "I will recover the overpayment from your current entitlement

    Your repayment will be accepted without prejudice to any further further action the DWP may wish to take against you in this case"


    There is no mention of how much they are recovering weekly though.


    Like I said, if I have done something wrong, which I believe I haven't,  I will gladly repay it but I feel there is a bit of an administration error here and I'm now in arrears through it.

    Is there any point in appealing this decision, or any advice would be welcome.




  8. Sorry for not getting back sooner.  Due to personal reasons I have had to bite the bullet it on this.
    It goes against what I believe in but I honestly need to let this one go.


    I do have some pictures and believe that the signs were installed after the date I had visited, simply because there was one right behind where I parked, infact the payment machine was right behind where I parked.

    However, that is immaterial and I apologise for wasting anyones time.



  9. I know that, but why do Moorcroft even seem to think I had a payment plan in place with Zinc Group ?


    They are supposed to be 'administering' my account on behalf of Lloyds.


    If Moorcroft can't even get the basic facts correct, then why would anyone let them administer accounts for them  ;)  

  10. Thank You BankFoddder.

    Just an update to the situation. 


    Since Lloyds asked Moorcroft to administer the account I have not paid them and the letters have been going through a cycle ever since and then stopping and repeating again, with the exact letters being sent, usualy an 8 letter cycle.


    This years cycle has just started again but strangely Moorcroft have mentioned that the method I was using to pay ZINC GROUP will determine what action I need to take.


    This seems strange, as I've never had any payment arrangement with anyone but Lloyds, infact I've never even heard of the Zinc Group and had to search online to see who they are  :)


    Just wondering why they would be mentioning this or is it a template letter again that they haven't edited to suit my situation ?




  11. I intend going back and getting photos DX, simply because I can't believe that I never saw ANY signs and even missed the machine to pay at.  Like I said I've frequented this place many times in the past few years so I think I would have noticed something different, unless I'm going senile  :)
    The times on the letter are a bit strange, the entry time was dead on x hr and xx mins but no seconds, whereas the exit was x hr, xx mins and xx seconds.

    I don't really want to go through the appeals process online, confirming all my details in the hope they will show the photos, just the cynic in me coming out  ;)

  12. 2 hours ago, dx100uk said:

    why do you need to pay and display if its ANPR

    the camera doesn't know if/if not you've displayed a ticket


    Apparently, on producing your ticket the bar staff will reimburse your parking fee. 


    2 hours ago, dx100uk said:


    me thinks this is a sneaky employee or touring operator but I don't think CEL employ any.


    Not quite sure what that means actually 


    2 hours ago, dx100uk said:

    and in that case they should be issuing a windscreen PCN and the NTK has been issued too early.



    It's not a NTK as such, or it isn't headed as one.  It is merely an invite to pay the fee or name the driver responsible whom I obviously have no obligation to name.  They don't mention Schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012 in this letter, but could they do so in future correspondence ?

    I assume it is safe to not enter into any correspondence with them at this stage and await the barrage of threats that will be forthcoming.


  13. I checked the website and the only option is to appeal, which means putting all my personal details in again.


    And don't forget the other guy got one at night just the week before me. 

    Do you think they would patrol at night ?


    There is a clinic at the back of the pub car park and you have to drive through the pub car park to access the clinic car park.


    It mentions the ANPR cameras on the website of the clinic http://www.durnfordmc.nhs.uk/


    Scroll down to where it says Access:

    Turn into the Boars Head Pub car park then drive through to our car park beyond the hedge. Please note the Boars Head Pub operates a "Pay and Display" parking system with number-plate recognision. Use of our car park is free to anyone visiting the surgery


  14. 1 Date of the infringement  29/11/2019


    2 Date on the NTK  04/12/2019 It isn't an NTK, just a demand for payment

    [scan up BOTHSIDES as ONE PDF- follow the upload guide]


    3 Date received  07/12/2019


    4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?]  No


    5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event?  None supplied although it states there is photographic evidence of the event


    6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal]  No

    Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up  N/A


    7 Who is the parking company?  Civil Enforcement Limited


    8. Where exactly [carpark name and town]  111 Long Street, Middleton.  The Old Boars Head Car Park.  M24 6UE


    For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under.  POPLA

  15. Hi,

    Completely by surprise last week

    I received a demand from the above for payment as it seems I hadn't paid to park.


    I say by surprise because I have frequented this establishment many times over the last few years and parking has always been free, and I didn't see anything to suggest otherwise this time.


    The location as shown on google maps is here:



    There were certainly no obviously visible signs in the car park to make you stop and think parking charges were in force.

    And I noticed on the pub facebook page that somebody else had been caught out the week before,

    there is even a photo of him looking at the non illuminated sign in the dark, which says Pay at the machine, I didn't even notice a machine  :)


    From reading his grievance, that sign was not visible from where he parked and the route to the pub entrance.

    I haven't been back yet to locate where it is yet, or to locate the illusive payment machine which I missed, and I was there in daylight


    CEL Letter_Edited.pdf

  16. 5 hours ago, unclebulgaria67 said:

    New claim advances are repayable over 12 months. 


    I thought there was now an advance tab on home page, which had the information ?



    With LCWRA/Support group, this was always subject to a period where it was not paid. What the reasons for this, other than Government budget, I am not sure of. 


    You're correct, there is an Advances Tab but all it says in there is:

    "If you have an advance you'll have to pay it back a bit at a time from future Universal Credit payments.

    If you stop getting Universal Credit, you will have to pay your advance back another way. For example, by deductions from your wages."


    If you check the statements under the Payments Tab it gives the amount due and the amount they are taking back and then just gives a phone number to get more information about your Loans or Advance payments.


    Another quick question, do the DWP still write to people on UC after having an assessment stating that they are entitled to ESA, at what rate and the reason they have come to their decision.

    If not, how would you get that information.  At the moment he has nothing in writing that proves he is in receipt of benefits, which some places will ask to see.



  17. 9 hours ago, unclebulgaria67 said:

    The LCWRA rate will not be paid for 3 clear assessment period, following the date of the award.


    The health journey starts from date of first fit note, which is normally when the  LCWRA is backdated to.  You then count 3 full assessment period as not receiving the extra LCWRA amount and the LCWRA amount will then be included in the 4th assessment period.


    That makes it a lot clearer, thank you.  Although it does seem strange that someone that has already been assessed then has to wait 2 months for any extra payments due.

    9 hours ago, unclebulgaria67 said:



    In regard to advances, what some people have done, is make a claim, ask for an advance, then don't both to attend the Job Centre. They then wait for the claim to be closed, before making a reclaim, ask for another advance and they may then bother to attend the Job Centre, to ensure claim is up and running properly. 

    It seems strange that there is no detail on the advance payments that you can access, it just says we are taking £37.77 this month.


  18. Yes, and it seems that is how they communicate with everyone now.


    I just find it strange that the Job Center were informed after a couple of days and yet a couple of weeks later nothing has been received from the DWP with an explanation as to the decision.

  19. It's a bit complicated DX,  as it is my grandson. 

    He apparently made a claim in another town when he was with his father and actually got an advance payment. 

    However, that claim was closed due to him not attending appointments.


    He came back living with us to sort his life out and made a fresh claim for UC but had a "fit note" from the start.


    They have now stopped £30 out of this months UC, though they didn't last month.


    When I questioned him about it he said he was given two advance payments of £250 when he was at his fathers house. 

    I personally find that hard to believe, because they wouldn't give an 18 year old with mental health issues a £500 loan surely ?


    Just a couple of points, Will the DWP actually write and explain why he was put in the Support Group ?


    The next one is that after he was put in the Support group he had a message off someone in his Journal saying to check his To Do List and if he didn't his claim would be closed.


    So even if he has had the shackles taken off, does he need to keep checking his journal ?


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