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Posts posted by nightwalker

  1. Well we now know that an EA has got his debt, the MC100 will have little or no effect now, but heyho we can but try.



    Fine originally was £85.00 now this has been added too



    Compliance stage £75-00

    Enforcement stage £235.00



    His only saving grace was the fact that the summons was sent to the incorrect address, therefore the debtor could have sworn an SD within 21 days, then had the case heard from day one again at that same time, then paid the original fine of JUST £85-00 instead of the new figure of wait for it now about £395.00 and this COULD increase even more unless he takes his head out of the sand....



    what is a SD

  2. Thanks for the update it is useful, now back to the original case, did you receive any paperwork that told you to attend Court or fill in any paperwork? You stated that the address was incorrect, how was this done? Do not include the MC100 form, what address did you give? don't give that here, is there a similar address near you?


    no didnt receive any paperwork of the sort - it was sent i believe to the incorrect address which is similar to mine but a few doors away .




    You stated "As I recall the fine goes way back to 27 may 2015. I was caught by a officer who told me (urinating in the street is a 85 pound fine" After this time did you ever receive a summons? Can you please explain how this went from an FPN to this?


    .No didnt receive a summon .

  3. hi


    As i recall the fine goes way back to 27 may 2015 .I was caught by a officer who told me (urinating in the street is a 85 pound fine ).

    I was a little drunk at the time but gave my name and address .I didnt recevie anything until about 3 weeks ago when i received a letter from the court with amount of 455. It didnt explain what it was for so i ignored it for the time being .A week later , it was sent again with the words Notice of action/futher steps notice with a briefing

    which said something like As you have failed to take action from our previous letter blah blah , all of some of the actions will now be taken against you


    1. attachment of earnings.

    2.benfits reduction

    3.warrent for arrest.

    4 .baliffs order for seizure of goods.


    I rang the court up and they told me what it was for and that they will sent a form in post 1st class. This was the mc100 and it came a week later(19-9-15 ) not next day as they said it would . ....

  4. ok - But fees have already been added to orignal fine of 85.00 pounds and the total fine now stands at 455.00.

    I missed the court summons (as notice went to another address) but have been sent a mc100 to fill in .


    Does this mean i will have to attend court depsite failing the first one and prove the amounts on the mc100 , or just agree to pay the fine

  5. hi


    well the debt /fine was for urinating in the street (stupid i know )on a night out a few months ago.The court letter was sent to wrong address so i missed the summons to court .next thing a few months later a letter from court arrived for the amount of 455.00.(arrrrhhhhh).


    I wound 'nt of though fags was a necessary expense (a luxury)but clothes are ..

    I will lower booze amount then to say 180 ,increase food amount and up fags to 60.


    in addition to the form ,should i just make a note advising that iam willing to follow a plan of 70 a month.

  6. hi

    well iam paid monthly and so put aside a monthly amount for clothes and drinking each month.


    a night out is normally 40.00 and go out twice a week maybe every week

    so thats 80*3 weeks=240.last week stay ij



    shoes ,or boots about 30 , coat 30 ,jeans 15 -and a few tops either shirts or t shirts with the rest.

    i ve seen that when completing a I/E for creditors the amount for clothes is 30 ish as is for telephone and internet .

    But 30 on clothes a month dont really get much nowadays


  7. hi

    i have received a mc100 form calling for details of income and expenditure .

    have filled out most of the form giving items such as telephone ,internet at 35 , rent at 300 travel 70,dmp at 150 . smoking at 40 . and drinking at 240 which i thin maybe a little too high.


    if my disposbale income is higher than what i want to pay would i have to pay this or can i suggest which is suitable a month to pay .


    any help welcomed






  8. hi

    i already have the statments from when they started adding it from 2004 .

    however, although i didnt ask or agree to it , i did claim on it a year later when i became unemployed.

    NOT sure if thats make a differnace as should still have a 1000 pounds worthin charges .


    i have looked on here for a suitable letter to send back to them but cant find one suitable .

  9. hi . i have made a cliam for ppi using the questionaire from FOS .

    I received a letter back from capital within two weeks -(bit quick) saying they have investigated my complaint and that

    this is there final response ..they have said i agreed to ppi over a telephone call -which i dont remmeber

    .they also send me the appt form with ppi box cleared ticked as NO..


    What do i now .

    Send a letter

    take it to FOS

    OR file at court .

  10. i recently received a letter from 1st advising me of a statutory demand .

    i sent letter of for a cca which is going to be sent from thier client .(marbles)


    they seem to think that iam the property owner but iam not .

    from what i ve read on this site ,they may be bluffing and are trying scare tactics .


    should i wait for cca and complete the required 6.5 6.4 forms just ignore their soilictors letter which is 1st credit .

  11. hi there

    i have read the threads regarding 1 st credit not sure how to deal with this. havej ust been served a sd on 28-6 2008

    so have until 16.to file the forms 6.5 6.4 .it doesnt say which court they use . the debt came froom a credit card which i have agreed with others to pay a reduced amount each month.can i argue that bankcruptcy will mean no one gets payed .



    hellp going mad

  12. yes press on the third letter u will get will be full offer of ur prem letter not sure about interest though as i didnt claim that ...i would ring them and say not accepting but prepared to settle out of court ..


    ;) talk to james bell hes a really guy and will sort it out for all

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